White Mulberry Leaf

Sugar blocker and fat burner formula.


After my previous post about Yacon Root Pure, another interesting herbal product is slowly getting popular in the weight loss industry – the white mulberry. Today’s featured diet pill is based on this herb called White Mulberry Leaf weight loss supplement.

This product is based on an advanced research conducted by dozens of studies that provides beneficial proof of white mulberry leaf to humans. The most interesting health feature of this herb is its ability to reduce the impact of sugar and carbohydrates in your diet, leading to a natural weight loss effect.

Read on and learn what is White Mulberry Leaf and how it can truly help you lose weight.

What is White Mulberry Leaf?

White Mulberry Leaf is a dietary supplement and the first white mulberry brand that came out of Evolution Slimming brand. As aforementioned earlier, white mulberry is a clinically proven herb that is beneficial for overall health, especially to sugar management and weight loss.

So what is white mulberry? White mulberry is a type of leaf that originated in China and was introduced in the United States in colonial times. This leaf herb has dozens of names that include Chinese white mulberry, chi sang, common mulberry, Egyptian Mulberry, mon tea and many others.

The leaves are commonly used for medicinal purposes while the fruit can be used for food. Some of its known health benefits includes the following:

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  • Diabetes treatment support
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Treats common cold
  • Muscle and joint pain relief
  • Helps treat constipation
  • Helps treat hair loss and premature graying of hair
  • Effective for weight loss



White Mulberry Leaf extracts

Image from: davesgarden.com


But the most significant health property of this herb is its positive reactions to type 2 diabetes. Experts say that there are potent chemicals in white mulberry that works similarly to some medicines used for this disease. It works by reducing the breakdown process of sugars in the gut, which results to slow absorption into the blood. This will help the body to maintain a healthy blood sugar levels.

The same concept is used by Evolution Slimming as they produced a white mulberry leaf extract supplement called White Mulberry Leaf, which is probably the first in the industry of weight loss.

The weight loss benefit of white mulberry leaf are captured in capsule form to produce an effective method of blocking sugar, which also results to safe and natural weight loss. This is truly a new way of losing weight which revolutionize the health industry.

Weight Loss Benefits of White Mulberry Leaf

Evolution Slimming, one of the most dependable and trusted company in the weight loss market, is proud and confident that White Mulberry Leaf is a fantastic and effective support to any types of weight loss regimen.

Some of its claim includes the following benefits:

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  • It effectively regulates your blood sugar levels which prevents cravings and low blood sugar
  • Helps reduce the impact of sugar and carbs in your diet naturally
  • Much more potent if used alongside a proven fat burner such as Hiprolean X-S


White Mulberry Leaf helps decrease and blocks the metabolism of sugars, disposing them as body waste which helps reduce weight gain that is associated with sugar.

Since this White Mulberry Leaf reacts perfectly with sugars, this supplement is ideal when used before meals to exploit its appetite suppressing benefits which further improves your chances of weight loss. White Mulberry Leaf will help you eat less and become fuller, quicker and for longer duration of time.

Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is essential for preventing sugar crash and sweet cravings that is often felt after a carb heavy meal. In short, White Mulberry Leaf can help you to avoid sugary foods such as desserts, giving you more willpower and motivational support with your dieting program.

White Mulberry Leaf ingredients includes pure white mulberry extracts which is standarddized to 1% alkaloids (1-deoxynojirimycin), 15% flavonoids (quercetine and isoquercetin) and capsule shell (vegetable cellulose).

Directions for Use

Evolution Slimming recommends that you take one capsule 10-30 minutes before each meal, up to two times daily. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. One bottle is good for a one month supply.

As mentioned earlier, this supplement works much effectively if combined with a known and proven fat burner diet pills.

White Mulberry Leaf Review Summary

White Mulberry Leaf is a new herbal remedy for weight loss but is already a known asset in the blood sugar reduction market. Evolution Slimming utilizes its health properties to help trigger its weight loss capacities through sugar blocking processes.

Since this is a new product, I found no testimonials for this brand as of this writing. Based on its ingredients and company profile (Evolution Slimming, a known entity in the weight loss industry), White Mulberry Leaf doesn’t have chemicals or compounds that can trigger side effects (stimulants, caffeine, etc.), which makes this product to pass our safety standards.

However, you have to conjunct a reliable fat burning supplement with White Mulberry Leaf to be able to get significant weight loss results. If you happen to experience the power of this supplement, I am encouraging you to share your experience below to help others learn the effectiveness of this diet pill.

I am rating this brand as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:

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  • Potent health benefits
  • Sugar blocking properties that produces weight loss
  • Safe ingredients, absolutely no stimulants
  • Money-back guarantee


Where to Buy White Mulberry Leaf?

White Mulberry Leaf is neither available at any local pharmaceutical stores nor at any known online health retailers. It can only be purchased directly from Evolution Slimming official website.

To purchase White Mulberry Leaf, you can visit its official sales page through the link below.

Purchase White Mulberry Leaf here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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White Mulberry Leaf
White Mulberry Leaf
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