Miracle Burn 360 claims that it can suppress your appetite, burn fat and boost your energy levels.
While all diet pills similarly promotes the same thing, what does make this brand extremely different from the rest of the competition?
We studied Miracle Burn 360 and found some intriguing factors why this brand can be a plausible brand for your weight loss program.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Miracle Burn 360?
Miracle Burn 360 is a product of Marine Supplements LLC. Even though this product has its own website, it is now marketed in Amazon.
Some of the claimed benefits of this diet pill include:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19beed”]
- Blocks your body from producing more fat
- Burn fat as you go about your day
- Suppress your appetite
- Increase your energy levels
So like other diet pills such as SpeedySlim, HouseBrand or Labrada Raspberry Pill, Miracle Burn 360 is similarly marketed as an all-around weight loss supplement.
But can it truly deliver results?
Well, there are mix reports with regards to this brand though positive reviews outweighs the negative reviews.
Miracle Burn 360 is also not cheap with $24.99 price tag. But the company offer a 30-day money back guarantee so this is a plus for you.
Miracle Burn 360 Ingredients
The ingredients of this diet pill are citrus aurantium, cassia seed extract, coicis extract, mulberry leaf, green tea and medical amylum.
Unlike other brands like JetRush, Super Yacon, BCAA Pro, this diet pill concealed the exact amounts of its ingredients. So we practically don’t have any ideas how potent its formula.
The company behind Miracle Burn 360 concealed the dosage which is truly a bad idea! With tons of negative reviews, you probably know why.

How does Miracle Burn 360 Work?
Aside from green tea and citrus aurantium, the rest of the ingredients of this brand are not commonly used in the dieting supplement industry. These ingredients are also not known to have any slimming effects.
According to this pill’s website, it can help burn belly fat around the clock.
This is a bold claim considering that Miracle Burn 360 only offers green tea and citrus aurantium as legit thermogenic agents. Plus, there is no dosage information.
We will go ahead and analyze if Miracle Burn 360 is a plausible weight loss pill for you.
Cassia Seed
Cassia seed is a modern herbal remedy for digestive disorders as it helps stimulates the bowel. Known as a powerful laxative, cassia is often produced as tea which many believe to have slimming properties.
But according to LiveStrong article, cassia can cause serious reactions such as diarrhea, nausea, severe cramps and dehydration.
Coicis Extract
This ingredient is somehow hard to find online. But this is probably the same extract from a known Chinese herb called Coix seed.
If this is Chinese coix seed, then its diuretic effects and lipid lowering properties just like what oolong tea does, are the main reasons why it is in the Miracle Burn 360’s formula.
According to this article, coix seed may have some weight loss properties but it still needs more clinical studies to support its weight loss claims.
Medical Amylum
Amylum is a starch with high molecular weight polysaccharide made up of d-glucose residues that consists of 80% amylopectin and 20% amylose.
As a carbohydrate, amylum is found in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants such as in corn, potatoes, wheat and rice.
Amylum is not known for any weight loss effects so we have no ideas why this agent is present in Miracel Burn 360.
Mulberry Leaf
This ingredient is seldom used in weight loss supplements though there are some exceptions such as White Mulberry and GarciniCleanse.
Mulberry leaf has tons of health benefits including weight loss. It helps hinder the enzyme that digests carbs in the intestines. In short, mulberry extract is a carb blocker.
Since the carbohydrates are not absorbed and do not turn into glucose, you get fewer calories from your meals which results to weight loss.
However, carb blockers only prevents you from gaining weight, and not triggering weight loss altogether unless you combine exercise and a sensible dieting plan.
Both citrus aurantium and green tea are known fat burners and thermogenic agents due to their stimulating properties.
Even though both of these agents do promote weight loss, we don’t have any idea how much extract it contain per servings as Marine Supplements hid its total dosage.
So Can Miracle Burn 360 Help You Lose Weight?
Well, there are some unknown ingredients but most of the agents in its formula can help support your weight loss program.
It may be able to deliver results if you follow a sensible diet and exercise regularly. So you can’t expect to get significant results with this brand if you take it on its own.
How about Safety?
Miracle Burn 360 has ingredients that are proven to cause minor side effects, though we believe that it is likely safe to most adult dieters.
To ensure a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Miracle Burn 360.
According to their Amazon page, you can take one capsule a day. Take 20 to 30 minutes before a meal with an 8oz glass of water.
No other instructions are found online.
Miracle Burn 360 Review Summary
Like other brands such as Nuked, Sweet Nothing, or Garcinia Cambogia Plus, this diet pill can be a reliable partner for your weight loss program.
But don’t expect significant results and be aware of its possible health risks.
Here are the reasons why you need this brand:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]
- Natural ingredients
- May give slight energy increase due to stimulants
- Moderately priced
- 30-day money back guarantee
Where to Purchase Miracle Burn 360?
If you are still interested or if you are a previous user of this diet pill and you found it effective, you can buy Miracle Burn 360 directly through its official site.
Check out one of our top rated brands here – PhenQ.
Click the link below to learn more why this supplement is one of the bestselling diet pills in the market.
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PhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.
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Click here to learn more in our review.
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