Maximum Slim Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker

Fat and carb blocking dietary supplement.

Are you looking for a fat and carbohydrate blocker? If yes, then you may want to consider Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker by Maximum Slim.

It is true that fat and carb blockers are much less popular than fat burners, thermogenics, fat binders, energy boosters and appetite suppressants because people thought that they don’t need them. However, fat and carb blockers works entirely different than the aforementioned slimming products that could be your weight loss salvation.

This product review will give you insights on how this type of weight loss product work, specifically Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker.

What is Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker?

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker is owned and distributed by Maximum Slim LLC, an eco-friendly slimming product manufacturer that offers one of the bestselling weight loss coffee brands in the market – Maximum Slim Original Green Coffee.

As its name suggest, Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker uses a more natural formula to produce weight loss effects which is primarily to block carbs and fat from your diet.

Some of the claimed benefits of Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a0ed”]

  • Cuts carbs and sugars by 66%
  • Binds and cuts fat by 28%
  • Boosts your energy and metabolic levels
  • Promotes appetite reduction


As you can see, Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker also features appetite suppressing and metabolism boosting benefits. Overall, this diet pill can be your best weight loss supplement.

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker Ingredients

maximum slim advanced fat & carb blocker ingredientsMaximum Slim features a unique ingredients for Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker. Its formula is called “Proprietary Glycoprotein Complex”, which is designed to reduce your fat, carbohydrate and sugar digestion.

This proprietary complex is composed of white kidney bean extract, chitosan, apple cider vinegar and aloe vera extract.

Unfortunately, the amounts of each ingredients are not available. Even the amounts per serving was not disclosed by Maximum Slim.

While this is considered as a flaw by the company, Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker is still considered to be an all-natural diet pill.

How does Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker Work?

Carb and fat blockers primarily work by blocking your carbs, sugars and fat from your diet. As you know, one of the main cause of weight gain is their eating lifestyle. The more you eat, the more you gain weight.

Carb and fat blockers are good methods to lose weight without restricting your diet because the carbs and fat are ignored or “blocked” by your body, avoiding absorption. Starchy carbohydrates such as rice, bread, potato and pastas are just some of the foods that can easily get you overweight.

Blocking your excess carbs and fat will give you more enjoyment on your foods, without absorbing all the unwanted calories. How can Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker achieve these benefits?

Well, if you look at this diet pill’s formula, you will notice two known carb and fat blocking agents – white kidney bean and chitosan. Other ingredients such as apple cider and aloe vera extract will give you other health benefits.

An article from LiveStrong, White kidney bean is described as a non-stimulant agent that is often used in both nutritional and weight loss products. One of the key benefit mentioned is its ability to delay digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by blocking an enzyme called alpha amylase, which is associated with carbohydrate digestion in the intestines.

White kidney bean can also help you to fee fuller longer, as it has high fiber content. So by slowing the digestion and blocking the absorption of carbohydrates, white kidney bean can be beneficial for your overall weight loss.

Chitosan on the other hand, is a polysaccharide or long chain of sugar molecules that acts similarly to fiber by passing through your digestive tract without being absorbed.

Chitosan forms a gel around fat droplets in the intestines, protecting them from an enzyme that helps break down fat. This prevents chitosan from entering the bloodstream and be used by your body.

Some research believe in this theory, making chitosan a fat blocking agent as it help increase the amount of fat eliminated in your stools.

Apple cider vinegar is known for its blood sugar and insulin lowering properties, which makes it a viable candidate as a dependable weight loss aid. A report by NCBI suggest that apple cider vinegar can increase satiety, help you to eat fewer calories that will lead to natural weight loss. Aloe vera works the same way as it stabilize your blood sugar levels that will contribute to your weight loss.

Is Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker Safe?

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker is all natural product that contains herbs that are clinically proven beneficial to health. So far, there are no known side effects for this brand online.

Though its dosage are not disclosed to you, I believe that Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker is still safe for most adult dieters as it does not contain stimulants or harmful chemicals that may affect your health negatively.

To ensure your health’s safety, I encourage you to consult your doctor first before you use this diet pill brand.

Recommended Use

There are no information on how Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker should be taken. It only suggest that you should take 2 capsules per day as published on Maximum Slim official website.

Other than that, you may have to contact the merchant in order to have an idea on how to take Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker for your weight loss program.

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker Review Summary

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker has a simple formula that will probably help you lose weight. Its chitosan and white kidney bean extracts are clinically proven effective in blocking fat and carbs, while also helping to make you fuller longer.

With regards to safety, there are concerns about its non-disclosure of its ingredient’s dosages. Though 100% pure and natural, dosing is still an important information especially with regards to supplements.

I rate this supplement as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a0ed”]

  • Blocks fat and carbohydrates
  • Supports appetite suppression
  • 100% natural
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed2819″]

  • Ingredient’s amounts are not available
  • Limited information
  • Limited customer reviews


Where to Purchase Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker?

Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker is neither available at any local supplement stores near you, nor in any online health supplement retailers. You can only purchase this brand directly from its official website.

To purchase Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker, please visit Maximum Slim official site below.

Purchase Maximum Slim Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker here


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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Maximum Slim Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker
Maximum Slim Advanced Fat & Carb Blocker
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