Tribulus 1800MG


Tribulus 1800MG is a product that will help support your overall workout program. If you easily get fatigued during an intense exercise, then you might need an energy boosting agent such as tribulus extract.

If you are a newbie to the bodybuilding world, steroids aren’t the only dependable way to fasten your success with regards to muscle gains, energy and many others. Plus, steroids comes with lots of horrible side effects.

Tribulus terrestris is one of the most widely used extract that is considered as a steroid-alternative for muscle building. The question is, can Tribulus 1800MG help you to achieve success?

Read on and learn if Tribulus 1800MG can help your overall fitness program.

[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Tribulus 1800MG?

Tribulus 1800MG (Body Fuel brand) is a quality product of Advanced Health and is exclusively distributed by Bauer Nutrition.

As aforementioned above, this supplement is all about tribulus terrestris, a herbal extract that is believed to have chemicals that can help boost your testosterone production. So in short, Tribulus 1800MG is a testosterone booster.

Some of the claimed benefits of Tribulus 1800MG include the following:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a5ed”]

  • Effectively increases your testosterone levels
  • Provides natural amino acids
  • Enhanced brain function
  • Elevates your energy levels
  • Promotes fat breakdown


What is Tribulus Terrestris?

Tribulus terrestris is a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that is covered with spines. It is commonly used as a medicinal ingredient for various health conditions such as sexual disorders, diuretic, heart and circulatory function and memory enhancing properties.

This extract became famous because of its ability to improve physical performance, and acts as an aphrodisiac. Most experts believes that terrestris can boost men’s testosterone production, which is essential for growth and overall health, including of course with regards to muscle building.

Terrestris is also believed to be an energy boosting agent, with the ability to enhance focus, mood and memory functions. Since it promotes proper circulation, terrrestris is a perfect support for the heart and even for sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

However, there are limited studies that can support this claim. According to NCBI, tribulus terrestris is effective in boosting testosterone production in animals. However, tribulus can only be effective in humans if combined with other supplement administration.

The study said that the efficacy of tribulus depends on the dose and many other factors. Lets see if Tribulus 1800MG has enough dose to give you significant positive effects.

Tribulus 1800MG Ingredients

As it name suggest, Tribulus 1800MG is composed of 100% pure and natural tribulus terrestris extract. It is dosed at 1800mg per serving, which is considered one of the strongest formula in the market today.

Its inactive ingredients include brown rice flour and gelatine shell.

So How does Tribulus 1800MG Work?

Advanced Health claims that Tribulus 1800MG is designed for individuals who are serious about increasing their muscle size, strength and endurance. This means that it will give you stamina boost whenever you train longer and harder. One of the reason why is tribulus’ ability to increase your testosterone production.

The company said that Tribulus 1800MG can also aid in fat breakdown (again due to testosterone production). Elevated testosterone level will help regulate glucose and fat metabolism, which leads to your body breaking down more fat.

Testosterone production boost is also the key for having anabolic effects. Optimum testosterone levels can build you muscles much faster and easier.

So Can Tribulus 1800MG Deliver Results?

It depends! There are two things that hinders me from giving this supplement a higher rating. One, Tribulus 1800MG contains a very potent dose of tribulus, which is good. But two, tribulus is not fully studied to provide positive results, and thus it still needs support from other supplements.

First off, most tribulus terrestris-based supplements in the market are way less potent than Tribulus 1800MG. This means that Tribulus 1800MG might provide some measures of anabolic effects which was suggested from the NCBI report.

However, the report also said that tribulus terrestris’ physiological effects are not caused by testosterone level increase, but rather the nitric oxide release capabilities of tribulus.

Though still a positive characteristic of tribulus, most people thought that this extract is indeed a testosterone boosting agent.

It is also important that you combine other anabolic supplements with Tribulus 1800MG, as suggested by the NCBI report.

Overall, this supplement can work if you follow this recommendation.

Is it Safe?

Tribulus 1800MG is likely safe for most athletes and workout enthusiasts. With its potent dose, it is important that you take this supplement in a short period of time, preferably a month (a bottle lasts for 30 days).

Why? Because prolonged used of tribulus terrestris is not good for your health. According to WebMD, prolonged use of tribulus terrestris is linked to prostate problems, though there are not enough evidence to support this claim.

Reported side effects include trouble sleeping and irregular periods in women. If you are pregnant, you should not take tribulus terrestris as it can inflict problems in fetal development.

WebMD said that tribulus gives no significant interactions with foods and other herbal extracts or supplements. This perfectly jive with the NCBI report that tribulus should be complimented with other supplements.

You have to consult your doctor first before you take Tribulus 1800MG.

Suggested Use

Take 2 capsules of Tribulus 1800MG with food in the morning and one before bedtime. There are no additional instructions from Bauer Nutrition website.

Do not exceed this dose.

Tribulus 1800MG Review Summary

Tribulus 1800MG features an impressive formula that is incomparable with other brands online. The potency of 1800mg I think is enough to give you anabolic effects.

However, you also have to consider the facts that I stated above. You should not take this brand longer than 1 month and combining with other supplements is highly advisable. I recommend that you take Body Fuel Ecdysterone (a sister product of Bauer Nutrition) with Tribulus 1800MG.

I rate this supplement as “AVERAGE” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a5ed”]

  • 100% natural tribulus extract
  • Can provide some measures of anabolic effects
  • Supports fat breakdown and other health benefits
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed1f19″]

  • Side effects are possible
  • You have to take other supplements to compliment Tribulus 1800MG
  • There are doubts about tribulus’ testosterone boosting properties
  • Limited reviews


Where to Purchase Tribulus 1800MG?

Tribulus 1800MG is not yet available at any local supplement stores near you. This brand can only be purchased online through Bauer Nutrition official website.

To buy Tribulus 1800MG, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase Tribulus 1800MG here

[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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