Pure Asian Garcinia


Pure Asian Garcinia is another dietary supplement that is made from the immensely popular fruit garcinia cambogia. Have you tried garcinia pill before?

If you are new to garcinia products, you probably asking yourself if this fruit can truly help you lose weight. With celebrities such as Dr. Oz giving high remarks to garcinia (the primary reason why garcinia cambogia is a prominent slimming extract right now), there are still debates whether this fruit is truly effective or just pure hype.

Read on and learn if Pure Asian Garcinia can truly deliver results for you.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Pure Asian Garcinia?

Pure Asian Garcinia is the latest garcinia brand that hit the market recently. This brand is from a company with the same brand name (it was not revealed on its official website).

Like any other dietary supplements, Pure Asian Garcinia promises to help you lose weight via its popular and potent compound called hydroxycitric acid or simply known as HCA.

Below are some of the claimed health benefits of Pure Asian Garcinia:

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  • Blocks fat absorption and storage
  • Increases your energy and metabolic rate
  • Burns fat
  • Helps you to have a healthy diet


Garcinia Cambogia Overview

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that is also called as cambooge and is closely related to mangosteen fruit. According to WebMD, garcinia cambogia’s rind is used to make different types of medicine due to its health-improving properties.

People in many asian countries such as Thailand and India, uses garcinia cambogia as one of their major food spice for curries and many other dishes. It is also used as a purgative to help trigger digestion in many traditional medicinal methods.

garcinia cambogiaBut garcinia cambogia rose to prominence due to its claimed weight loss benefits. It is said that garcinia’s potent active compound – hydroxycitric acid, can help prevent fat storage and reduce appetite.

While these benefits are promising, studies are still needs to be done in order to have solid evidence for garcinia’s true weight loss effects.

Though garcinia cambogia is not fully researched regarding weight loss, thousands of dieters have testified that this fruit was able to helped them achieve significant weight loss.

Ingredients of Pure Asian Garcinia

Pure Asian Garcinia is consist of a proprietary blend of 60% (100mg) HCA garcinia cambogia extract, 500mg calcium, 200mcg of chromium, 50mg of potassium and a non-active ingredient gelatin.

This diet pill has no fillers, artificial flavors, binders, stimulants or any harmful chemicals that may trigger side effects.

Is Pure Asian Garcinia Safe for You?

As mentioned above, Pure Asian Garcinia is generally safe for most adult dieters. There are no reported side effects for this brand online.

Plus, Pure Asian Garcinia has no added stimulants such as caffeine, though powerful in stimulating energy but is known to cause unwanted side effects.

I still see this brand as not a side effects-free pill. With that said, you should consult your doctor first before you take this Pure Asian Garcinia or any other garcinia-based diet pill in the market.

Can Pure Asian Garcinia Help You Lose Weight?

Pure Asian Garcinia modelHere is the tricky part. If you look closely on Pure Asian Garcinia’s ingredients, you can see that its garcinia extract (though offering 60% HCA) is only dosed at 100mg, which I believe to be far too low to trigger any positive effects to the body.

If you look at most garcinia cambogia products online, the least garcinia amounts that you can see is at 500mg per capsule and Pure Asian Garcinia only contains 100mg. Other ingredients in this brand are just supporting blend only and are not completely known for weight loss.

I suspect that the company had typed incorrectly the said amount as 60% HCA likely means that it is dosed at the highest amounts as possible. It is probably at 1000mg at tops I believe.

Can it help you lose weight? Pure Asian Garcinia is impossible to trigger positive effects if you base your judgement from this fact alone. Considering a not potent supporting ingredients, it is nearly impossible for Pure Asian Garcinia to provide you with your needed weight loss.

What About the Free Trial?

Pure Asian Garcinia also offers a free trial (1 month supply) for their product.

Free trial is one of the best ways to entice customers to purchase online. But here is the tricky part. When you avail of this free trial, you are entitled for an automatic re-billing for another bottle (which is not free anymore) after your subscription expires. Tricky isn’t?

