Skinny Please!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Skinny Please! for Her is another dietary supplement that has good customer reputation online, specifically in Amazon.

Specifically designed for women, this diet pill claims that its formula is specially formulated to work on women’s body chemistry, which will result to effective weight loss.

The question is, can Skinny Please! truly help deliver results?

Read this short product review and see for yourself if this brand can be the most ideal slimming agent for your weight loss program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Skinny Please!?

Skinny Please! for Her is owned by a company called Reborn Labs, and is an exclusive Amazon retailer. One slimming product that this company currently offer is Forskolin X-Factor.

As aforementioned above, Skinny Please! is a dietary supplement for women and is packed with natural and known slimming agents.

Some of its claimed health benefits include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Supports fat loss
  • Increases energy and metabolic levels
  • Helps suppress appetite
  • Enhances mental function, mood and drive


This brand is not that expensive ($18.91 Amazon price) compared to other dietary supplements. Plus, the company offers a “full” money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

As a fat burner, Skinny Please! is packed with stimulating ingredients and known slimming herbs. Can these ingredients trigger weight loss? Lets look at its ingredient profile more to learn more.

Skinny Please! Ingredients

This dietary supplement offers three different blends – Energy and Focus Blend, Thermogenesis Blend, and Lipogenic Blend. All blends have equal dose of 497mg per serving.

The ingredients are caffeine, phenylethylamine HCI, glucomannan, fursultiamine, L-Tyrosine, green tea extract, raspberry ketones, yohimbe bark, synephrine, kola nut and L-Carnitine.

skinny please! for her ingredients

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin, rice flour, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide.

So How does Skinny Please! Work?

Sadly for this brand, its official website offers very limited information on how it works for weight loss, but only published that it can help you lose fat fast.

But since we have its full formula, we can have insights on how Skinny Please! might work for weight loss by just analyzing its ingredients.


Caffeine is known as a stimulant and mood enhancer. This agent is mostly used in nootropics and weight loss products because of its ability to affect your central nervous system.

Caffeine is used by weight loss supplement manufacturers because it can trigger some measures of fat loss by activating thermogenesis. Caffeine is also believed to have antioxidants.


Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble fiber sourced from the roots of the elephant yam (also known as konjac). Skinny Please! probably used glucomannan to help reduce food cravings and to suppress appetite.

According to an article by Authority Nutrition, glucomannan helps absorb water in the stomach which results to satiety. As such, it helps reduce calorie intake and will result to weight loss.


Phenylethylamine is a compound derived from an amino acid called phenylalanine, a building block of protein.

This compound is not entirely helpful with regards to weight loss. However, it can help enhance your overall brain function and may help treat depression, ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid and many others. –


Fursultiamine is a disulfide derivative of thiamine (allithiamine). This compound is primarily used for vitamin B deficient individuals, and for people suffering from autistic spectrum disorders and Alzheimer’s disease.

Reborn Labs probably included fursultiamine to Skinny Please! for energy metabolism improvement during exercise, reduction of fatigue and many others.

However, there are no scientific proof that fursultiamine can truly increase energy levels. Other diet pills that contains fursultiamine is Oxy Burn.


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid which is a building block of protein. The main use of this compound is to make chemical messengers that are involved in conditions association brain functions such as memory and mental alertness.

Skinny Please! probably contains this amino acid to help support its caffeine and other brain-enhancing agents (caffeine, fursultiamine, phenylethylamine and synephrine).

Though beneficial, L-Tyrosine is not known to cause weight loss. –

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is another popular tea extract that is believed to provide dozens of health benefits.

Such benefits include antioxidants, mood regulation, mental alertness, fat loss and many others.

Yohimbe Extract

Yohimbe is a plant extract that is known to help increase blood flow and nerve impulses to penis or vagina, and is believed to have brain-enhancing properties.

But this compound is widely used in treating sexual-related diseases such as erectile dysfunction, sex drive, depression and athletic performance improvement.

As potent as this plant extract may seem, it is also known to cause various side effects. –

Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketone is probably one of the most popular slimming agent today, but its popularity is sometimes overshadowed by reports of inefficacy and side effects.

The only reason why this fruit extract is always linked to weight loss is Dr. Oz. The celebrity doctor claims that raspberry is a “miracle” for weight loss, but there is no reliable scientific evidence to support his claim.

According to WebMD, raspberry can help increase metabolic levels as its affect a hormone in the body called adiponectin.

Some experts say that raspberry can indeed trigger weight loss only if combined with vitamin C supplementation.


Synephrine or much more known as bitter orange, is a plant extract that is known for its alleged weight loss properties. This compound triggers metabolism increase by increasing lipolysis (fat loss).

Some research concluded that synephrine might work for weight loss only if combined with caffeine, and Skinny Please! contains caffeine which is a plus for this product.

According to, the thermic effect of synephrine can only be effective in women. Curiously, Skinny Please! is a woman’s diet pill.

