
Herbal muscle building tea.


Want a herbal tea that won’t fail you on your workout needs? If yes, then Tea-Rex is one of the most ideal tea products for you.

What makes this brand unique and enticing is because it isn’t just for bodybuilding purposes, but it also promotes weight loss and other health benefits.

Plus, this product is highly affordable compared to other slimming teas in the market.

Interested? Read on and learn why Tea-Rex is one of the best tea brands that you can take for your overall fitness program.

What is Tea-Rex?

Tea-Rex is a product of Lyfe Tea, a herbal tea manufacturer based in the United States. They offer different products that are tea based – detox, slimming tea, cleansing tea and many others.

Here are the health benefit claims for this product:

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  • Increases muscle
  • Boosts metabolism and energy levels
  • Optimize your performance
  • Improves stamina and endurance


So as you can see, Tea-Rex can support both weight loss and bodybuilding regimen.

Unlike other tea brands that are only designed to burn fat such as Teadaw, Wings Tea or Tazo Zen, Tea-Rex can be your total workout solution.

One more reason to love this product is its price – only $19.95 per container (approximately 14 servings). Plus, Lyfe Tea also offer returns for a complete refund, just in case it doesn’t deliver results for you.

Tea-Rex Ingredients

The ingredients of this product include moringa, lu cha, kae he and guarana extracts. All of which are herbal agents that promotes metabolism and energy increase.

tea-rex ingredients

Tea-Rex Features

According to its website, this tea is formulated to help increase lean muscle and improve your endurance and stamina of any workout regime.

Tea-Rex can also help boost your metabolism which can help increase your body’s fat burning abilities.

Plus, if you are taking protein powder and other supplements, Tea-Rex can help assist these supplements to better metabolize within your body.

So Tea-Rex can be a safe and effective partner to your favorite dietary supplements or protein powder.

But the question is, can this brand truly deliver results? Lets find out by analyzing each ingredients.


This is a plant known for its high antioxidant content which makes it an ideal health-enhancing agent.

According to WebMD, moringa has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which helps protect cells from damage.

Moringa also helps boost sex drive, physical performance, treats asthma, reduces swelling, increases breast milk production in women, and many others.

Lu Cha

Popularly known as green tea, lu cha is a herb made from camellia sinensis plant.

Like moringa, lu cha is known to have energy and metabolism-increasing power that can help burn fat, and is packed with potent antioxidants known as catechins.

According to WebMD, lu cha can help treat and protect your body from cancers, enhances your mental functions, reduces fatigue, elevates physical performance and many others.


This herb is packed with caffeine, making it an ideal energy booster. This is the reason why this herb is commonly found in nootropic brands and energy-enhancing drinks and supplements.

Guarana is known to help improve mental performance, elevates athletic performance, boosts metabolism that will help improve your body’s ability to burn fat.

tea-rex slimming tea

Is Tea-Rex Safe?

This product has tons of good reviews online, specifically with regards to efficacy and safety. We never spotted a single side effect report online, which is impressive considering that it has guarana.

Guarana is a potent stimulant, which is beneficial for people who are physically active.

So if you are highly allergic to stimulants, it is better to ask your doctor first before you take Tea-Rex.


According to it label, place tablespoon of Tea-Rex in teabag or infuser. Let it infuse in near boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Let it cool then enjoy.

Tea-Rex Review Summary

This tea has proven effective ingredients that can truly benefit your overall workout program. It also has no side effect reports online.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • Natural herbal muscle building tea
  • Good reviews online
  • Supports both mental and physical performance
  • Get more energy, endurance and strength
  • Can help support your other supplements
  • Supports weight loss
  • No known side effects
  • Affordable
  • Return policy


Where to Buy Tea-Rex?

Tea-Rex is neither available at any online health retailers nor at any local pharmacies near you. It can only be purchased directly from its official website.

Click Here to Purchase Tea-Rex

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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