Phenamax looks to be a familiar brand name that you probably thought to be a phentermine-alternative diet pill right? Well, though it has “phen” in its name does not mean that it is actually a herbal-based phenethylamine brand.
The name of this brand is not just the only thing that can get your attention, but this brand also claims a lot of health benefits aside from being a weight loss pill.
So can this diet pill deliver results for you? Can it be an effective weight loss support for your fitness program? Read on and learn how Phenamax truly works as a dietary supplement.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Phenamax, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Phenamax?
Phenamax is a herbal weight loss supplement that is aimed at helping you in boosting your metabolism and energy while significantly reduces your appetite. Not only that, this brand also claims that it can improve your stamina and overall endurance while exercising.
This brand (I supposed) is owned by Online Future Incorporated, a USA-based company that manufactures different types of health supplements such as sexual enhancements, weight loss, sports nutrition, skin care and many others. All their brands including Phenamax, are being distributed by ShipOffers, an EyeFive Company.
Some of the health benefit claims of Phenamax includes the following:
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- Significantly reduces appetite
- Reduces your calorie intake
- Increases your energy and metabolic levels
- Burns fat fast
As aforementioned above, Phenamax is like a phentermine brand due to its name having Phen. As you know, there are a lot of Phen products in the market today that mimics the weight loss efficacy of phentermine drug, which is primarily to suppress appetite.
Phenamax does the same thing actually. It is marketed as an appetite suppressant pill. However, its listed ingredients are all natural and herb-based formula. Read on and see what Phenamax can offer you about its ingredients.
Phenamax Ingredients
As mentioned earlier, Phenamax is composed of a natural proprietary blend that is incomparable to common phentermine drugs. Its main ingredient is a high dose of green tea extract. As you know, green tea is a known antioxidant and slimming compound that can burn your fat easily.
Other ingredients of this diet pill includes guarana extract, vitamin B6, citrin (50% HCA), yerba mate bark, white willow bark, cha de burge, hordenine, forslean 10% forskolin and acacia gum.
In inactive ingredients includes magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, rice powder, water and gelatin.
How does Phenamax Work?
As you can see from Phenamax’ ingredients, it is composed of not just appetite suppressing agents, but is also packed with thermogenic formula. What doe this mean for you?
It means that Phenamax will not just help reduce your appetite, but it will also help increase your energy and metabolism that will result to significant fat and calorie burning activities. The more your metabolism increase you get, the more you slim you become.
Actually, the official website of Phenamax provided limited information on how it works for weight loss. With that said, lets look deeper on its three main ingredients that have significant dosage in each capsules – citrin, yerba mate and green tea leaf extract.
Citrin is another trademark name for garcinia cambogia extract, which was initiated by Sabinsa Corporation. Marketed solely for weight management, citrin’s main active compound is hydroxycitric acid or HCA, which is known for its appetite suppressing benefits.
According to a clinical mice study on the weight loss power of HCA, citrin K was the most potent type of garcinia cambogia extract which were shown to be potent inhibitors of food intake.
Citrin human testing resulted in a satisfying slimming result, though not completely similar with the mice tests. Some researchers said that the lack of efficacy in human studies was caused by wrong HCA preparations.
Though controversial, studies have confirmed that citrin (HCA) can help produce weight loss effects in humans.
Source: Hydroxycitric Acid – National Institutes of Health
Yerba Mate (also called as mate, Paraguay tea, or Brazilian tea), is made from the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis tree and is native to South America.
Yerba extract is known for its antioxidant content (polyphenols) that is used for different health purposes. But yerba mate is now widely used as an anti-obesity extract due to its stimulating effects and antioxidants itself, both of which are known to help prevent and treat obesity and inflammatory diseases.
Source: Anti-Obesity Effects of Yerba Mate Extract – Wiley Online Library
Green Tea Extract
Like yerba mate, green tea is known for its antioxidant content and weight loss properties. Green tea is probably the most extensively researched extract in the planet, which has been shown to be greatly beneficial in humans.
Clinical studies suggests that green tea extract can boost your metabolic rate which will result to massive fat burning body activities. Since green tea contains caffeine (a stimulant), it can truly give you an instant energy boost that can help improve weight loss.
Source: Green Tea – University of Maryland Medical Center
As you can see, all these three main ingredients are formulated in strictly high amounts to produce significant weight loss. Other ingredients such as vitamin B6 (energy booster), guarana (another stimulant) and all others extracts are known in the dieting community as weight loss agents.
Is Phenamax Safe?
Phenamax is generally safe for most adults as it contains natural herb extracts, vitamin B6 and other weight loss compounds. This brand has no hidden ingredients or chemicals that can harm your health.
The only thing that matters about Phenamax is its stimulant content. With green tea, yerba mate and guarana extracts, you are sure to get some hard kick from their caffeine content. Caffeine is beneficial but it can also trigger jittery side effects when taken excessively or if you are highly allergic to stimulants.
So far, there are no known side effects for this brand online simply because it does not have enough testimonials to show. While there are limited reviews for this brand, it is obvious that Phenamax is not a side effects-free brand based on its high stimulant content.
With that said, you have to consult your doctor first before taking Phenamax or any other diet pills that you stumble online.
Recommended Use
Take Phenamax as your dietary supplement. Take two capsules a day with at least 8 ounces of water. Do not exceed this dosage unless approved by your physician or healthcare provider.
Individual results may vary. The company behind Phenamax is recommending you to follow a sensible diet and regular exercise while under Phenamax supplementation for best results.
Phenamax Review Summary
Phenamax has its hits and misses on this review and I think that it deserve to be at the passing grade. Why? Because first, it contains natural ingredients that are all known beneficial and weight loss agents and second, it has no known side effects so far.
However, there is very limited information to be found for this brand online. Customer testimonials are also limited (which is probably the reason why it has no known side effects).
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
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- Natural ingredients
- Superb dosage on its three main slimming ingredients
- No known side effects
- Money back guarantee
Where to Buy Phenamax?
Phenamax is not available at any local weight loss outlets near you.
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One of the most reliable, safe and bestselling Phentermine-alternative diet supplement in the market today.
Phen Caps is packed with known slimming ingredients that can truly help reduce cravings and hunger, while elevating both your energy and metabolic levels.
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