Being overweight means a very depressing health situation. This is the reason why thousands of people are trying to lose weight by taking dietary pills. One of the most popular drug with regards to weight issues is Phentermine. Do you have any idea about this highly popular prescription drug?
Millions of people today have various weight dilemmas that needs to be addressed immediately. Otherwise, these people are at higher risks of different chronic diseases such as heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and many others. Is this sounds like you?
If you are willing to give a dietary pill such as phentermine, a shot at your health problems, you first need to get more knowledge about this drug in order for you to have a successful and risk-free weight loss program.
This post will give you the best possible issues with regards to phentermine. Read on and learn if this drug is the answer to your weight gain problems.
What is Phentermine?
Phentermine (phenyl-tertiary-butylamine) is a member of the phenethylamine drug family that is similar to amphetamine. It is designed to help curb your appetite that will naturally help you lose weight fast.
As a generic drug, phentermine is being sold in various trade names such as Adipex P, Duromine, Ionamine, Obestin-30, Phentermaxx, Phentrol, Supremin, Weltmine, Oby-Trim and many others.
Phentermine is a psychostimulant drug that primarily affects the central nervous system. As such, this drug is also classified as a sympathomimetic amine.
In 1959, the US Federal Drug Administration or FDA, approved this drug as an appetite suppressant to primarily help obese individuals in reducing their weight for short-term period, combined with exercise, diet and some behavioral and other lifestyle changes. It is also recommended to people with increased medical risk due to weight gain.
People with the following medical risks below due to weight gain, are allowed to take phentermine but should include a physician’s prescription:
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- High cholesterol levels
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Internal organ diseases, and even
- Emotional and mental problems caused by obesity
How does Phentermine Work?
Since phentermine is a stimulant, it directly affects the brain’s hypothalamus area, basically to stimulate the adrenal glands which will then trigger the release of norepinephrine.
Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that sends a general discharge to the sympathetic nervous system, which signals you to either induce or prevent your hunger. This will help you to manage your hunger pangs better than your usual capacity which leads to a more reduced appetite.
Phentermine also affects the external part of the brain, which releases epinephrine or adrenaline that causes fat cells to break down excess or stored fats in your body. Other tests concludes that phentermine also helps the release of serotonin and dopamine but not in significant numbers compared to norepinephrine.
Precautions in Using Phentermine
If you are planning to use phentermine to help reduce your appetite or practically to lose weight, then you need to consult your doctor first before you take this drug. Ask your doctor if your existing or past health conditions can be affected by taking phentermine.
Common worries regarding this drug is the possible allergic reactions which are common to sympathomimetic amine drugs such as stimulants, appetite suppressants or amphetamine. Phentermine contains other ingredients that can trigger allergic reactions or other health issues.
MAO inhibitors such as isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline and tranylcypromine should not be associated with phentermine supplementation because drug interaction could develop. Never use phentermine drugs if you have taken any types of MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days.
If you have the following allergic reactions or conditions, do not take phentermine:
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- Glaucoma
- Overactive thyroid
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Allergic to dietary pills or supplements
- History of alcohol or drug abuse
- If you are in an agitated state
- Pregnant or breast-feeding
- Any heart disease
So if you have diabetes, heart conditions, kidney disease, thyroid disorder or hypertension, you need to tell your doctor if phentermine is completely safe for you.
Dietary medications such as fenfluramine (Phen-Fen) or dexfenfluramine (Redux) can both cause lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension. So don’t take phentermine together with these dietary medications.
For women, if you are in pregnancy period, never take any types of dietary pills including phentermine. Weight loss during pregnancy can cause harm to your unborn baby. For breast-feeding moms, phentermine can pass into breast milk which could also harm your baby. So you should never take phentermine during breast-feeding stage.
Do not take phentermine if you are currently under these medications:
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- Topiramate
- Oral diabetes medication or Insulin
- Hypertension medications
- Antidepressants
Phentermine Side Effects
Like any other drugs, phentermine has dozens of notable side effects that will put your health into various risks, especially if taken in an extended or prolonged period of time. If taken erroneously, phentermine can cause serious conditions such as pulmonary hypertension, heart valve problems and many others.
It is good to note that if your doctor prescribed you to use phentermine, your doctor sees that you will benefit more by taking this drug than the risk of side effects. Plus, most cases of people who have used or currently using this drug, have only reported mild side effects while serious side effects are rare.
