Looking for a tea that can also support your weight loss program? If yes, then Pure Health Slimming Tea claims that it can deliver results for you?
Teas are natural slimming products as they naturally contains caffeine and other herbs that are known to trigger significant weight loss.
But all tea brands are not created equal and Pure Health Slimming Tea is not an exception. It does have a unique formula that may very well surprise you.
Read on and learn more if this slimming tea can truly help you lose weight fast.
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What is Pure Health Slimming Tea?
Pure Health Slimming Tea is a product of My Diet Chef, which is a health tea manufacturer. The other brands that it offer are into detox.
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19beed”]
- Boosts metabolism
- Suppresses appetite
- Increases your energy levels
- Detox and cleansing properties
So this brand claims that it can do more for you compared to other straight up teas where it only offer one or two benefits.
With regards to customer reviews, there are mix reactions from dieters online.
So unlike other proven effective slimming teas such as Wings Green Tea, Zest Tea, or Triple Leaf, Pure Health Slimming Tea doesn’t seem to look plausible for weight loss.
This brand is also a bit expensive with a $23.70 price tag. The official website of Pure Health Slimming Tea doesn’t seem to offer any money back guarantee, but purchasing in Amazon gives you refund benefits.
But is this brand truly ineffective? Read on.
Pure Health Slimming Tea Ingredients
The formula has peppermint, star anise, licorice root, chickweed, cinnamon, ginger, basil and fennel. This tea has no caffeine, green tea or other known slimming herbs such as pu-erh, woolong, or cho yung.
My Diet Chef published limited information about their brands. So you will have no idea how much amounts of these ingredients you are taking per serving.
So How does Pure Health Slimming Tea Work?
Below is a simple explanation of how Pure Health Slimming Tea works for weight loss:

So are these ingredients truly plausible for weight loss. Lets find out more by analyzing each herbs a bit further.
Star Anise
Star anise is a herb where its seed and oil are known to make medicinal drugs. It is also used heavily as a spice and a slimming tea.
But this herb is much more known to help treat both digestive and respiratory problems such as diarrhea, upset stomach, loss of appetite, cough, bronchitis, flu and lung swelling.
It is also used for enhancing sexual drive and treating the signs of male menopause.
Peppermint is another herb where its oil and leaf are known to help treat various health conditions such as nausea, cold, cough, menstrual problems, upset stomach, allergic rash, heartburn and many others.
According to an article by LiveStrong, peppermint oil can help control cravings, improve digestion, increase energy levels, and help suppress appetite.
Licorice Root
Licorice root is a plant that is native to Asia minor and central Russia. It is known for tons of health benefits including weight loss.
A study by NCBI suggest that licorice root oil supplementation has a positive effect on preventing weight gain in both obese and overweight individuals.
Chickweed or scientifically known as stellaria media, is a plant used to produce medicinal drugs.
This plant is for digestive disorders such as constipation, stomach, bowel problems, and other health conditions such as vitamin C deficiency, blood disorders, skin problems, and many others.
There are some demand for this herb in the weight loss community because of its alleged ability to prevent fat absorption.
According to NCBI animal study, chickweed helps prevent high-fat diet induced fat storage in adipose tissue by inhibiting the intestinal absorption of dietary fat and carbs by inhibition of digestive enzymes.
Cinnamon is another herb used for weight loss even though its effectiveness is not yet proven.
Most research on cinnamon for weight loss relates to blood sugar level and insulin management properties. This is the reasons why this herb is good for people suffering from diabetes.
The active chemicals of cinnamon are hydroxychalcone and other compounds, which many believe help improve insulin sensitivity. For weight loss, this only means that cinnamon can help reduce your sugar cravings.
Other health benefits of cinnamon includes treatment of nausea, diarrhea, cancer, chest pain, high blood pressures, flatulence, stomach spasms, cold, loss of appetite and many others.
So Can Pure Health Slimming Tea Help You Lose Weight?
The ingredients are unique and incomparable to other slimming teas. But according to our research, these ingredients can indeed help trigger some measures of weight loss.
With no green tea or commonly used tea herbs which contain stimulants, this brand should have been safe but we found some side effect reports online.
So it is better if you consult your doctor first before you drink Pure Health Slimming Tea.
According to its label, steep one teaspoon tea, in 8oz boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. No other instructions are published online.
Pure Health Slimming Tea Review Summary
Like Feiyan Tea, Tava Tea, Kou Tea or Teagime, Pure Health Slimming Tea may be able to support your weight loss program but you still have to ensure that it won’t trigger side effects for you.
Here are the reasons why you need this brand:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]
- Natural tea blend
- Can support your weight loss program
- May be able to deliver some measures of weight loss
- Refund – fulfilled by Amazon
Where to Purchase Pure Health Slimming Tea?
If you are still interested or if you are a previous user of this tea brand and you found it effective, you can buy Pure Health Slimming Tea online.
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