Teadaw Green Tea

Fat burner and metabolism boosting supplement.


Looking for an organic slimming tea that can also give dozens of health benefits? If your answer is yes, then Teadaw Green Tea is one of the best products for you.

Unlike other slimming teas offer similar health benefits such as Kou Tea, 28 Detox Tea or Tazo Zen Tea. But this particular brand offers more for your health.

And it also offer a very convenient and exquisite package, giving you more reason to like this product.

Interested? Read on and learn if Teadaw Green Tea is the most ideal health tea for you.

What is Teadaw Green Tea?

Teadaw Green Tea is a product of Teadaw, a leading online tea provider originating from China. As you know, this country has a long history and a plethora of top-notch teas.

The company offer three types of products – Black, yellow and green teas. This particular review will focus on Teadaw Green Tea Emerald. The other green tea from this company is called Jade Sword.

Basically, you won’t see any specific health claims for this brand from its official website. But since they offer caffeinated teas, we can conclude that this tea can help you:

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  • Burn fat
  • To increase energy and metabolism
  • Enhance mental and physical performance
  • To strengthen your immunity
  • Improve your overall health


And what makes this tea an enticing one is its price – only $19.98 per box (30 teabags). The company doesn’t offer guarantee but they accept returns for all unopened products.

Teadaw Green Tea Ingredients

According to its website, Teadaw Green Tea is 100% organic tea without any additives. It also has natural caffeine, about a quarter of this stimulant in a cup of coffee.

How does Teadaw Green Tea Work?

All teas are beneficial to your health. But green tea stands out as it offer an influx of benefits to tea drinkers. Plus, green tea is the most popular slimming tea in the market.

One of the reason why you should drink green tea is its antioxidant content such as polyphenols and catechins.

These antioxidants can help support weight loss, helps boost your immune system which can help prevent the onset of chronic diseases such as cancers.

The other reason why you need to drink green tea is its caffeine content. Because of caffeine, green tea can help energize your day, enhances your focus and alertness, and elevate your physical performance.

Combination of caffeine and antioxidants is said to be a potent weight loss formula. It can help boost metabolism that will improve your body’s fat burning abilities – LiveStrong.

teadaw green tea emerald

Is Teadaw Green Tea Safe?

Teadaw Green Tea is likely safe to most dieters considering that you are not allergic to caffeine.

Caffeine is an essential and natural agent of any teas and this brand has a potent dose of caffeine.

This stimulant can do wonders for you but it can also trigger mild side effects especially if you allergic to caffeine.

So we encouraged you to consult your doctor first before you take Teadaw Green Tea.

Steeping Directions

Steep one bag of loose green tea in 300ml of 85℃ water for 2 to 3 minutes. Enjoy and repeat.

Teadaw Green Tea Review Summary

Teadaw Green Tea is an organic green tea that is sourced straight from China, giving you authentic, safe and potent green tea leave extract.

This means that you will get fast and potent results with this slimming tea. Other brands contain unknown agents that are not even included in their formula.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • Natural ingredients
  • Potent energy and metabolism booster
  • Enhances your mental functions
  • Improves your athletic performance
  • Good reviews online
  • Affordable
  • Return policy (store dependent)


Where to Buy Teadaw Green Tea?

Teadaw Green Tea can be purchased online directly from their official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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