Some of the common side effects includes:
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- Decrease/increase in sexual appetite / impotence
- Diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps
- Dry mouth / unpleasant taste
- Lethargy or hyperactive
- Headache, tremors, dizziness
Reported serious side effects of phentermine includes:
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- Seizures
- Fever
- Vision changes
- Extreme hypertension
- Pounding heartbeats
- Swelling in ankles or feet
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Anxiety, nervousness, panic
- Mood changes, uncontrolled anger, depression
- Hallucinations
If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking phentermine and talk to your doctor for immediate medical advice.
Phentermine Dosing and Administration
According to, the adult dose of phentermine for weight loss is 15 to 37.5mg orally once a day before breakfast or 1 to 2 hours after breakfast. For pediatric dose (17 years or older), usual recommended dose is 15 to 37.5mg once a day before breakfast or 1 to 2 hours after breakfast.
If you miss a dose, it is advisable to take a dose as soon as you remember and skip the missed dose. Never take extra phentermine drug just to make up the missed dose. If you unintentionally overdose yourself, seek medical help as soon as possible.
That is the general direction on how to take phentermine. However, your doctor can give you different instructions on how to take this drug. Follow your doctor’s instructions as prescribed.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommend the use of phentermine only for short-term weight medication. Plus, the agency requires all consumers to follow a healthy diet and a regular exercise program while taking phentermine.
Other important information to consider includes the following:
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- Do not take this drug in the evening (it will interfere with your sleep)
- Do not suddenly stop taking phentermine (instant withdrawal may cause side effects)
- Store at room temperature (avoid moisture and heat)
- Monitor your phentermine consumption (avoid drug abuse)
- Tell your doctor if you have increased your hunger (ineffective)
Where to Buy Phentermine Drugs?
Different phentermine drugs are widely available in any local pharmacy stores near you. The only question is what specific brand to choose. Adipex-P and Ionamin are both popular brands but you can also find some generic phentermine drugs.
Phentermine is probably the most sought after diet pill in the market today due to its efficacy. However, it is good to consider all the information I have written above to avoid any health inconveniences that phentermine medication might give you.
Plus, you need to seek your physicians advice before you can buy any prescription-based weight loss drugs, including phentermine brands.
Buy Alternative Non-Prescription Phentermine Diet Pills
As an alternative, you can buy phentermine diet pills that doesn’t require any prescription from your doctor. Online dietary pills that are marketed as a phentermine drug, are abundant in the Internet. Most of these brands are scams that would harm your health and are ineffective for weight loss.
However, there are known and trusted dietary pills that can be purchased online without your physician’s prescription. One of the most dependable brand is Phen375, an alternative non-prescription phentermine diet pill and our most recommended diet pill.
Phen375 has the power of prescription-based phentermine brands without its known side effects.
Yes, Phen375 doesn’t have any known side effects because it contains other organic ingredients that are clinically proven effective and safe for all types of weight loss program. This brand is currently one of the best non-prescription phentermine alternatives that you can purchase online.
To purchase Phen375, please go to its official website here.
Phentermine – Drug Information Online
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I have been going to a local weight-loss clinic in my area and I have been taking phentermine for about 3 and a half months now and I also take a weekly diet injection as well, but I had purchased a 3 month supply of garcinia cambogia online about 6 months ago, and I was wondering if it is safe to take the phentermine and the garcinia in the same day or either together. I am exercising and eating very healthy and I don’t seem to be losing that much weight. Can someone tell me if it is safe to take the two together for my weight-loss?
Hi Tiffany,
If your doctor prescribed you to take phentermine, then you probably need a strong weight loss supplement to reduce your weight. Phentermine is prescribed for people who are extremely overweight and is often combined with sensible diet and regular exercise.
As a stimulant, phentermine works in your central nervous system as an appetite suppressant. With that said, it is not wise to combine other weight loss drugs with phentermine, especially supplements that contains stimulants such as caffeine. Doing so can cause side effects such as restlessness, shortness of breath, pounding heartbeats, sleep problems, anxiety and many others.
Garcinia cambogia on the other hand is a natural ingredient but is not completely approved by most health experts for weight loss, though it features several studies that it can provide some measures of metabolism increase.
It is better if you ask your doctor in your clinic whether garcinia cambogia diet pill is okay to take with phentermine. Since you said that you don’t experience any weight loss, it is quite obvious that the two supplements have no effects on your system.