[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Shred CBD is a performance supplement that claims to provide key areas of weight loss.
First off, it is based on CBD Isolate (more on this below) which is said to be a proven slimming agent and anti-stress aid. And, this product isn’t just all about CBD but it also have additional ingredients to provide you more slimming power.
But the questions are, can Shred CBD finally help you lose significant weight? Will it trigger unwanted effects and can it provide long term results?
Lets me answer these questions in this short but detailed review and see if this product is truly plausible for weight loss.
What is Shred CBD?
Shred CBD is a product of PFX Labs LTD, a supplement manufacturer based in the United Kingdom. Currently, this is the only supplement that this company promotes.
According to its official website, this supplement provides innovative and results driven solution to help cut back your unwanted fat while improving your daily performance in the gym.
Seems a very enticing diet supplement to me!
And this product uses no form of stimulants, which most fat burners today have. Stimulants are quite effective in elevating your body’s physical potential, but it can also trigger unwanted side effects.
So if you are one of those people who had a terrible experience with stimulant-based fat burners, then Shred CBD might be the perfect alternative solution for your weight loss program.
PFX Labs claims that this supplement can help you burn more calories, it targets fat stores, stops you from gaining more fat, lessens mindless snacking, and helps you feel less stressed and healthier.
Other health benefits claimed by the manufacturer include:
- Better sleep recovery
- Increased fat oxidation
- Improved endurance and focus
- Reduced cortisol (stress hormone that causes obesity)
But unlike cheap diet supplements in the market such as 1000mg Raspberry Ketone, Lean EFX, Be Blends and Blue Ice, Shred CBD is a bit expensive with $67 per bottle price tag.
Though pricey, this product comes with a 30-day return, money back guarantee. This means that you can return all unopened bottles for a cool refund.
What is CBD?
In simple term, CBD stands for “cannabidiol“, a chemical found in cannabis plant and is mostly used in various oil and edible products, designed for relaxation.
There are two main specis of cannabis plant – hemp and its more popular sibling, marijuana. Both plants contain CBD though hemp offers more of this chemical but less THC, the other chemical found in cannabis plant called tetrahydrocannabinol).
Cannabidiola doesn’t have psychoactive effects, which means that it won’t get you high unlike its counterpart tetrahydrocannabinol found in marijuana plant,which triggers euphoric feeling, an effect that is common among illegal substances.
But even though CBD is proven to have no psychotic effects, there are several reports that people feel altered after taking CBD. Experts believe that these reports were due to the body’s reaction to the chemical.
CBD is approved for the treatment of epilepsy and may help alleviate symptoms of back pain, osteoarthritis, insomnia, anxiety and even help prevent cancers – WikiPedia.
Shred CBD Ingredients
As mentioned above, this diet supplement is based on CBD and has additional ingredients that further improves its weight loss effects.
Each serving of Shred CBD gives you 20mg of hemp-based CBD powder. Plus, this supplement contain 50mg per serving of combined green tea and garcinia cambogia extracts.
Other inactive agents include gelatin capsule, rice flour, and magnesium stearate.
How does Shred CBD Work?
As mentioned above, Shred CBD works by burning calories and fat, reduces your snacking tendencies and improving your physical performance.
Can CBD do all these benefits for you? Lets find out and see if hemp CBD works as advertised and if it is truly plausible as a weight loss agent.
But first, lets start with two of its other key ingredients.
Garcinia Cambogia
A very popular slimming agent, garcinia cambogia is a fruit that is found in India and Southeast Asia. It is even marketed as a “miracle fruit” by celebrity doctors due to its alleged health benefits especially for weight loss.
The health benefits comes from its key chemical called hydroxycitric acid or simply known as HCA. This substance is said to be the reason for its weight loss and other health benefits.
For weight loss, garcinia cambogia helps prevent fat storage, lessens appetite and helps improve physical performance, all of which are claimed by Shred CBD supplement.
Though quite popular among dieters, there are some doubts among experts whether this fruit is truly a plausible agent for weight loss. NCBI researchers suggest that garcinia cambogia can only provide small amount of weight loss which is contrary to some reported claims online.
