Max Pump

Endurance and muscle gain supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you are looking for a unique and simple muscle-building supplement, then Max Pump should be on your number one list.

This product is stimulant-free, meaning that it has no ingredients that can affect your central nervous system such a caffeine.

Having no stimulants can be a bad thing if you want a sudden boost on your workouts, but it can also trigger mild side effects as well especially to individuals who are highly allergic to caffeine.

So can this supplement help or support your workout program? Will it deliver significant effects on your bodybuilding regimen?

Read on and learn if this product is a plausible formula for your fitness needs.

What is Max Pump?

Max Pump is a product of FinaFlex, a supplement company that mainly produce sports nutrition products.

Here are the health benefit claims for this brand:

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  • Improves endurance and muscle strength
  • Increase muscle gain and pump
  • Elevates overall athletic performance
  • Reduces muscle fatigue


As mentioned above, Max Pump has unique formula and is formulated as a pre-workout supplement. So unique, it only offers one key agent – betaine anhydrous.

According to its website, Max Pump can help improve blood flow to your muscles which promotes definition and reduces fatigue.

Though this brand has a simple formula, this product is a bit affordable unlike other expensive supplements in the market such as Sutolex, Contra, Curcumin 2000, or Axis-HT.

FinaFlex offers this brand for $38.95 per bottle, but some online retailers only sell it for $20.99. So you can get big savings if you buy from third party supplement shops.

Of course, returns depends if the store offer this benefit.

Max Pump Ingredients

This supplement offers a high dose of betaine anhydrous (Agmapure) – 3 grams per serving, which is composed of 99% pure agmatine sulfate.

Other ingredients include maltodextrin, gelatin, silica, magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide.

max pump ingredients

Can Max Pump Help Deliver Results?

So Max Pump only has one key agent – agmatine sulfate. So to better understand how this agent works, we need to know more if this compound can truly support your workout program.

According to, agmatine sulfate is a metabolite of L-Arginine, an amino acid known for its brain performance enhancing effects.

Agmatine sulfate is proven health beneficial by experts especially with regards to neuropathic pain, drug addiction, stroke prevention and of course, cognitive health.

People use agmatine sulfate for depression, anxiety, inflammation diseases, pain, memory loss, stroke, tumor growth suppression, alcohol and morphine withdrawal, stress, nerve repair, high blood sugar and many others.

But can this compound truly promote muscle gain increase and endurance improvement?

Experts suggest that agmatine sulfate can help stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH) production as proven in animal studies. High levels of luteinizing hormone also results to high testosterone levels.

As you known, healthy levels of testosterone leads to better performance in the gym, promotes muscle growth, elevated endurance and stamina, and above all, it helps improve sexual performance.

Agmatine sulfate also increase insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake into the muscles, according to animal studies – NCBI.

This compound is also proven to help increase appetite, which can lead to increased caloric intake. This is quite necessary if you want to gain serious muscle mass.

Aside from these benefits, agmatine sulfate also has the capacity to help you lose weight and may also prevent you from gaining weight.

max pump pre-workout supplement

Is Max Pump Safe?

Max Pump is likely safe to most adult lifters and athletes as agmatine sulfate is known safe for consumption and is highly available as a supplement in the market.

But there are some reports of minor side effects published on various health sites. Such side effects include nausea and diarrhea. Though I haven’t seen this type of reports online concerning Max Pump.

To have a safe supplementation, I encourage you to consult your doctor first before you take Max Pump.


According to its website, you can take 4 capsules with food, 30 minutes prior to workout. On non-training days, take 4 capsules with food.

For optimal results, use for 4 to 8 weeks, but don’t use for more than 90 days consecutively. Also, consult your doctor first if you are suffering from a major health condition such as heart or prostate disease.

Max Pump Review Summary

This sports nutrition supplement does have a simple but unique formula – agmatine sulfate. This compound has been proven to help increase muscle mass, endurance and performance in animal studies.

There are positive reports regarding agmatine’s muscle building effects on various muscle building forums online, which gives a testament on its effectiveness.

I encourage you to give us a comment about this brand using the form below and tell us how this product helped you on your fitness program.

It will truly help other readers to learn more about Max Pump and its possible effects on bodybuilding.

Where to Buy Max Pump?

Max Pump is available online via FinaFlex website or third party supplement retailers. But as I mentioned above, FinaFlex offer this brand with a higher price compared to other supplement shops.

So I suggest that you purchase through i-Supplements.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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