
Natural slimming tea.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Based on its name, OolaTea is a premium loose-leaf organic teas that promotes a variety of health benefits, including weight loss.

Unlike other tea brands that are solely for weight loss such as 10-day Fat Burner Tea, Koutea, Tazo Zen and Teagime, OolaTea is a collection of tea brands that supports all areas of your health.

Interested? Read on and learn how this tea can be used for your weight loss program.

What is OolaTea?

OolaTea is from a Louisiana-based company with the same name, that offers a group of tea brands for all your weight loss and health needs.

The following are the types of teas that OolaTea currently offers online.

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  • Energy
  • Detox
  • Earl Grey
  • Sleep
  • Oxford
  • Peace
  • Fresh
  • Glow
  • Boost
  • Marrakesh
  • Vitality
  • Burn
  • Lean
  • Unwind


So as you can see, OolaTea offers a wide range of tea products that can help improve specific areas of your health, such as your sleeping pattern, mood, energy, fat reduction, detox and many others.

Basically, you have to choose which tea brand from OolaTea is the most ideal formula for you. But, all these brands have a common agent – oolong herb extract.

Each product is available in 14 and 50 count packages, which costs $16.88 and $55.63 respectively. You can also choose to avail their monthly subscription plan to get discounts.

Sadly, we never found any details in their website about refund, returns or money back guarantee. So, your purchases are likely final.

OolaTea Ingredients

As mentioned above, this product has one common ingredient and that is oolong herbal tea.

But, there are no additional details about the ingredients of each products in their website. Caffeine is the most plausible key agent in all of their brands as oolong is a natural stimulant.

oolatea slimming tea

How does OolaTea Work?

As OolaTea is a collection of organic teas, you must choose the best brand for your health needs. If you need to lose weight, then choose Energy, Boost, Burn or Lean.

Oolong tea is the common ingredient among these tea brands. So to better understand if this herb can help you lose weight, we need to know what the experts had to say about oolong tea.

According to WebMD, oolong tea can help elevate thinking skills and improve mental alertness. This is why you often see oolong herbs in nootropics, energy boosters and weight loss products.

Oolong can help increase energy and metabolism, which helps promote fat loss and athletic performance improvement. All these slimming effects are possible due to oolong’s caffeine content.

WebMD also suggests that oolong tea can help treat osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, tooth decay, diabetes, skin allergies, eczema and delays aging process due to oolong’s antioxidant properties.

Caffeine works by stimulating your central nervous system, heart and muscles. This is beneficial if you want to lose weight as it helps boost your mood, exercise potential and fat loss.

It is also good to note that other slimming teas also have caffeine such as Fasted Tea, Cho-Yung and Triple Leaf Tea.

oolatea slimming teas

Is OolaTea Safe?

We never found a single side effect reports for these tea brands online, though this doesn’t mean that OolaTea is perfectly safe for you.

Oolong tea is a caffeine-packed herbal extract, which can trigger mild side effects to people that are highly allergic to stimulants.

So it is ideal to consult your doctor first before you take any OolaTea brands.

OolaTea Review Summary

You can enjoy OolaTea for various health needs especially if you want to lose weight. The only downside is that, you must try each OolaTea brands to find out which one is the most ideal for you.

OolaTea is also affordable but as I have said above, this product is unlikely to offer any guarantee or return benefits.

To know the directions of each teas, you must see the back label to see specific instructions.

oolatea herbal organic teas

Where to Buy OolaTea?

This brand is only available on selected online supplement retailers.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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