

Got more body fat to lose? If this sounds like you, then Shred360 is probably the most suitable diet pill for you.

Lets face it, no matter what type of fitness program you are in, body fat is the most difficult to lose. This is the reason why weightlifters and dieters alike take thermogenic supplements to melt their body fat for good.

But the question is, what supplement can truly help you lose fat? Can Shred360 help you get lean and fit? Read on and learn how this diet pill works.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Shred360?

Shred360 is owned and distributed by ASResearch Labs a US-based company that features fitness supplements that range from weight loss to muscle building formulas.

As its name suggest, this pill is a fat burning supplement that is designed to “shred” your body fat and improve your body’s overall weight loss capacity.

Some of the claimed benefits of this brand include:

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  • Increases your metabolism by as much as 43% for rapid fat burning
  • Uses carbohydrates as energy rather than stored fat
  • Enhances mental clarity, focus, without jitters
  • Increases your thermogenic state
  • Preserves muscle tissue
  • Reduces appetite


As you can see, there are a lot of claims for this brand and some are down right too good to be true like their “jitter-free” claim. Are these claims dependable? Read on to find out how Shred360 is formulated.

Shred360 Ingredients

shred360 ingredientsLike many other thermogenic supplements in the market, this diet pill is 100% natural but is packed with stimulating agents.

The formula of Shred360 is divided into two groups – the Lipomax and Hyperfocus. Based on my observation, Lipomax (1010mg per serving) is the product’s fat burning ingredients while Hyperfocus (410.03mg per serving) is its energy boosting agents.

Lipomax is composed of green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, raspberry ketones, evodia extract. naringin, cayenne extract, synephrine HCL and black pepper extract.

Hyperfocus include DMAE, caffeine, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, yerba mate and huperzine A.

Shred360 also have vitamin B6, B12 and chromium. Its inactive ingredients include maltodextrin, gelatin, magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide.

So How does Shred360 Work?

There are a lot of explanation on how Shred360 works for weight loss so I guess I have to give you a short but precise summary.

If you look at its formula, you will learn that all of its ingredients can provide slimming effects and are widely used on most dietary supplements. Its basically a complete and potent formula for various weight loss needs. Why?

If you want your body fat to be burned, Shred360’s Lipomax blend can deliver that easily for you. Green tea, green coffee bean, cayenne and black pepper are all known thermogenic agents which helps increase your metabolic rate that leads to constant burning of fat.

If you want to suppress your appetite, this brand features chromium (sugar cravings reduction), vitamin B complex and raspberry ketones.

Energy boosting and mental enhancing compounds such as DMAE, green tea, caffeine, green coffee bean, yerba mate and L-Tyrosine can all help improve your weight loss especially if you are following a regular exercise program.

As I have said, these ingredients contains moderate dosage, so it is neither too weak nor too powerful for most dieters.

Can it Deliver Results?

With energy boosting, appetite suppressing and fat burning formula, there are no doubts about this product’s efficacy. Its formula is complete and offers a well-blended dose for maximum results.

But if you are seasoned dieter, this type of “moderate” dosage might not suit you well. Some people complain about inefficacy due to its relatively low dosed formula which was designed to lessen side effects.

Inefficacy and side effects reports are common in most thermogenic supplements. You know your body well so you have to analyze carefully if Shred360’s formula can accommodate your weight loss needs.

Though inefficacy have been reported, Shred360 has its own fair share of good reviews online.

Is Shred360 Safe?

As a thermogenic supplement, Shred360 is prone to side effects due to its stimulating ingredients (caffeine, yerba mate, DMAE, green tea, green coffee).

Some of the reported side effects include dizziness, stomach pain, rashes, nausea, insomnia and many others.

If you know that you are highly allergic to stimulants, then this diet pill is not for you. Consult your doctor first before you use Shred360.

Suggested Use

As your dietary supplement, take 2 Shred360 capsules immediately upon waking and 2 capsules in the afternoon. Do not take within 6 hours before sleeping.

Shred360 Review Summary

This supplement features a balanced formula that can provide some measures of weight loss. Though there are some ineffectiveness and side effects reports, this brand still has its own share of good reviews online.

I rate this supplement as “AVERAGE” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a1ed”]

  • 100% natural formula
  • May provide some measures of weight loss
  • Tons of good reviews
  • 60-days money back guarantee



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3219″]

  • Reports of inefficacy and side effects
  • Quite pricey


Where to Purchase Shred360?

Shred360 can be purchased online either directly from its official website or through any of its retailing partners.

To buy Shred360, please visit its official site.

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phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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