Ultimate Slim Complete

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want to have a complete weight loss supplement? If you are looking for the most potent weight loss formula, then Ultimate Slim Complete is one of the best supplement that you can find online.

With cases of obesity and other weight issues continues to increase, the demand for immediate weight loss solution is high not only in the United States, but in the whole world.

There are more factors why people get too much weight and one of the primary culprit is too much eating and less physical activities. If this sounds like you, then do you think that it is time to change your lifestyle approach and follow a healthy lifestyle?

So can Ultimate Slim Complete be your most ideal weight loss support aid? Lets find out.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

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Review Update:

This brand is now removed from Great American Health product list. It still can be purchased at selected online supplement retailers that are accredited by the said company. However, you won’t find this product on its official website.[/note]

What is Ultimate Slim Complete?

Ultimate Slim Complete is owned and distributed by Great American Health, a local US pharmaceutical company that is founded by Stephan Karian. Today, Great American Health has wide range of supplements to offer such as prostate supplements, sexual drive booster, Ultimate HGH, weight loss, arthritis supplements and many others.

This dietary supplement is one of the primary weight loss product of Great American Health and it is packed with an impressive formula. Headed by green coffee bean’s chlorogenic acid compound, Ultimate Slim Complete will not be named “complete” if it does not offer a complete blend for weight loss.

Great American Health guarantees that you will achieve great results with Ultimate Slim Complete. Below are some of the claimed benefits of this diet pill:

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  • Boosts energy and metabolic levels
  • Burns fat and calories fast
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Improves focus and physical performance
  • Provides powerful antioxidants


The main difference of Ultimate Slim Complete from other diet pill brands is not its chlorogenic acid content (which is standardized at 45%), but it also boost of 5-CQA to total CGA ratio between 0.2-0.3. This small difference makes a big difference on your body’s overall reaction to chlorogenic acid.

Ultimate Slim Complete efficacy thrives on this formula including its other weight loss ingredients.

Ultimate Slim Complete Ingredients

As mentioned above, Ultimate Slim Complete’s main ingredients is coffee bean extract. However, you will be surprised what its whole proprietary blend is made of.

The proprietary formula of Ultimate Slim Complete includes 200mcg of chromium, decaffeinated green coffee bean extract (50% polyphenols, 45% chlorogenic acid, 10% 5-caffeoylquinic acid), green tea leaf extract (90mg of EGCG), caffeine, raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia (50% hydroxycitric acid), evodiamine, 5-hydroxytryptophan and bioperine.

The inactive ingredients of this brand includes Di-calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silica and film coat.

Ultimate Slim Complete Ingredients

How does Ultimate Slim Complete Work?

The official website of Ultimate Slim Complete provides several clinical studies on how its main ingredients work for weight loss.

For example, green coffee bean’s chlorogenic acid is comprised mainly of three components – 3-caffeoylquinic acid, 4-caffeoylquinic acid, and 5-caffeoylquinic acid. Most chlorogenic acid have high 5-cafeoylquinic to chlorogenicacids ration between 0.45 and 0.90.

If this is the case, the green coffee bean extract will be less likely to support glucose levels as part of your diet, which gives less slimming effect. Ultimate Slim Complete is formulated to the standard chlorogenic acid ratio of 0.2-0.3, which gives a big difference in weight loss effects and this information is often concealed in most green coffee bean supplements.

Several studies for green coffee bean have also been shown to be more effective than placebo. Overall, green coffee bean is clinically proven effective in promoting better weight management as it effectively supports healthy release of glucose from meals into the bloodstream.

ultimate slim complete placebo

Aside from that, Ultimate Slim Complete contains powerful and known fruit and herbal extracts that are widely used in the industry of weight loss. This includes garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones, two of the most popular weight loss agent today. Plus, it contains caffeine that will help boost your metabolic and energy levels.

Ultimate Slim Complete is also packed with polyphenols and EGCG from green tea extracts. These are antioxidants that can help protect your body from free radical damage. This results to slow aging, healthy skin and strengthened immune system.

Is Ultimate Slim Complete Safe?

Generally, Ultimate Slim Complete is a safe supplement as its main ingredient – green coffee bean extract, is decaffeinated.

Though its has a separate caffeine content including stimulants from its other ingredients, this brand is entirely focused on its green coffee bean formula, not on its supporting compounds. This means that Ultimate Slim Complete has less caffeine which is not significant enough to trigger jittery side effects.

As of this writing, different customer testimonials have shown that Ultimate Slim Complete has no known side effects. The quality of Great American Health products are also commendable as all products are manufactured in an FDA-inspected facility and follows the GMP standards.

But since it has caffeine, this brand is still not completely side effects-free. Talk to your doctor for medical advise if you want to ensure that caffeine-rich products are suitable for your health.

Can Ultimate Slim Complete Work for You?

Ultimate Slim Complete is packed with clinically proven ingredients that will truly provide satisfying weight loss effects. The green coffee bean formula is beyond advanced compared to other green coffee bean-based dietary supplements in the market.

Plus, Ultimate Slim Complete has an impressive ingredient supporting cast that includes chromium, raspberry ketone, green tea, garcinia cambogia, bioperine, 5-HTP and caffeine anhydrous. With Ultimate Slim Complete, you have a great supplement that you can depend on.

ultimate slim complete banner

Ultimate Slim Complete Review Summary

Ultimate Slim Complete is one of the few diet pills that were highly rated in this site. This is because of its impressive formula and reputable standing in the weight loss market.

This brand will less likely give you any jittery side effects, even though it contains small amounts of caffeine. Its main formula is focused on its chlorogenic acid content, not on stimulants. This makes Ultimate Slim Complete a safe product for your weight loss endeavors.

I rate this diet pill as “highly recommended” due to the following reasons:

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  • Impressive weight loss formula
  • Increases your energy and metabolic levels
  • Burns fat and calories
  • Suppresses appetite
  • No known side effects
  • Money-back guarantee


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Review Update:

This brand is now removed from Great American Health product list. It still can be purchased at selected online supplement retailers that are accredited by the said company. However, you won’t find this product on its official website.[/note]

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – Garcinia Ultra Pure” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

garcinia ultra pureGarcinia Ultra Pure is one of the bestselling herbal slimming supplement in the market for years. Known for its fat blocking and burning properties, this supplement can truly support key areas of your weight loss program.

With garcinia as one of the most widely used agent in the industry, this brand garnered thousands of success stories online, trusted by both athletes and dieters, and has been around in the market for years.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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  1. Four days ago i started talking ultimate pills, but ever since in those days,i dnt get sleep.
    Please help me and reply what problem could be.

    • This brand contains a lot of stimulants which causes restlessness, insomnia and other side effects. If you are bothered by these side effects, then you are probably allergic to caffeine.

      I suggest that you stop taking this brand and talk to your doctor about it.


  2. So are ultimate slimming tabs any good ? X

    • No, this diet pill is not recommendable. Which is also the reason why its own manufacturer removed it from their product list.

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