Lemonade Diet

Cleansing weight loss system.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want to have a powerful support on your diet program? If yes, then Lemonade Diet can be a big help for you.

This particular brand mimics the power of lemon diet regimen, which primarily focused on cleansing your system and boosting your energy levels.

However, Lemonade Diet is not just pure lemon extract but composed of known detox and weight loss agents.

Read here and learn how this supplement can help you lose weight fast.

What is Lemonade Diet?

Lemonade Diet is a product of Triu Naturals, the same company that owns HCG Triumph and Appetite Control, both of which are slimming supplements.

Here are the health benefits claims of this brand:

[list style = “check”]

  • Improves body function
  • Increases energy
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Strengthens immune system


According to Triu Naturals, this product is a plateau breaker which means that it can re-energize your body’s ability to lose weight even after you reached the point where your body can’t lose weight anymore.

To move you through the plateau, the company suggests that the formula of Lemonade Diet has the ability to help your body’s metabolism to get active again while improving all body functions needed for weight loss.

Lemons are proven to have dozens of health benefits and lemon diet is one of the best ways to help cleanse your system.

And I am not talking about a usual or common cleansing diet here, but lemons are also packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help improve your overall health.

A tub of Lemonade Diet only costs $25.95 and is supported by Triu Naturals’ returns policy.

Lemonade Detox Diet Overview

There are dozens of dieting regimens that you can follow and most of them are easily available online. Diet plans such as Mediterranean, Paleo, or Zone Diet are some of the most popular subjects online.

But one type of diet that is now getting the spotlight is Lemon Detox Diet, and this product is highly based on this dieting plan.

As its name suggest, Lemon Detox Diet (also known as Master Cleanse) is a type of detox program which aims to cleanse your system to be able to reach your desired weight and health.

Curiously, this type of dieting regimen is not new but was introduced 5 decades ago. As a master cleanse formula, lemons are used to help eliminate harmful toxins inside your body.

This process leads to natural weight loss and helps improve your body’s absorption of nutrients.

Possibly, there are numerous health benefits of using Lemon Detox Diet besides weight loss.

This include regulating your pH balance, reduction of swelling and pain, improves skin and hair, prevents allergies and body parasites, and many others.

Lemonade Diet Ingredients

The proprietary blend of this product is dosed at 1,060mg per serving. Ingredients include lemon juice powder, maple syrup, cayenne, raspberry ketone, burdock root, kelp, chikweed and papaya leaf extract.

Other agents include stevia, erythritol, citric acid, natural lemonade powder flavor, silica and maltodextrin.

lemonade diet ingredients

How does Lemonade Diet Work?

As a detox and cleansing supplement, you can expect significant slimming effects from this supplement. As shown in its ingredient profile, Lemonade Diet has the formula to kick start your weight loss program.

So how does these ingredients work? Lets find out more.

Lemon Powder Extract

Lemon has chemicals called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that are proven to help increase fat loss. This same chemical is also responsible for its anti-inflammatory and immunity-enhancing properties.

This fruit is also packed with lots of potassium, which plays a significant role in metabolism and digestion. This makes lemon a perfect metabolism booster and digestive detox agent.

Plus, aside from polyphenols, lemons have high amounts of vitamin C which is another reason for its fat burning properties – LiveStrong.

Maple Syrup

Made from the sugary circulating fluid of maple trees, maple syrup has been proven to have potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, and amino acids, all of which are highly beneficial for any dieting regimen.

Amino acids alone helps increase energy and performance, while promoting fat loss by boosting your metabolic levels.

But one negative side for this ingredient is that, it is high in sugar. I really have no idea how many milligrams of maple syrup Lemonade Diet has per serving because it isn’t indicated on its Supplement Facts.

However, I think that the other health properties of maple syrup outweighs any possible bad effects of its sugar content – HealthLine.

Raspberry Ketone

Lemonade Diet isn’t just about detox and cleansing, but it also offer some of the industry’s best known slimming agents such as raspberry ketone.

People use raspberry ketone for various health conditions but it is widely known for its alleged slimming properties.

Experts believe that raspberry ketone can prevent fat storage, promotes fat loss, increases energy levels and can significantly boost your metabolism.

Plus, like other berries such as goji or acai berries, raspberries are packed with antioxidants as well.


Like raspberry ketone, cayenne is another popular slimming agent known for its thermogenic properties. Themogenesis is the process of increasing body temperature to generate fat loss.

Cayenne has been used by dieters not just for energy and fat burning, but it is also used for its alleged detox properties, stimulating capabilities and may also help suppress appetite.

Burdock Root

According to diet and exercise geeks, burdock root has the ability to transport fat cells out of the body, while it helps cleanse and detoxifies your system.

Burdock root also function as a powerful diuretic, and an excellent blood purifier which helps cleanse your blood and lymphatic system.

Aside from being a detox agent, burdock has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties. This herb is also used as an appetite suppressant to help reduce hunger and cravings – WebMD.


Known for its appetite suppressing properties, chickweed are commonly used as slimming teas to help deal with various health conditions such as obesity, bloating and water retention.

People also use chickweed for constipation, asthma, psoriasis, muscle and joint pains, and skin conditions such as boils, abscesses and ulcers – WebMD.


If you want to lose weight and have good health, you better have a good functioning thyroid system. And kelp is proven to help improve your thyroid function.

More known as bladderwrack, kelp naturally has fucoxanthin which is a compound known to help shed body fat and increase your metabolism. Fucoxanthin has also been found to help prevent weight gain after a successful weight loss.

Since kelp can help improve your thyroid function, it will improve your body’s production of protein which helps generate energy for your body to use – LiveStrong.

lemonade diet diet supplement triu naturals

Is Lemonade Diet Safe?

I found no side effect reports for this brand online, which suggests that it is likely safe to most adult dieters and athletes who wants to detox their body naturally.

Of course, you still need to consult your doctor first before you take this brand.


According to its label, just mix 2 rounded scoops in 16oz (480ml) of water, 30 minutes before meal. Drink twice daily.

No other instructions are published online.

Lemonade Diet Review Summary

With thousands of detox and lemon-based diet supplements online, what are the reasons to choose this particular brand for your weight loss program?

Well, first if the price which only cost $25.95 per tub. This is highly affordable compared to other similar diet supplements online.

Second reason is its formula. Aside from having raspberry, kelp, burdock and chickweed as its slimming agents, the combination of maple syrup, cayenne and lemon have been used for decades to help treat obesity – LiveStrong.

Lastly, this product has been around for years which is a testament to its quality and overall effectiveness. Not to mention that Triu Naturals offers money back guarantee.

So you have no reasons not to use Lemonade Diet for your weight loss program!

Where to Buy Lemonade Diet?

Lemonade Diet is available online through HCG Diet’s official website only.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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