LiveIt Lit Kit

Detoxification or cleansing program is one sure way to improve one’s health that will also lead to safe and natural weight loss. Have you ever tried a cleansing kit that offers weight loss? LiveIt Lit Kit is one of the most natural tea-based cleansing program you can ever find online.

Weight loss bundles (or commonly called as weight loss kit) are composed of different products that are designed to give you multiple weight loss or health benefits.

Can LiveIt Lit Kit deliver results? Read on and learn if this weight loss kit is the most suitable program for you.

What is LiveIt Lit Kit?

LiveIt Lit Kit is formulated by Dr. Sara, a naturopathic and detox expert from LoseIt Tea. This weight loss kit is composed of the highest quality organic teas that promotes wellness.

The LiveIT LIT KIT is the ultimate detox program that Dr. Sara currently offers. If you are suffering from weight loss plateau, then this detox program can definitely help.

This kit contains the following products:

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  • The Way To LoseIT – 28-day supply
  • LITlicious lifestyle handbook – healthy recipes
  • LITlicious grocery list – list of foods to choose from during your LiveIT LIT KIT detox
  • The Way To CleanseIT – 10-day supply
  • LIT KIT directions card – get to know LiveIT LIT KIT detox better


During this detox program, you will have the privilege to work hand-in-hand with Dr. Sara to ensure you have all the tools you need to succeed in your weight loss and cleansing endeavors.

Some of the privileges that you will get include free invites to the site’s health webinars, Facebook support, email support, online health consultation, detox cooking videos, LIT FIT fitness videos, yoga videos, maintenance plan and health questionnaires that will help you further on reaching your health goals.

LiveIT LIT KIT Main Products

The Way To LoseIT

The Way to LoseIT - LiveIt Lit KitThe Way To LoseIT is one of the major products of LoseIt Tea and the LiveIt Lit Kit.

This product is your daily detox tea which is formulated using some of the best and known detoxifying organic herbs. The Way To LoseIT help cleanse your internal organs such as your liver, to improve your health and vitality.

Sip this tea everyday and you will definitely reduce toxins, boost metabolism and maintain an ideal weight that you deserve!

Ingredients of this product include yerba mate, green tea, dandelion root, organic milk thistle, nettle leaf, ginger root, goji berries, cilantro leaf, acai berry powder, sunflower petals and natural essences (lemon extracts).

The Way To CleanseIT

the way to cleanseitThis product is similarly formulated with natural organic herbs that is designed to work together and produce a cleansing effect on the body.

The synergistic effect aids digestion, removes impurities, and cleanses toxins that create a sluggish and system malfunctions. The Way To CleanseIT improves the elimination of waste, reduces bloating while encouraging a faster metabolism.

Ingredients of The Way To CleanseIT include organic senna leaf, yellow dock root, turkish rhubarb root, aloe vera leaves, organic fennel and peppermint.

Can LiveIt Lit Kit Help You Lose Weight?

So the question is, can this weight loss bundle produce result? The answer to that is yes, but of course it depends on how you make positive changes in life. Plus, you also have to follow the directions of this 28-day detox program including the recommendations by Dr. Sara.

The LiveIt Lit Kit has all the tools for you to succeed, and your success highly depends on your efforts. You will learn a lot from this detox program as it will teach you different things like healthy recipes to some of the best detox advises from LoseIT Tea official site.

Plus, the two products of this kit are 100% natural and certified organic, which guarantees quality and safety for your detox and weight loss program.

This program is not just another tea company that offers bogus and hyped products, but LiveIt Lit Kit will educate, inspire and support your health goals all throughout your detox program.

Are there Any Health Risk for this Detox Program?

Detoxification programs are abundant online and most of them are practically safe if done correctly. Detox and cleansing practices becomes dangerous if one is not completely guided according to the right course. One mistake is of course can lead to adverse health effects.

Plus, you also have to consider the products that these weight loss bundles offers. Are they safe for detoxification processes. Most products in the market have questionable ingredients that will make you wonder if there are suitable to use in conjunction with a detox or cleansing program.

So is LiveIt Lit Kit safe for your weight loss program? With all the tools that LoseIT Tea offers, the probability of having side effects is slim as it offers a complete detox support. If you say “complete”, it means the following privileges for you:

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  • Directions card
  • Grocery list
  • LITLicious healthy recipes
  • LIT FIT yoga and fitness videos
  • Health questionnaires and
  • Private consultations


Both ingredients of The Way To CleanseIT and The Way To LoseIT are USDA and Ecocert Canada certified which means that you are only getting the best and natural compounds from LiveIt Lit Kit.

Since both products are tea-based, caffeine is one of the primary ingredient, which is not just known for its benefits but for its side effects as well. Over stimulation from too much tea consumption may lead to adverse health effects such as jitters, headache, dizziness and many others.

This makes LiveIt Lit Kit not side effects-free program. So you should also have to consult your doctor first before you undergo any detox or cleansing regimen which uses caffeine-rich products.

LoseIT Tea encourages you to use all the privileges you have in the program to prevent any unwanted health inconveniences. So far, there are no known side effects on using LiveIt Lit Kit for detoxification or weight loss purposes.

LiveIt Lit Kit Review Summary

LiveIt Lit Kit is one of the best weight loss kit that I stumbled online. It offers 100% organic ingredients that guarantee safe and effective results.

Plus, Dr. Sara is your personal coach to guide you in the process of proper detox and dieting program. With all the tools and privileges that LiveIt Lit Kit offers, you will have higher probability of success.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • Complete support from leading detox expert
  • 100% certified organic ingredients
  • Packed by privileges and health tools
  • No known side effect


Where to Buy LiveIt Lit Kit?

LiveIt Lit Kit is neither available at any local pharmacy store near you, nor to any online health retailers. This weight loss kit is only available through LoseIT Tea official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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