Kola Nut

Kola nut is a seed extract from a kola nut plant. It is used for depression and other mental disorders due to its caffeine content.

Though this plant extract is associated with weight loss, its effectiveness is still doubtful and still needs additional clinical studies.


L-Carnitine is another amino acid that is widely used by most weight loss supplement manufacturers.

Though known to help induce fat loss, L-Carnitine is much more used for kidney failure treatment, L-Carnitine deficiency and chest pain.

So Can Skinny Please! Deliver Results?

The answer to that is a big NO!

Skinny Please! offers a very weak formula that only provides 497mg per serving. Its synephrine content could have been useful as it can help trigger weight loss for women, but it only offers less than 7mg per serving of bitter orange (Lipogenic Blend).

I also noticed that this dietary supplement is just full of caffeine, nothing else. Plus, there are various unfavorable reviews about this brand online. Below is one of the most prominent negative review on Amazon.

[quote]Obviously this product is one of those things that are just a hit or miss and for me it’s a miss. This product had no impact on me, granted everyone will have their own personal experience and/or opinion on this product as it may affect each person who may take it differently. Personally I would not recommend this product for a couple of reasons, one being that there are too many warnings and cautions for a product that is suppose to impact weight loss and overall healthy living.[/quote]

Is Skinny Please! Safe?

Skinny Please! is NOT safe either because of its heavy stimulant content. Plus, most customers complain about serious side effects such as stomach pain, weakening, nausea and many others.

Some of the most popular side effect reports include:

[quote]Unfortunately, this product is a stimulant and for me it cause a day long panic attack. I only took one as directed. My mother also tried one and she said it only made her sleepy. Probably a good product if you can handle caffeine. I received this product at a discounted rate for a review.[/quote]

[quote]I did not like this at all. it left me all jittery and feeling weird. i probably could run and run and run and run from all the energy it gave me. but aside from all of the energy, i had huge stomach pains shortly after using these pills. i took them as directed, and it just did not work well with my system. though i did receive this at a discounted price in exchange for my honest unbiased review, i still would not recommend these to anyone.[/quote]

[quote]I took this in the morning each morning for 4 days. I have taken diet pills before with no side effects. I was looking forward to taking these for some extra energy and to loose some weight before my upcoming wedding. After 4 days, there was no weight loss but I was EXTREMELY thirsty even though I was drinking a ton of water. I had energy but it was all jitters. I took it at 8am ish and still couldn’t sleep until 1am. There are better diet pills, at least for me. This was all bad.[/quote]

[quote]Some of the reviews state that there will be minimal side effects if you’re a caffeine drinker. I drink two cups a day (pretty dark with a splash of creamer) and this supplement made me insanely nauseous; I vomited each day I took this (which was three days). The supplement also made me feel pretty jittery (I know but I really wanna bikini body). I used to party when I was younger and how I felt after taking this was comparable to certain recreational items (maybe not as extreme but comparable). So if you don’t wanna eat but feel panicky, this is the product for you. Otherwise, no thanks.[/quote]

[quote]If it allowed me to give this product negative stars I would do that but had to pick one so I can review them. This is the WORST pill I have every tried in my entire life. Normally I rezearch everything. But I tried this on a whim and let me tell you I thought I was going to die.1 pill just the one and followed the instructions. Well I was sitting down went to stand up and walk and walked at a complete slant like the room was tilted and almost blacked out ,that’s when the nausea hit (took this as my body saying it hated what I gave it and get it out) so after throwing up as much as I possibly could I sat down took it easy and tried to drink some water and try to let the time pass so that this Crap was out of my body. I thought it was going to kill me. My husband wanted to go to the Er but I couldn’t put him and the kids through all that and felt I could let it pass at home. Hot bath to sweat it out and relaxed the rest of the day. Felt like hell the next day but alive and semi normal compaired to the hell from this pill.[/quote]


Reborn Labs recommends that you take 1 capsule in the morning. Do not exceed two capsules in a 24-hour period.

Do not take past 4pm and use for no longer than 8 weeks straight, followed by an off period of at least 2 weeks before resuming use.

Since this brand is known for side effects and inefficacy, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Skinny Please!.

Skinny Please! Review Summary

Skinny Please! is obviously not the best dietary supplement for you. It is not going to help you lose weight, but will only increase your risk of side effects.

Here are the highlights of this review:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • May help improve your overall mental function
  • Money back guarantee



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]

  • Limited information
  • The formula is much focused on brain-enhancing properties
  • Ineffective for weight loss
  • Reports of serious side effects
  • Tons of negative reviews


Where to Purchase Skinny Please!?

Skinny Please! can only be purchased online through Reborn Labs’ official sales page.

Since this brand is not recommended here, I suggest that you look for other dietary supplements that are much more reputable, effective and worthy of your weight loss investments.

To start at the right foot, I recommend that you try one of our top-rated brands here – PhenQ. Click the link below to read our review of this surprisingly amazing diet supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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