Perform BCAAs

Boost hydration, post-workout supplement

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Perform BCAAs is a workout supplement that is made specifically to support your amino acid supplementation needs.

As you know, amino acids especially the branched-chain amino acids, are highly essential to overall physique improvement especially with muscle mass development, strength increase and recovery.

So can Perform BCAAs help improve your workout program? How does it compare to other BCAA supplements in the market? Lets find out the answers to these questions in this short but detailed review.

What is Perform BCAAs?

Perform BCAAs is a quality product from Transform Management LLC. They offer a wide variety of health products that aims to help “transform” your body into a new and improved physique.

And as mentioned above, Perform BCAAs is a branched-chain amino acid-based supplement designed to be used after a workout, giving you needed hydration, more strength and accelerated lean muscle growth.

And unlike other BCAA supplements that are in capsule form such as Anvarol, PumpPills, Myothon, and Promix, Perform BCAAs is in powdered form which is quickly absorbed by the body when ingested.

This product has good reputation online with hundreds of good reviews. Plus, Transform Management is so confident on the quality of their products, they are giving a 1-year money back guarantee on all online purchases. That is one of the longest in the industry.

This product is available in two flavors – Kiwi Strawberry and Raspberry Lemonade. Though primarily a post-workout drink, you can take Perform BCAAs during workout or anytime you want to fuel your body with amino acids.

A bottle of Perform BCAAs costs $34.99 which is a modest price compared to other brands. But you can get it for only $24.49 per month if you subscribe to their monthly program.

Perform BCAAs Ingredients

What makes this product more enticing is its BCAA content, which is 8 grams per serving (1 scoop). BCAA by the way is consist of amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine.

Perform BCAAs also contain a hydration blend that consists of di-potassium phosphate, coconut water powder, magnesium citrate, calcium carbonate and Himalayan rock salt.

Other inactive ingredients include citric acid, malic acid, natural and artificial flavors, beet root powder, sucralose, silicon dioxide and acesulfame potassium.

Perform BCAAs Ingredients

How does Perform BCAAs Work?

According to its official website, Perform BCAAs work by taking advantage of its BCAA content which has a ratio of 2:1:1, and a hydration blend to help support your overall workout performance.

They also claim that this supplement can help fuel your training, keeps you hydrated and helps improve strength while increasing muscle mass.

So how does Perform BCAAs work? Lets analyze how BCAAs really work and if it can truly help support your overall bodybuilding program.

BCAA for Bodybuilding

As mentioned above, branched-chain amino acids are a group of three essential amino acids – valine, leucine and isoleucine.

Many people are taking BCAAs because it is believed that it can help boost muscle development and can significantly elevate athletic performance. Others use it for fat loss and fatigue reduction after intense exercise.

How does BCAAs work? Well, they represent a large portion of your body’s total amino acid content, and about 14 to 18% of that number are found in your muscles. They are broken down in the muscles rather than in the liver.

Basically when you exercise, BCAAs increases your body’s energy production during workout, use them as building blocks for protein and muscles, and it also provide other heath benefits as well – NCBI.

This include blood sugar level reduction through preservation of sugar stores in the liver and muscles and stimulating your cells to use sugar from your bloodstream – NCBI.

According to experts, BCAAs also helps reduce fatigue during exercise, including mental fatigue as well.

A study showed that BCAA supplementation help increased the resistance  of people against fatigue during exercise. The volunteers were able to workout more before they got exhausted – NCBI.

Studies also show that branched-chain amino acids can help increase muscle mass while reducing soreness after exercise. How does BCAAs work for muscle growth?

According to a study, BCAAs helps activate an enzyme that is responsible for muscle building. And according to reports, if you take more leucine than isoleucine and valine, you may experience muscle mass increase – NCBI.

How about weight loss? You probably noticed that most dietary supplements also use BCAAs as a key part of their weight loss formula.

According to experts, branched-chain amino acids may help prevent fat gain and can help enhance fat loss. Though most critics say that BCAAs weight loss effect doesn’t directly caused by the amino acids itself, but from the physical performance enhancements it gives during and after workouts.

Still, there are several studies that BCAAs have proven its efficacy on fat loss and weight gain prevention – NCBI.

man working out in the gym

Is Perform BCAAs Safe?

I haven’t found any side effect reports for this brand online. This is not surprising as branched-chain amino acids are known safe – NCBI.

Even though Perform BCAAs is likely safe for you, you are still encouraged to  consult your doctor first before you take this brand.

How to Take Perform BCAAs?

According to Transform HQ website, mix one scoop with 12 to 16 8 oz of cold water or your beverage of your choice. Shake or stir thoroughly.

No other instructions are found online.

woman working in the gym

Perform BCAAs Review Summary

So do I recommend Perform BCAAs on your weight loss program? Yes and there are several reasons why.

First, Perform BCAAs offers one of the highest dosage in the market – 8 grams per serving. This ensures that you will get the most benefit from an amino acid formula.

Second, Perform BCAAs has no known side effects. BCAA intake has been proven to cause no harm to humans. Though you still have to consider other factors if you want to make sure that you’ll get a 100% safe supplementation.

Lastly, this product isn’t that expensive compared to other amino acid-based bodybuilding supplements in the market. And Perform BCAAs has a good following online which is a testament to its overall quality.

Aside from Perform BCAAs, please check out one of our top-rated brands here – Complex Diet Drops.

Click the link below this post to learn more about this supplement.

Where to Buy Perform BCAAs?

Perform BCAAs is only available online directly from their official website. Click the link below to buy yours now.

Click HERE to Purchase Perform BCAAs

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Perform BCAAs
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