To learn more about garcinia cambogia, read our detailed article here.
Green Tea
One of the healthiest teas in the world, green tea provides numerous health benefits for your health, including weight loss of course.
Green tea has been shown to help improve blood flow and lowers blood cholesterol. It also helps prevent heart-related conditions such as high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.
For weight loss, green tea can trigger metabolism increase which in turn lead to fat burning and more energy. It also helps enhance mental toughness and focus.
All of these benefits are due to green tea’s two key agents – polyphenols and caffeine. Polyphenols are antioxidants that helps protect your body from disease-causing free radicals. Antioxidants are also proven to support weight loss as well.
Caffeine on the other hand affects the brain directly, which provides instant mental and physical performance boost. It also helps trigger fat burning by initiating your bod’y thermogenesis (as most dieters claimed) – WebMD.
Green tea is so popular and is probably the most in-demand ingredient in dietary supplements. Some of the best green tea brands in the market include PowerPlant Fat Burner, TeaDaw, Wings Green Tea and EvoTea.
Hemp CBD Powder
So how does CBD isolate work? Well according to experts, CBD has an immediate effects on your food intake and metabolism. Both of these factors truly have a significant effect on weight loss.
In animal research, CBD forces weight loss by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissues and the brain. These receptors have significant roles in metabolism and food intake according to experts.
CBD also have the potential “browning” of fat cells. As you know, our bodies have both white and brown fats, but we have more white fat more than the later. White fats are responsible for storing and supplying energy while helping your organs by acting as a cushion.
However, white fats are also the reason why certain health conditions occur such as heart diseases, cancers, diabetes and obesity.
In contrast, brown fat plays a role that is highly beneficial to our body but they are highly limited. Brown fat produces heat by burning calories hence it is quite essential for weight loss.
CBD works similarly as brown fat, which is to target those fat stores and gets rid of them by removing them out of the body – NCBI.
Is Shred CBD Safe?
I searched the Internet for bad reviews regarding this brand, and good thing that I haven’t found any reports of side effects.
This doesn’t mean that Shred CBD is completely safe as it is not, all supplements actually are not 100% safe. It is just good to know that there are no reported side effects for this brand online.
But is Shred CBD totally safe to use as your regular dietary supplement?
As I mentioned above, CBD may trigger psychoactive effects similar to marijuana, though this is highly unlikely to occur. Of course, you should be cautious when taking CBD as this ingredient is just recently used as a weight loss aid.
Green tea and garcinia cambogia have reports of ineffectiveness and some minor safety concerns, but no major issues at all.
But overall, I believe that Shred CBD is a safe brand for adult dieters. Just make sure that you consult your doctor first before you take this brand.
How to Take Shred CBD?
According to its official website, you must follow their recommended dose of four capsules per day, one in the morning shortly before breakfast and one in the evening shortly before dinner.
Shred CBD also best work if used alongside coconut oil, or oily foods such as olives as they can elevate the effects of CBD.
No other instructions are found online.
Shred CBD Review Summary
This diet supplement is truly a unique product as it promotes a different set of formula, not similar with most dietary supplement products today.
CBD is the up and coming agent craze in the weight loss world but as of this writing, this ingredient is still not that popular, nor known to most dieting communities.
Another factor to consider is its price – $67 per bottle, which is a big burden on this brand’s image. There are hundreds of products online that are much cheaper and provides a lot more options and benefits for the consumers.
But if you are intrigued by the weight loss power of CBD and wants to try it out yourself, then Shred CBD is one of the best brands in the market right now. With that price point, you can ensure that you are getting real CBD isolate powders.
In the contrary, if you are looking for a dietary supplement that is highly reliable, popular and uses common but highly effective ingredients, then I suggest that you check out one of our top-rated brands here – Complex Diet Drops.
Click the link below this post to learn more about this supplement.
Where to Buy Shred CBD?
Shred CBD is only available online directly from its official website. Visit its web page below and learn more about this product.
Click HERE to Purchase Shred CBD
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