You can cancel this automatic re-billing feature when you contact their customer support before the 12th day cutoff (from the date of your free trial). Though this is possible, Pure Asian Garcinia tries to lure their customers in the chance of getting sales for the succeeding months. Plus, their free-trial statement is hidden inside their FAQ page, so you won’t find these clause unless you are too keen on reading their entire website.

If you are a fan of garcinia cambogia because of a smooth and positive experience, then you can try Pure Asian Garcinia free trial offer then cancel your subscription before it expires. This way, you can avail their benefits without spending a dime.

You can learn how to avoid diet pill scams here.

Pure Asian Garcinia Review Summary

Pure Asian Garcinia is generally a safe diet pill for any kinds of weight loss program. It has no known side effects and no complaints have been filed online.

However, I believe its formula is not potent enough to produce weight loss for you. With 100mg of garcinia cambogia, Pure Asian Garcinia has no supporting ingredients like raspberries or green coffee extract to help produce weight loss effects.

Plus, its free trial offer is a tricky feature that can get you into purchasing trouble. At least I warned you about this feature, you can avail this free bottle anytime and try Pure Asian Garcinia yourself if it can produce good results. Just make sure to cancel your subscription before your cutoff date.

I am rating this diet pill as “not recommended” due to the following reasons:

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  • Insufficient formula
  • Limited information online
  • Lack of customer testimonial
  • Tricky free trial offer


Where to Buy Pure Asian Garcinia?

Pure Asian Garcinia is neither available at any local weight loss stores near you, nor at any online health supplement retailers. You can only purchase this brand through its official website.

After your free trial, I encourage you to share your experiences with Pure Asian Garcinia using our comment section below. This is to help other dieters to learn more about the true weight loss properties of this brand.

Since we don’t recommend this brand at all, I suggest that you take a look at one of our top rated brands below.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top choice supplement – HCG Complex” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

hcg complexOne of the bestselling and proven diet drop formula in the market today. HCG Complex is 100% natural and hormone-free supplement that will trigger rapid and safe weight loss.

HCG Complex promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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  1. I purchased the Asian Garinia and the Pure Colon Detox for the 11 day trial. Once I received the package there was no information or receipt in the package to tell me when the trial was over. I called the number in my email confirmation. They said my trial started the day I ordered it, not when i received it a week later. I then asked how much the product would cost if i decide to continue with the 1 month bottles. they said it would be $79 a bottle, when the trial was only $5 per bottle. I told them I had seen the product on line for maybe $50+. He spoke to his manager and decided to give me the two bottles for 1 month at only $79 for both of them.. I found all of this confusing. However I have continued to take it regularly and have NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT. I AM RATHER DISAPPOINTED. BUT I FIGURED I WOULD SEE IT TO THE END AND THEN REPORT BACK TO PUBLIC. THIS PRODUCT DID NOT WORK FOR ME AND I HAD ALSO CHANGED MY EATING HABITS DURING THIS WITH WIGHT WATCHER MEALS FOR BREAKFAST AND LUNCH… HUMM.. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND TRY SOMETHING ELSE.. GOOD DAY AND GOOD LUCK!!.

    • Hey Aurelia,

      Well, this is the main reason why we don’t recommend this diet pill at all.

      Thank you for your inputs.


  2. If you do not recommended this diet pill then what other diet pill do you recommend? I need to lose about 50 lbs. I have been eating better and exercising but i need something else to help push it along…. You may have to email me to reply…i doubt i will get back on this site lol. Thanks in advance..p.s. This girl is getting married soon and NEEDS to lose some weight

  3. Wow! I have never dealt with a more ridiculous product!! I took the advise from the reviews here and I went online to their website (pureasiangarcinia.com) to cancel my subscription. Hilarity continues.. Customer service answered and I told them I just received the product yesterday. I told her I wanted to try the product out before being attached to an automatic monthly payment, and that if I liked the product I would gladly buy it again! She tells me about this promo, the whole two months for $79. I told her I wasn’t interested and what does she tell me? “I’d be glad to cancel your subscription after you send us back the bottle.” DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THESE PILLS IF YOU PLAN TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION!!!!! They will charge you $59 if you have any of that first trial bottle. It’s terrible! I’m sending back the bottle tomorrow morning unopened and as soon as I give them the tracking number, they’ll cancel my subscription.. $5 trial my butt! This company is a scam!!!!!

