Retenix Advanced

Energy and metabolism boosting supplement.


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you want to get rid of your body’s excess water? If yes, then Retenix Advanced might be the most ideal formula for you.

As you know, your body can pile up to 10 pounds of excess water, and I am just talking about the water in your skin layer area alone.

Yes, if you are retaining too much subcutaneous water, you can get bloated and have “fatty” appearance. So you have to do something about your condition in order for you to be healthy.

Can Retenix Advanced help? Can it provide slimming power? Read on to learn more.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Retenix, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Retenix Advanced?

Retenix Advanced is a quality product of Newton-Everett, the same manufacturer that gave you slimming brands such as Oxotrim and Advantrim.

As mentioned above, this dietary supplement is an anti-water retention formula which is formulated to get rid of your body’s excess water.

Some of its health benefits include:

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  • Helps remove unwanted water retained beneath your skin
  • Reveals a more toned muscle definition
  • Provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients to your body
  • Promotes fat loss
  • Regulates digestion, treats urinary disorders and fights infections


In short, Retenix Advanced is a diuretic formula that is also designed to aid fat loss and improve overall health.

One thing that is quite impressive about this brand is that, it is not that expensive at all – only £24.99 (store dependent). Considering its benefits, that price tag is truly not a waste of investment.

Retenix Advanced Ingredients

The proprietary blend of Retenix Advanced is dosed at 675mg per serving.

It is composed of vitamin B6, potassium, dandelion extract, green tea, cranberry, juniper berry, bucchu leaves, apple cider vinegar, corn silk powder, paprika herb extract and watermelon.

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

Retenix Advanced ingredients

So How does Retenix Advanced Work?

As a diuretic formula, Retenix Advanced is designed to reduce unwanted subcutaneous water from your body.

As this process progress, it will bring out maximum muscle definition, muscle hardness, and helps maintain good levels of electrolyte and mineral balance of your body.

Newton-Everett also claims that Retenix Advanced can quickly increase the outflow of temporary excess body water and relieves you of monthly water gain, puffiness and uncomfortable bloating.

With slimming agents on its formula, this dietary supplement also promotes fat loss, memory enhancements and energy level increase.

So how can a diuretic formula help bring you all these benefits? Let’s look deeper into its ingredients and see if it can truly deliver positive results.


Dandelion is a weed that is full of vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and zinc.

This herb has been proven to help treat liver problems, kidney disorders, skin issues, heartburn, upset stomach, breast problems, inflammation, high blood pressure, appendicitis and many others.

Scientific studies have shown that dandelion is a powerful diuretic, which promotes urine increase and removal of fluids in your body. Dandelion is also used in some weight loss and sports nutrition supplements.

Juniper Berry

Retenix Advanced contains juniper berry, another herb that is known to help reduce inflammation and increase urination.

Juniper berry oil is used to help treat urinary tract infections as it contains antiseptic volatile oil. It may also help increase glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys, making juniper berry a potent diuretic.

Buchu Leaves

Buchu leaves is used to help treat inflammation of the urethra but is also known to help treat a great number of health conditions.

It is used to help treat urinary tract and kidney infections,  leukorrhea and yeast infections. Buchu leaves serves as a great diuretic for most traditional medicines.

Green Tea

Green tea is probably the most popular slimming ingredient in the industry today.

Known as a potent fat burner, and energy and metabolism booster, did you know that green tea also provides a lot of health benefits than just fat loss?

Green tea can also provide detox and cleansing properties. It is also used as a mood enhancer as it contains caffeine. Plus, green tea’s flavonoids can shield your health from chronic diseases such as cancers.

Corn Silk

Retenix Advanced also contains corn silk, a long shiny fibers found at the top of an ear of corn.

Corn silk is widely used to help treat bladder infections, urinary system inflammation, prostate and kidney disorders, bedwetting, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue and high cholesterol.

Corn silk contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It also contains chemicals that works like water pills (diuretic).


Cranberry is another fruit that possesses diuretic properties.

Cranberries are used to help treat bladder and kidney infections and have also helped dissolve kidney and gallstones.

Above all, cranberries are known to have potent antioxidants that can help improve your immunity to diseases and may also promote healthy weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Unknown to many, apple cider vinegar is one of the best available diuretic foods. This vinegar also helps stabilize your potassium levels, and promotes excess fluid loss.

Aside from those benefits, apple cider vinegar has long been promoted as weight loss agent due to its ability to prolong the sensation of satiety after eating.

Other ingredients in Retenix Advanced such as potassium, vitamin B6, watermelon and paprika, are all known to have diuretic and health-enhancing properties.

retenix advanced cta

So Can Retenix Advanced Deliver Results?

As you probably know by now, Retenix Advanced is truly a powerful diuretic formula. It can truly help remove excess water from your body which can trigger health improvements.

But Retenix Advanced is not designed to specifically help trigger weight loss, though it can still provide some measures of slimming effects due to its green tea, dandelion and apple cider vinegar content.

So if your weight gain problem is due to having excessive bodily fluids, then Retenix Advanced is an ideal brand for you.

How about Safety?

Retenix Advanced is probably SAFE for most adult dieters as it contains natural ingredients. Plus, I found no reports of side effects for this brand online.

However, taking too much diuretics could also spell danger to your health. So it is important not to take Retenix Advanced in a prolonged period of time.

To ensure as safe supplementation, I encouraged you to talk to your doctor first before you take Retenix Advanced.


Newton-Everett recommends that you take one to two capsules of Retenix Advanced daily.

Do not exceed this recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical conditions should consult a physician first before using this brand or any dietary supplement.

Retenix Advanced Review Summary

As aforementioned above, Retenix Advanced is a powerful diuretic supplement that can truly help flush out excess fluids from your body, which will result to weight loss, great muscle tone and overall health improvement.

However, you need to understand that this brand is probably not a good idea to take primarily as a weight loss supplement, though it can provide some measures of weight loss.

Plus, you also need to ensure your safety when taking diuretics. Consult your doctor first before you take Retenix Advanced.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • 100% natural formula
  • May provide some measures of weight loss
  • May help boost your energy and metabolism
  • A powerful diuretic formula
  • Some favorable reviews online
  • Money back guarantee – store dependent
  • Not too expensive for a diuretic and weight loss supplement


Where to Purchase Retenix Advanced?

Retenix Advanced can only be purchased online, either directly from its official website or at any third party supplement retailers.

To purchase Retenix Advanced, please visit its official sales page by clicking the link below.


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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Retenix Advanced
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