
Complete multivitamin and weight loss formula.


Want a superfood multivitamin supplement that can also help you lose weight? If yes, then VF-360 Defense System is the perfect product for your health.

Yes, unlike other brands that only promotes weight loss such as HyperGH, Meal Replacement Sports Bundle or Fat Burner Plus, VF-360 offer dozens of health benefits for you.

So the question, can this supplement deliver results? Can it help you lose weight and at the same time, help improve your overall health?

Read on to learn more.

What is VF-360 Defense System?

VF-360 is a product of a US-based company called Vivia Formula LLC. Some of the health benefit claims of this brand include:

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  • Defend your body from free radicals
  • Enhance your vitality
  • Boost your energy levels and fight fatigue
  • Accelerate your metabolism
  • Improve your skin, hair and nails
  • Delays aging process


Basically, VF-360 is a multi-vitamin supplement with anti-aging and weight loss side benefits. These claims are possible due to its 100% natural formula (featured below).

As you know, improving your overall health is followed by weight loss which is a natural process of the body.

Since this supplement gives you vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and potent herb agents, VF-360 definitely has the right formula to keep your body in tip top shape.

The ingredients are also designed to ensure optimal absorption in your body, providing three different bottles with balanced formulas – morning, noon and night package.

This is the reason why VF-360 is marketed as a “Defense System” as it gives you a 360 degrees of defense throughout the day.

And unlike other weight loss bundle that are expensive such as IdealShape, NRGFuel or LiveIt Lit Kit, VF-360 only costs $39.95 per package.

The official website of Vivia Formula didn’t mention if they offer money back guarantee. However, they do offer a return policy. This means that you can still ask for refund for unopened bottles.

VF-360 Ingredients

Morning formula has amino acids lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, valine, leucine, isoleucine, alanine, phenelalanine, serine, valine, glycine, tyrosine, taurine, methionine, cysteine, proline, ornithine, glutamic acid, threonine and histidine.

This package also has vitamins C, D3, thiamine, B2, B6, B12 and niacin. Minerals include zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, potassium, chromium, boron and biotin.

Morning formula also has inositol, choline bitartrate, lutein and vanadium.

Noon formula has turmeric root, ginger root, acai berry, blueberry, goji berry, bilberry fruit, barberry root, maitake mushroom, shitake mushroom, reishi mushroom and cordyceps mushroom.

Other ingredients include rosemary leaf, raspberry ketone, lemongrass, peppermint, trametes versicolor, saw palmetto, oregano, cassia bark, red wine, black pepper, alpha carotene, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin.

Night formula has spirulina, chlorella, green tea, chamomile, milk thistle, dandelion root, pomegranate, barley grass, apple pectin, sage leaf, lemon verbena, and parsley leaf.

Other ingredients include resveratrol, hesperidin, rutin, grape seed, ALA, quercetin, bromelain, L-Cysteine, cystein, glutathione and pine bark extract.

VF-360 ingredients

VF-360 Defense System Features

I will give my take first on how this supplements will help you lose weight.

The most obvious reason why VF-360 can also help you lose weight is its amino acid content. The morning and night package has amino acids that can jump start your body’s weight loss.

Amino acids are building blocks of protein which are very essential to various systems in our body.

In weight loss, amino acids can help regulate muscle function and growth, enhances focus and alertness, boosts energy and metabolism while elevating your athletic performance – LiveStrong.com.

The night package is the most interesting one of the three formulas because it has some of the best known slimming agents in the market today.

This include saw palmetto, acai berry, lemongrass, goji berry, raspberry ketone, peppermint and ginger root.

These ingredients are commonly found in most diet pills in the market as either appetite suppressants or fat burners.

Raspberry ketone for example is a popular slimming agent that is known to help prevent fat from getting stored in the body. Acai berry is another fruit agent that has fat burning properties.

With regards to antioxidants, VF-360 is a complete package that will completely defend your body from free radical attacks throughout the day.

These ingredients with high antioxidants are berry fruits, selenium, vitamins C and E, resveratrol, barley grass, green tea, molybdenum, lutein, spirulina, lycopene, grape seed extract and many others.

VF-360 is also packed with fiber-rich agents that will help improve your digestive system. As you know, a healthy digestive tract leads to healthy and natural weight loss.

Ingredients such as niacin, chromium and cinnamon bark (cassia bark) are all known to help regulate glucose levels, which helps prevent the onset of diabetes while they also help to suppress sugar cravings.

VF-360 is also beneficial for heart, kidney, liver, skin, hair and nail health.

Click here to learn more about VF-360’s ingredients.

Is VF-360 Safe?

We found no side effect reports for this brand online. This is probably because of its 100% natural formula.

But to make sure that you’ll get safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take this brand.

VF-360 Review Summary

As you can see from the ingredients above, VF-360 is well-equipped with known, safe and clinically proven slimming and health agents that will truly improve your overall health.

Taking this brand is also very practical as it is not expensive, provide multiple benefits while supporting key areas of weight loss.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • 100% Natural formula
  • Potent antioxidants, vitamins and amino acid formula
  • Supports key areas of weight loss
  • Improves various areas of your health
  • Some good reviews online
  • No known side effects
  • Moderately priced
  • Return policy


Where to Purchase VF-360?

VF-360 is available online and you may buy one directly from its official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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