If you are taking dietary supplements for a while now and use them to primarily help you lose weight, you probably have taken an ingredient called theobromine.
This compound is more known as cocoa, a plant from which chocolates are made. But can this compound truly trigger significant weight loss?
Read this short article and learn the three major reasons why theobromine is one of your best options if you want to effectively and quickly lose weight.
What is Theobromine?
We recently published a infographic identifying some of the most popular slimming agents in the market today, whether they are effective, slightly effective and ineffective.
And we said that theobromine is an effective slimming ingredient. You can find the infographic here.
So before we discuss how effective theobromine is for weight loss, we need to know first what theobromine is.
First off, theobromine is a bitter alkaloid that works like caffeine due to their similar chemical structures. Made from the seed of theobroma cacao, this compound can be produced in the laboratory.
Known as cocoa, this compound is found in most chocolate products which may undermine your fat burning program.
Theobromine is a mood-elevating compound due to its mild stimulating properties. It is used to help relax muscle and veins, and also an artery dilator for people with high blood pressure.
Cocoa has several chemicals, most are antioxidants called flavonoids. So this compound can help strengthen your immune system against disease-causing free radicals.
This compound also has methylxantines, which experts believe to be the key players of cocoa’s beneficial effects.
What are the Side-Benefits of Theobromine?
People use cocoa as medicine for several health condition such as asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, liver, bladder and kidney ailments, high cholesterol and hypertension.
Cocoa is also used to help treat wrinkels, stretch marks, infectious intestinal diseases such as diarrhea and constipation, cancers, chronic fatigue, lung congestion and heart diseases.
Theobromine also helps elevate mental function, memory, focus, alertness, help treat Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Lastly, this compound is highly reputable as a weight loss agent. How does it help you lose weight? Read on.

How does Theobromine Help You Lose Weight?
So we know that theobromine has similar qualities with caffeine, which makes it a plausible slimming agent. We also learned that cocoa has antioxidants and methyxanthines which are both beneficial.
How does this compound trigger weight loss? Here are the three major reasons why theobromine should be your next weight loss agent.
A Mild Stimulant
It is true that cocoa has many similarities with caffeine, which also makes the compound a very powerful metabolism and energy booster.
But theobromine isn’t as powerful as caffeine when it comes to stimulating effects. However, cocoa retains its capacity to trigger significant slimming effects even though it is just a mild stimulant.
Being a mild stimulant means that theobromine won’t produce any withdrawal symptoms of caffeine, which is good.
Theobromine has been known to help increase metabolism, burn fat and boost energy levels. All of which are key areas of weight loss that you truly need.
Insulin Sensitivity Activation
Experts have shown that theobromine has some weight-related effects in people with insulin-resistance issues.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study involving overweight subjects taking dark chocolate with high theobromine content for 15 days.
The study showed significant insulin sensitivity improvement, which is highly important if you want to control your weight.
Flavonoids Prevents Weight Gain
We all know that flavonoids (antioxidants) are highly beneficial for our overall health. But did you know that it can help you lose weight and even prevent weight gain?
Experts call flavonoids as the secret to weight loss. These compounds are naturally found in most foods such as bananas, strawberries, grapes, pears, green tea, red wine, celery, onions and others.
And don’t worry, chocolates do have a bunch of flavonoids to offer you.
Flavonoids helps increase energy expenditure, decrease fat absorption and work as anti-inflammatories and antioxidative qualities as well.
These compounds are also beneficial for cardiovascular health and diabetes.

Convinced about theobromine’s slimming capabilities? If yes, then you are in for a treat as most weight loss supplements in the market do have cocoa such as Nuked, Far Beyond Driven and BE SLIM.
Cocoa isn’t just for weight loss as it can help boost immunity, good for the heart, help reverse diabetes and many others.
If you want to know if this compound is safe for you, we suggest that you talk to your doctor first before you take any supplements that has theobromine.
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