Lose weight by eating? Are you serious? This can’t be right! But yes, you read it perfectly clear – lose weight by just eating! Okay, some of you might probably ring a bell about the title of this post. Yup! Finally I totally got your attention.
If you are totally lost how to shed pounds and get fit for life, then you are probably on a weight loss plateau. To overcome that dilemma, you have to focus more on different weight loss strategies to be successful. But losing weight by just eating seems so impossible to happen.
So before you click out of this page and go somewhere else, let me give you some practical tips why eating can be your simplest but most effective way of getting fit. Yes, if you can’t believe that you can lose weight by just eating, then go ahead and change the channel! But if you believe in yourself and you trust in what I am about to tell you, then I encourage you to read on!
Weight Loss Tips by Just Eating!
Ever heard of the eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa? This is a condition where an individual is so deeply fixated on eating healthy foods, disregarding any other foods that is perceived to be unhealthy such as processed and junk foods. Well, most dieting programs that claims that you could lose weight fast have big similarities with this eating disorder.
Well, first off, I am not encouraging you to eat more junks than the healthy ones okay. What I am trying to say is that, eating healthy foods are not always the right thing in order to achieve weight loss. Yeah, that is right. You may follow an orthorexic lifestyle but still, you wouldn’t lose a single pound. What could be the reason if all the dieting regimen in the world can’t help you get fit?
There are a lot of factors why you couldn’t lose weight. One could be your discipline or motivation to succeed. Yes, weight loss is not just a paperwork that you have to finish in a particular period. You have to deal with it continuously to produce good results.
Now you have to ask yourself, how am I living my life? Is my current lifestyle enough to keep me physically fit and healthy? Once you thought about these questions and answered them unbiasedly, you will come up with good solutions on how to lose weight without any rigorous workouts, restrictive dieting plans or expensive dieting supplements. All you need to do is to find out how you can live your life the right way that it would constitute to a healthy body!
Turn your Metabolic Rate into Another Level
It is worth noting that overweight and obese individuals have slow metabolism compared to slim people who are physically active. The most logical to do is to speed up your metabolic rate so that you could lose weight even with just less physical effort – by just eating!
Now there are foods that can also slow down your metabolism and some of these foods are perceived to be healthy. This includes fried and dried fruits and vegetables, fruit shakes and many others. So if you would like to lose weight by just eating, you need to pick the best foods that can effectively burn fat and would help increase your metabolic rate.
Eating the right foods can be your best weight loss buddy. So what are the foods that will help boost your metabolism? Include the following foods on your meal everyday to lose weight:
Almond is my favorite nut. This food is not only delicious and nutritious, it can also help you lose weight. How? Most studies proves that almonds help curb appetite by regulating your blood sugar. If you can curb your hunger, the chances of overeating would be slim and that would result to weight loss.
Acai Berries
Acai berries is a member of the berry fruit clan, all of which are known to have potent antioxidant properties. Aside from that, it is also good for cardiovascular health and of course, help aid weight loss.
Some supplements use acai berries as their key ingredient such as Bauer Nutrition, Pure Acai Berry Max and Acai Patch.
Read More: Does Acai Berry Really Work?
Want to lower your leptin levels? If yes, then you have to eat salmon. This particular fish is rich in essential amino acids and is known to help lower leptin levels. Low leptin levels means higher metabolic rate for you!
The health recommendation of 8 glasses of water a day will surely not going to be popular if it is not true. Water is like our natural cleansing tool which naturally detoxifies our body. Plus, drinking a lot of water can increase your metabolism compared to juice drinks or commercial teas.
Capsicum is another potent fat burner food that you have to include on your meals. Its spicy properties has capsaicin, a powerful antioxidant that will defend your body against harmful free radicals. Not only that, capsicum will increase your metabolism than any other spicy foods out there, which could result to more fat burning action.
Some capsicum-based supplements that you can use include Therm Burn, Black Bean C3G, or Capsiplex Sport which is one of the most popular capsicum brands online.
Ginger is probably one of the most healthful foods in the planet. It is good for the heart, has antioxidants, good for the skin and digestive system. Above all, ginger can help burn more of your stored fat by increasing your metabolic rate. Simple right!
Another product that you commonly see in different weight loss supplements. Why not? Cinnamon can help stabilize your sugar level, which in turn leads to more fat burning action. Cinnamon is also known for its metabolism boosting properties.
Some cinnamon supplements include Fenphedra, SkinnyMini, or EcoMetabolic.
There are many other foods that can turn your metabolic rate into a fat burning furnace. As you can see, these foods can either suppress your appetite or boost your metabolism. Both of which constitutes to a healthy and slimmer body. Remember that you need to consider foods that can help increase your metabolic rate. Otherwise, you are just adding some fat storage with your wrong eating regimen.
Eat the Right Way
Eating right is another way that you can take advantage for your weight loss program. I am not saying the usual chew and swallow habit here okay. Eating right is being mindful on what you are eating. Yes, you don’t have to be emotional when eating just to trick your brain that you are eating right. Just mind what you are eating and it will guide you on the right path!
One of the smartest way to avoid weight gain by proper eating regimen is to avoid your favorite foods. This is the number one rule! If you often eat outside such as your favorite restaurants, then you have to avoid going to that restaurant. If you are cooking at home, then you need to prepare other healthy recipes that could fit your dieting needs. To make this easy for you and not to look too restrictive, you may take a bite or two just to satisfy your food cravings.
Next is to eat slowly but avoid being emotional here okay. Don’t get too attached on your food. Slow eating means that you have to chew your food thoroughly to compensate your digestive system from its burden. When you chew your food, you will eat slowly and you will get full easily. Plus, you will have a healthy digestive system that is also good for your weight loss program.
Another important tip is not to skip breakfast. You probably know about this tip but this is highly crucial and important. In a study about busy individuals who are not taking breakfast, 98% of the participants are overweight and tends to eat more at lunch. So skipping breakfast would just lead to more food cravings, the more food cravings means the more you eat foods. Skipping breakfast is not the best way to lose weight.
Lastly, you need to avoid fatty foods, too much alcohol drinking and many other junk foods. Eating right practically means “eating the right way”. So if you are consuming too much junk foods and you binge drink on your daily life, then you will definitely stay on your weight loss plateau!
Lose Weight by Eating Summary
Okay, hold on. I am not encouraging you to indulge on foods carelessly okay. What I am trying to say is that, you have to eat more to be able to keep healthy and fit. Following the tips that I already gave you, you are now knowledgeable that by just simply eating, you can already lose weight.
Of course, if you can add some physical activities and some clinically proven and safe supplements, you will definitely further boost your weight loss into significant numbers! Remember that we can’t stop eating foods because we need to eat. What you need to do is to make foods your key weight loss regimen. It is safe and effective strategy and I know you can do it! From now on, have a healthy and balanced diet to achieve weight loss success!
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