Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench


If you would like to boost your chances of weight loss, I suggest that you add some diversity on your program by using effective exercise equipments. To start on the right foot, I will review one of the most affordable but highly durable and dependable tool – Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench.

As you know, bench is a crucial part for any kinds of workout. This is the reason why you see a lot of bench press utilities in the gym. A traditional utility bench will give you dozens of exercise variations, which is a perfect way to get fit and lose weight fast.

So what makes Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench different from other known brands? Lets find out more in this short but detailed gym equipment review.

Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench Overview

Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench is practically designed to stand out from the rest of its competition. How? This product offers a 4-position back pad, a military, incline, flat and decline positions. Although not a huge features to boast of, other utility bench doesn’t offer these features especially those refurbished products.

If you are a fitness geek, you are probably well aware about the benefits of using a utility bench. This tool is commonly used for abdominal leg raise, dumbbell workouts, crunches and much more. Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench is one of the most versatile gym bench equipments that you should have at home!

Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility BenchYou can use it to work your chest, shoulders and triceps. This tool can also be used for most squat racks, half-cages and smith machines. The bench is perfectly sturdy due to rear stabilizers, which makes it one of the safest utility bench in the market. So aside from durability and sturdiness, you will also get peace of mind with regards to safety.

Other benefit is its actual weight – only weighs 28 pounds, built with 14-gauge heavy duty but lightweight metal frame. It measures 48 x 42 x 22.5 inches (w x h x d).

What is more amazing is that, this product can be fold for easy storage. So Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench won’t use much space on your room. You can store it inside your closet or under your bed and pull it out easily once you are ready to exercise.

Where to Buy Marcy SB222 4-Position Utility Bench?

This product is always available at Amazon. Purchase your Marcy SB222 today and you will get a free super saver shipping feature from the world’s number one shopping site Amazon.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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