Skinny Coffee

Coffee-based slimming formula.


Want a healthy-alternative coffee drink? If yes, then Skinny Coffee might be the right brand for you.

I said “healthy-alternative” because not all people drink coffee. There are people who are allergic to its smell and to its stimulating effects.

So not all people experience the goodness and health advantage that a cup of coffee brings every single day.

This is where Skinny Coffee comes in! Dubbed as the “healthy-alternative” to regular coffee. Read on and learn if this product can help you lose weight while it improves your overall health.

What is Skinny Coffee?

Skinny Coffee is a product of ClickLeaf Ltd. the same company that offers great tasting health teas and cleansing products such as 28 Detox Tea.

Basically, this brand is formulated to help you lose weight though ClickLeaf also claims that it is also a perfect health-enhancer due to its natural ingredients.

Some of its health claims include:

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  • Increases energy and metabolic levels
  • Burns fat
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Helps rejuvenate the skin
  • Enhances mood, concentration, stamina and workouts
  • Provides vitamins and minerals for overall health and immune system


So as you notice, it’s indeed a slimming product which is the reason why it has a name “Skinny” in the first place.

But unlike other slimming drinks such as AdvantraSlim, Meta Appetite Control, or Athlete and Hunger Control, Skinny Coffee offers more than just weight loss.

This brand costs £24.95 which is a bit expensive compared to your regular coffee. But remember that this brand claims to offer more benefits.

ClickLeaf also offer a 30-day return policy. So just in case you never experienced any positive results, you can always return your unopened products for a full refund.

Skinny Coffee Ingredients

According to its website, Skinny Coffee has organic green coffee beans (with chlorogenic acid), Siberian ginseng, chlorella, matcha powder, spirulina, L-Carnitine and Arabian coffee.

skinny coffee ingredients

How does Skinny Coffee Work?

Skinny Coffee works by utilizing its organic and vegan-friendly formula.

As you can see from its ingredient list, it combines regular coffee beans with superfoods such as green coffee, matcha, chlorella and spirulina.

This gives your morning much more healthier than drinking your old coffee brand or energy drinks.

A unique coffee blend, this product can boost your energy and metabolism, reduces your appetite, will help strengthen your immunity and fights aging through its antioxidants.

Lets analyze some of its agents and see if Skinny Coffee is truly a beneficial slimming product.

Green and Arabian Coffee

We all know that green coffee is one of the most popular and widely used slimming agent today.

Like most coffee beans, green coffee is unroasted beans which means that it has higher concentration of caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid is the key agent of green coffee bean which is touted not only as a weight loss agent but can also trigger other health benefits as well – NCBI.

Arabian or Arabic coffee is also a health beneficial coffee bean that isn’t just going to help burn fat, it also provide powerful antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.

It is also beneficial for your body’s hydration process as it offers essential electrolytes to your body. So Arabic coffee is one of the healthiest you can buy for your health – LiveStrong.


This amino acid is an essential part of your body as its main function varies from every systems. But L-Carnitine is widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding program.

Why? Because this amino acid promotes fat loss and can help boost your energy levels which promotes better physical performance.


An algae that grows from fresh water, this herb has been used to make medicinal drugs for various health conditions.

It is a good source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals.

According to WebMD, chlorella is used for radiation reduction, preventing cancer, colds, hypertension, PMS, asthma, STD, HIV and many others.


Another algae that is packed with protein, iron, and essential minerals, spirulina has been used by experts and health enthusiasts to help strengthen their immune system.

This is the reason why you often see this agent in most detox, beauty, anti-aging and antioxidant-based supplements.

According to WebMD, spirulina is beneficial for cancer, fatigue, stress, diabetes, high cholesterol, metabolism and energy, depression, anxiety, heart diseases and many others.

skinny coffee slimming product

Is Skinny Coffee Safe?

This slimming product is likely safe to most adult dieters and physically active individuals.

Unless you are highly allergic to caffeine, you may experience common stimulant-based side effects, though generally Skinny Coffee won’t give any major adverse health effects due to its natural formula.

You are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Skinny Coffee.


According to its website, simply add a teaspoon (3 to 4 grams) or more depending on your preferred strength and taste, into a mug and add hot water then stir.

Due to its caffeine content, you are not advised to take a serving in the evening as it could alter your sleeping patterns.

Skinny Coffee Review Summary

This coffee brand is a perfect health enhancing product that isn’t just for weight loss, but also for your overall health needs.

You don’t have any reasons not to love this slimming coffee. Here are the benefits:

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  • Natural ingredients
  • Can give key areas of weight loss
  • Supports other health benefits
  • No side effects reported online
  • Justifiable price
  • 30-day return policy


You can get significant results if you combine a sensible diet and regular exercise.

Where to Purchase Skinny Coffee?

As mentioned above, Skinny Coffee can only be purchased online through its official website.

Go directly to its website to purchase.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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