Whether you want to enhance your sexual appetite or increase your body strength and muscles, testosterone is one of the your best option. However, testosterone steroids are not ideal for all men who want to improve their physique and overall performance.
With that in mind, can the alternative Testo-Max give you the results you really wanted for your fitness program? Read on to find out more.
What is Testosterone Max?
Testo-Max (previously known as Testosterone Max) is a quality product of Crazy Bulk, maker of top-notch sports nutrition supplements such as Avarol, Trenorol, Decaduro, Anadrol and many others.
This supplement is designed to give men rampant power and monster muscle gains. If this is what you want, then you are likely reading the right supplement for your fitness program.
Some of the claimed benefits of Testo-Max include:
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- Extreme muscle gains
- Maximum strength and stamina
- Faster recovery and decreases stress
- Increases nitrogen retention and blood flow
- Reduces body fat with lean muscle
- Boost your libido and enhance your sexual performance
- Perfect for cutting and bulking cycles
Testosterone Overview
Testosterone is a natural occurring sex hormone (known also as androgens) coming from the testicles of men, though there are small fraction of testosterone hormones that are being produce by females’ ovaries and adrenal system.
Testosterone supplementation are commonly done through injectable and oral forms to help treat hormone deficiency such as delayed puberty, impotence and other hormonal imbalances in men. But today’s synthetically produced testosterone are widely used in bodybuilding and athletics to improve physique and performance.
While there are different types of testosterone that you can use, basically these products are all the same but the injectable form is the most effective.
Though it has tremendous anabolic effects, testosterone can also trigger side effects such as gynecomastia (commonly called as “Bitch Tits” or “Man Boobs”), acne or other skin problems, sudden increase in blood pressure and cholesterol, water retention, sexual disorders, high calcium in the blood, nausea, vomiting, liver toxicity and many others.
In women, testosterone can cause headache, anxiety, breast swelling, reduced sexual appetite and many others. [Read: Testosterone – Drugs.com]
Testo-Max is not synthetically produced but made from natural compounds that will never cause any unwanted side effects. Below are its supplement facts.
Testo-Max Ingredients
Unlike conventional steroidal drugs that are risky due to its side effects, Testo-Max is way different formula that features similar anabolic effects without the risk of harming your health.
The proprietary blend of Testo-Max include tribulus terrestris, d-aspartic acid, fenugreek, ginseng extract, zinc gluconate, vitamin B2, B6, B5, D3 and selenium.
Its inactive ingredients are gelatin shell capsule and magnesium stearate. Each bottle contains 90 capsules that is good for a month supply.
So How does Testosterone Max Work?
To get a better idea on how this male supplement work, we have to dig deeper into its formula and see if all the aforementioned ingredients are worth trusting for.
First off, this supplement contains 225mg of tribulus terrestris extract. This plant is known to contain a chemical called steroidal saponins, which function is to elevate luteinizing hormone, the one responsible for testosterone production.
This is the reason why tribulus terrestris is considered to be the best possible alternative to steroidal testosterone as it can improve athletic performance, improve circulatory and sexual health, while maximizes your body’s ability to increase muscle size, strength and energy.
Next is D-Aspartic acid. This brand features 1,500mg of D-Aspartic Acid, which is an amino acid regulator of testosterone synthesis and acts on a stimulator receptor. This acid can provide temporary increase in testosterone levels.
According to some clinical research (though results varies), D-Aspartic Acid can help reduce body fat mass, increase lean muscle mass and strength, while it helps improve both male and female sexual functions.
This product also contains ginseng extract (187.5mg per serving) and fenugreek (150mg per serving). Both plant extract are known to help increase physical performance, improve mental alertness, reduce blood pressure and sugar levels and will boost sexual health.
Zinc gluconate is known for its ability to improve memory, reverse sexual dysfunctions, prevents muscle cramp and joint inflammation and many others.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps prevent cancer growth, muscle cramps, stroke, memory loss, reduces blood pressure, and helps improve immune system. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) both helps in improving athletic performance, prevents muscle cramps, muscular dystrophy, depression, cardiovascular disorders, constipation and many others.
Can this Supplement Work for Me?
Testo-Max is not your traditional steroidal testosterone which is synthetically made. As aforementioned above, this supplement is all natural and based from clinically proven ingredients that will help increase your body’s testosterone levels naturally.
With that said, it is a perfect supplement for your bodybuilding program. It will support key areas of your workout that will result to rapid muscle gains and improved sexual health. Testo-Max is most likely effective for healthy individuals like you.
How about Safety?
Testo-Max has no known side effects so far. There are also no complaint reports filed online against this brand.
With 100% natural ingredients, this supplement is unlikely to cause you any unwanted side effects. Still, you are encouraged to consult your physician or your fitness trainer before you use this supplement.
Recommended Use
Take 1 tablet of Testo-Max, two up to three times daily with meals, even on non-workout days. On workout days, take 30 to 45 minutes before working out. Use for at least 2 months for best results.
Workout period is 2 months “on” and 1.5 weeks “off”. Do not exceed 3 tablets per day unless approved by your physician. Testo-Max is not toxic to your liver or kidneys.
Testo-Max Review Summary
Testo-Max is highly anabolic due to its potent formula, but is unlikely to cause any side effects. This is the reason why this brand is one of the best alternative supplements to steroidal drugs.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
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- Powerful anabolic effects
- Faster recovery and prevents nitrogen retention
- Supports body fat reduction
- Enhances sexual health
- Provides other heath benefits
- No known side effects
- Money back guarantee
Where to Purchase Testo-Max?
This brand is marketed exclusively by Crazy Bulk and is not available at any online or local sports nutrition outlets.
You can buy Testo-Max right now by visiting its official sales page below.
Purchase Testosterone Max here