Have you tried Meratrim on your weight loss program? If you haven’t even heard of this diet pill before, then this post will give you important information about this dietary supplement.
Meratrim has quite an impressive formula that can somehow entice you to try it as your daily weight maintenance supplement. While there are people who love this diet pill due to its uniqueness and effectiveness, there are also some criticisms that this brand gets online.
If you want to know more about this diet pill brand, then read on and learn if Meratrim truly have an infamous reputation online or otherwise useful for your weight loss endeavors.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Meratrim, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Meratrim?
Meratrim is a popular diet pill that was formulated by Re-Body, a subsidiary company of by InterHealth Nutraceuticals, Inc. There are several dietary supplements in the Re-Body product lines and Meratrim is one of the bestselling pill on their resume.
This dietary supplement is a unique, clinically supported weight management diet pill that can help trigger your body’s weight loss efforts.
Some of the claimed slimming benefits of Meratrim includes the following:
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- Increases your metabolism and energy levels
- Reduces appetite
- Supports healthy adiponectin level
- Non-stimulant
- Potent anti-adipogenic and lipolytic properties
Ingredients of Meratrim
As mentioned earlier, Meratrim has a simple but unique formula that is not commonly seen in most dietary supplements. This formula is 100% safe and purely herb extracts with no stimulants or harmful ingredients, so it is quite safe on paper.
Meratrim is composed of two extracts – a patented extract of synergistic blend of fruit rind garcinia mangostana (different from garcinia cambogia) and flower heads extracts called Sphaeranthus Indicus).
Both herb extracts promotes better weight management and has been used for years by Ayurveda. Its inactive ingredients includes microcrystalline cellulose, vegetarian capsule, rice bran and silica.
The Science about Meratrim
Re-Body considers Meratrim as a weight loss breakthrough and you can’t blame them for doing so because Meratrim has its own clinical lab tests to prove its efficacy.
Meratrim was put to the test in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. With its proprietary formula (garcinia mangostana and Sphaeranthus Indicus), Meratrim was able to help people reach their weight loss goals in as little as two weeks.
The participants were given Meratrim instead of placebo and they steadily experienced great weight reduction over an eight-week period. Dr. Judith Stern oversaw the final analysis of the clinical trial results.
Because of the studies’ success, Dr. Stern credited the patent-pending mixture of Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcinia mangostana for its weight loss benefits.
The studies also discovered that these two extracts exhibits potent anti-adipogenic and lipolytic potential. Sphaeranthus Indicus and garcinia mangostana are among the best inhibitor effects on adipogenesis and lipolysis. Further clinical evaluation are still needed to conclude their true potentials.
Unfortunately, there are no other details about how Meratrim works besides the above’s information.
Is Meratrim Safe for You?
Meratrim is generally safe for all types of dieters as it is composed of 100% pure and natural extracts. This diet pill has no stimulants or any other chemicals that may result to unwanted side effects.
If you look at its Amazon page, Meratrim has mix reactions with regards to efficacy which is a usual thing for diet pills. However, negative comments outweighs the good reviews and most dissatisfied customers are complaining about ineffectiveness and common side effects.
Reported side effects includes stomach cramps, loose stools, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
Meratrim Reviews
Good Reviews
[note note_color=”#f0f4ca” text_color=”#1f1818″]This product is great. It goes well with the other products I Take each day. I have not seen any improvements yet but it gives me energy and helps with the cravings[/note]
[note note_color=”#f0f4ca” text_color=”#1f1818″]Found an article in a magazine and wanted to try these, I don’t know yet if they work for weightloss. The company that I purchased them through quickly sent them to me and they were in perfect condition.[/note]
[note note_color=”#f0f4ca” text_color=”#1f1818″]I been taking this for a week now, had to go to the doctor today and when the nurse weighed me I couldn’t believe that 7 pounds had dropped off. If this continued I will reach my goal in no time at all. Meratrim curved my appetite and I have no jittery at all. If you ask me this is a very good product.[/note]
[note note_color=”#f0f4ca” text_color=”#1f1818″]I started taking the Meratrim about 7 days ago. I saw on Dr. Oz that it was better to take it while eating a higher protein diet. I have been on the South Beach Diet before and lost about 7 pounds the first week. I decided to do South Beach again along with the Meratrim. I started dieting on Monday and weighed on Friday morning and had already lost 10#. I think the additional weight loss is because of the Meratrim. So far I have had no problems from taking it.[/note]
Bad Reviews
[note note_color=”#f32d25″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Haven’t lost a single pound or inch and it’s been a month of taking it. I have been exercising religiously for the past 8 weeks and watching my diet. Not worth it![/note]
[note note_color=”#f32d25″ text_color=”#ffffff”]I used this for three weeks, following the directions, but saw no difference in waist size or weight. I walk for an hour and a half a day and have a Jack Russell Terrier, so I thought that combined with this herbal supplement would show. Not so much. Really dissapointing.[/note]
[note note_color=”#f32d25″ text_color=”#ffffff”]I’ve been taking meratrim as recommended by the bottle for 2 weeks. At first my appetite really declined which was good to control my food intake. But now my appetite fluctuates and I have regular, painful stomach cramps w / diarrhea! Weight loss is minimal and I’m very concerned about creating possible health issues. I have stopped taking this![/note]
[note note_color=”#f32d25″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This product after three pill has left me on the toilet for the last 3 days. i have had horrible abdominal cramps, loose stool and horrible gas. Misery! I eat impeccably well, gluten free, organic and low fat. So it is not what I am eating. Do not buy this. Lesson learned, you cant loose weight from a pill.[/note]
Meratrim Review Summary
Meratrim does have its own patrons which means that this brand can also give some sorts of weight loss for you.
But this supplement’s negative reviews are overwhelmingly alarming which could mean inefficacy and side effects.
Re-Body has a very nice website (I actually found two official sites excluding InterHealth Nutraceutical’s website) and the laboratory studies that were published are very impressive.
I am rating this diet pill as “AVERAGE” due to the following reasons:
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- Limited information on how this diet pill works
- Ineffectiveness have been reported
- Side effects are reported
Where to Buy Meratrim?
Meratrim is available online through various health supplement retailers such as Amazon, or you can directly purchase them at its official website.
If you are afraid to take Meratrim due to its side effects and ineffectiveness reports, then you can try our top rated diet pill below – HCG Complex.
Otherwise, if you are a previous user of Meratrim and you found it to be effective and safe, please visit its official sales page.
Click Here to Purchase Meratrim
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One of the bestselling and proven diet drop formula in the market today. HCG Complex is 100% natural and hormone-free supplement that will trigger rapid and safe weight loss.
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