Yellow Bullet AMP


Yellow Bullet AMP is a unique fat burning, mood enhancing and energy boosting supplement that claims to produce significant weight loss results. Have you tried this diet pill before?

There are thousands of slimming products in the market that offers fat burning benefits. However, there are only a handful of supplements that can truly give results.

Yellow Bullet AMP diet pill offers a variety of benefits that you will surely love especially if you are vividly looking for a weight loss supplement. Though an enticing product, can this fat burning product truly give you the results you wanted?

Read on and learn how Yellow Bullet AMP works for weight loss.

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What is Yellow Bullet AMP?

Yellow Bullet AMP is one of the bestselling product of HardRock Supplements, maker of energy, fitness and weight loss products. This brand is an ephedra-free, fat loss formula that is designed for active men and women.

This diet pill contains AMP citrate, which is the reason why it is called Yellow Bullet “AMP“. The AMP also makes the difference from its original brand Yellow Bullet. Overall, this brand is composed of potent stimulants, thermogenics and mood enhancing ingredients that will help kick start your weight loss.

Some of the slimming claims of this brand includes:

[list icon=”icon: arrow-right” icon_color=”#1198de”]

  • Energy boost
  • Metabolism enhancing properties
  • Enhances mood and mental focus
  • Helps burn fat
  • Reduces appetite


Ingredients of Yellow Bullet AMP

As mentioned above, Yellow Bullet AMP contains powerful and potent ingredients that are all known weight loss agents. Each servings (2 capsules per day) contains 300mg of caffeine anhydrous and 870mg of its own Zen-Ergy Blend.

The Zen-Ergy Blend is composed of 4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate (450mg), phenylethylamine HCL, picamilon, methyl synephrine, adenosine monophosphate HCL, alpha yohimbe, hordenine HCL, dendrobium HPLC and hyperzine A.

yellow bullet amp ingredients

How does Yellow Bullet AMP Work?

There are little information about Yellow Bullet AMP’s ingredients online, and all online supplement stores that retail this brand shows the same information. So to give you a more detailed insight about this diet pill, I will discuss to you how Yellow Bullet AMP’s formula really works for weight loss.

4-Amino-2-Methylpentane Citrate

4-Amino-2-Methylpentane citrate is just one of the many names of the same compound (AMP Citrate is one of them) that is now widely used in most dietary supplements due to its similar weight loss potency to DMAA. As you know, DMAA is a banned substance due to its side effects.

AMP Citrate is a strong stimulant which increases energy, mental focus and metabolism. But since it has similar structure with DMAA and amphetamines, you can expect similar side effects as well. However, further research is still needed if AMP Citrate is truly harmful to health.

Source: AMP Citrate – Natural Micron

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine anhydrous is another powerful and extremely popular stimulant that is often found in coffee and various beverages. Caffeine is clinically proven effective in increasing your energy and metabolic levels.

Some reports such as written in this article, indicates that caffeine can also increase exercise endurance which can help you to last longer during exercise.

Alpha Yohimbe

Alpha Yohimbe or simply known as yohimbine, is a known compound in the fitness world due to its performance-enhancing properties as well as its claimed weight loss benefits.

Aside from these claims, yohimbine is also used for many health conditions such as high blood pressure, chest pain, diabetic nerve pain, depression and many others. Though extremely beneficial compound, there are not enough studies to prove these claims. Plus, yohimbine is associated with jittery side effects that are similar to stimulants.

Source: Yohimbe – WebMD

Phenylethylamine HCL

Phenylethylamine HCL or simply known as PEA, is a neuromodulator and a natural monoamine alkaloid. Its main function is norepinephrine and dopamine transmission and is sourced primarily from chocolates.

Several articles about this compound suggest that it has potent mood enhancing and weight loss benefits. However, further studies are still needed until this compound can be fully considered as a weight loss agent.

All other ingredients in Yellow Bullet AMP are all natural and known weight loss agents. The previewed ingredients above are the pill’s main formula.

yellow bullet amp banner

Is Yellow Bullet AMP Safe?

Since this brand is a fat burner and energy booster, there are no ways that it can be a side effects-free product due to its caffeine content. Stimulants are key ingredients in a thermogenic supplement, which cannot be called as fat burners without stimulants.

With that said, some of the possible side effects that you may encounter with Yellow Bullet AMP includes headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, diarrhea, shortness of breath, nausea, jitters and many others.

Fortunately, Yellow Bullet AMP does have limited reviews online. This makes this brand to have no known side effects as of this writing. But as I have said, this brand can give you health inconvenience especially if you are highly allergic to caffeine.

Is Yellow Bullet AMP Suitable for You?

Yellow Bullet AMP is designed for individuals who are physically active such as athletes, sports and fitness enthusiasts. With its strong and powerful formula, this is not ideal for people who are dependent on dietary supplements alone. So if you only desire to lose a few pounds without exerting any physical efforts, then Yellow Bullet AMP is not for you.

Yellow Bullet AMP is also not ideal for people who are allergic to caffeine. If you want to take this pill, you should stop taking caffeine-rich products such as coffee and colas, together with Yellow Bullet AMP supplementation. It is much better for you if you consult your doctor first before you take Yellow Bullet AMP.

Recommended Use

The suggested dose is 1 to 2 capsules a day, with meals. You should not exceed this dosage unless approved by your physician or healthcare provider.

Yellow Bullet AMP Review Summary

Yellow Bullet AMP is a very strong fat burner and energy booster. Can it help you lose weight? Of course it can!

However, Yellow Bullet AMP can also trigger unwanted side effects especially if you are highly allergic to stimulants. If you are unsure if this diet pill brand is ideal for you or not, consult your physician and ask for medical assistance.

Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1198de”]

  • Powerful energy booster
  • Enhances your mood and mental focus
  • Increases metabolism and burns fat
  • Ideal for physically active individuals
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Buy Yellow Bullet AMP?

Yellow Bullet AMP is widely available at any local fitness store outlets near you. You can also purchase this diet pill online through various supplement retailers.

To purchase Yellow Bullet AMP, please visit one of its primary online distributors below – i-Supplements.

Purchase Yellow Bullet AMP here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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