  4. I just had baby and I’m on depo shot now. all this has made me gain 60 pounds! ugh! I’m on a journey to find something that works so I can be back to my normal small self! Figured id try this trial since it only ended up being $2.50 for shipping. I’m reading that people are having so many problems with the money aspect of this and companies taking advantage here credit cards. Please be advised that anyone thinking of purchasing any of these products.. GO BUY A PREPAID VISA CARD WITH A SET AMOUNT OF MONEY ON IT AND PAY FOR YOUR PRODUCTS THIS WAY SO YOU DONT GET TAKING ADVANTAGE OF! its really sad that people have to be so untrusting and find ways around getting scammed like this! Anyways, I’ve been taking Pure Asia G-cambogia for a couple days now and it has completely helped with my appetite so far. Ill keep in touch for further review after taking it a bit longer to see outcome! wish me luck!But After doing much research, the dr. Oz recommendation and all other research I’ve done shows that the correct products and amounts in the pill mean the most and for the extract to work correctly which is 1600mg of garcina cambogia and a 60% HCA. Also its suppose to have potassium but NO CALCIUM. they say calcium counter reacts with it.I found one with those exact ingredients and amounts. its called Essential elements Garcinia cambogia 100% natural. My order of this one is on its way!


  6. Hi i was wondering if any of you have the customer services number for garcinia as i can not find it any were ? Thankyou

  7. Pure Asian Garcinia works for me. I’ve lost 17 pounds in two weeks.

  8. Ziggy Stardust March 9, 2016 at 4:54 pm


    Okay, so I admit ordering diet pills from a sketchy website wasn’t my most sound decision, but what can I say! The chat bubble that popped up with Salesman Rob was very reassuring! I could just let my story not be heard, but if you’re a wanker like me who thinks this will not add any stress or shame to your life whatsoever you need my guidance – Hi. Nice to meet you. Here’s my story.

    I ordered my free trial of this product on March 1st, 2016 and THEN I read the reviews. I canceled my subscription right away via email. I waited five days with no cancellation verification, then I sent two emails informing them my credit card was cancelled because I did not want to pay the subscription fees and I also made two calls to customer service (at both of their phone numbers) on March 6th, 2016. Both the calls and emails went unanswered. I called them today (March 9th…soooo close to the 12 day renewal charge) with a different tactic and it finally worked.

    Heres the trick when if you want them to answer you:
    When you call their toll free number (18882212554) DO NOT click one for customer service. You will be waiting on the line forever and you will eventually give up. Instead, click two for sales. They picked up in a matter of seconds.
    The lady I talked to was actually rather apologetic and kind, but still. I would rather lick my dogs fur for an hour straight before ordering this product and cancelling it again.
    Also, no diet pill is worth experiencing the shame I felt when I had to tell the cute bank teller why I was thinking of cancelling my credit card.
    I hope my story will inspire you to take the high road.
    Auf wiedersehen friends.

    exactly 15 days after you place the order you will be charged $79 on your card and you can not do anything about it , even if you have not opened the bottle, you can not refund it ! This is very cleverly hidden at the bottom of the site that you order!

  10. I cancelled my debit card hours just after ordering this ‘trial bottle’ which was free and only had 2.50$ shipping fee.

    I won’t get any more charges from them will I? I have a new debit card now so surely they can’t charge me anything else.

    I need to know as soon as possible, surely they can’t charge me anything else now that card doesn’t exist and it’s been cancelled.

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