
Hormonal Support that Provides Natural Anabolic Effects

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Laxosterone is another workout, bodybuilding supplement that claims to provide “natural anabolic effects”, as it is made from a single but potent plant extract.

If you tried conventional anabolic steroids such as Anavar or Oxandrolone, then this product is a perfect alternative for you as steroids are known to produce nasty side effects.

Laxosterone is said to have similar potent effects as the aforementioned steroids, but not their adverse effects. Interested?

Read on and see if this product can be helpful to your overall bodybuilding program, or just another hyped scam brand lurking online.

What is Laxosterone?

Laxosterone is a quality product of Smart Nutrition, a dietary supplement manufacturer that is based in Luxemberg. A side note, there are dozens or even hundreds of supplements that uses similar or the same brand name.

This is because Laxosterone is a patented extract of Bestcom Biotech USA, derived from the rood shrub called Smilax Scobinicaulis.

As mentioned above, this supplement provides natural anabolic effects, meaning that it is formulated to help improve your workouts, muscle mass and overall performance.

And what makes this supplement unique from the rest of its competition? Well, it only has one unique ingredient – Smilax Scobnicaulis.

Plus, unlike other expensive bodybuilding supplements in the market such as Marine Muscle Colonel, Nutra-PCT and EpiAndro, Laxosterone offers a moderate price of $39 per bottle.

And Smart Nutrition also offer returns, which means that your health investment is secured and guaranteed with a refund in case the product didn’t worked as expected.

Laxosterone Ingredients

Based on the official website of this supplement, it has a potent dose of Smilax Scabinicaulis extract (300mg per serving to be exact).

Other ingredients include acacia gum and rice flour. No other ingredients are published online.Laxosterone ingredients

How does Laxosterone Work?

Laxosterone is all about Smilax Scobinicaulis, which is standardized to 92% 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin.

This extract is believed to provide weight gain effects, especially muscle gain. But this plant extract is also known for preventing fatigue, headaches, and may help treat arthritis joint pain and lumbago.

But is Laxosterone truly plausible as a bodybuilding supplement? Lets know more about this plant extract and see if this brand is going to help improve your overall physical performance and output.

Smilax Scobinicaulis Effects

Laxosterone is derived from the root of an Asian climbing shrub called Smilax Scobinicaulis, or simply known in the US as Sarsaparilla (zarzaparilla).

There several kinds of smilax genus and all of them are used as food and drink agents and also in Traditional medicine. The root is used to make medicinal drugs – WikiPedia.

Smilax scobinicaulis is used to help treat psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney problems, leprosy, syphilis, and is used to help increase sweating – NCBI.

Basically, sarsaparilla works by reducing inflammation which helps treat joint pain. It also helps decrease itching and bacteria, while it protects your liver from harmful toxins.

But can this plant provide anabolic effects?

Most people know or accustomed in using conventional steroids for their muscle building regimen, and only a handful of people know that sarsaparilla can be a good alternative anabolic agent.

According to researchers, an active molecule is found in smilax scobinicaulis and is though to be the culprit of its muscle increasing effect – Laxogenin. This molecule has an advantage as a natural plant steroid as it offers side effect-free effects.

Athletes and bodybuilders take sarsaparilla as a steroid for performance enhancement, strength improvement and increasing muscle mass. But laxogenin isn’t a prohormone agent, meaning that it cannot increase your androgen levels therefore provides no boost in testosterone levels.

How does laxogenin works for you as claimed by Smart Nutrition? They claim that their Smilax extract doesn’t just contain laxogenin, but also other agent called 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin, which offers a superior anabolic effects in the body.

So in short, laxogenin can be an effective alternative to anabolic steroids and prohormones, and is a fast-acting agent that provides instant effects. Laxogenin is also ideal to be used in conjunction with protein supplements and for post cycle therapy.

man lifting dumbbells

Is Laxosterone Safe?

I haven’t found any reported side effects for this brand online. This maybe because of the brand being not yet that popular compared to other bodybuilding supplements.

Plus as I have mentioned above, Smilax scobinicaulis isn’t that known in the bodybuilding community. So these are maybe the reasons why Laxosterone has limited reviews online.

But are Laxogenin and 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin agents safe?

Generally, I can’t find any information about laxogenin being a harmful or toxic substance to human. However, 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin is used as a bait by most companies to hide undisclosed substances in their labels.

According to a report by USADA, most supplement manufacturers are using 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin in combination with performance-enhancing drugs or PEDs.

Undisclosed substances in supplements are considered unlawful by the FDA. Plus, 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin doesn’t have any conclusive safety information by governing agencies. This is the reason why this substance is in the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List.

I don’t know if Smart Nutrition added unknown PEDs in Laxosterone. But if you want to make sure, you may contact them by visiting their official website throug the link below.

For safe supplementation, you are also encouraged to  consult your doctor first before you take this brand.

How to Take Laxosterone?

According to Smart Nutrition, adults can take two capsules a day. Each capsule contains 50mg of Laxosterone.

No other instructions are found online.

ripped and muscle guy sitting down

Laxosterone Review Summary

So can Laxosterone be a reliable supplement for your bodybuilding program? I believe so yes!

Smart Nutrition claims that Laxosterone is a hormonal support and based on the facts above, this formula can be a great support to prohormones. So if you are taking testosterone boosters, Laxosterone may help boost its effects.

Plus, Laxosterone is indeed used for increasing muscle and strength, while it also elevates physical performance. All of these are beneficial for your overall bodybuilding program.

You also get other health benefits that I mentioned above. With regards to price, Laxosterone also has a moderate price which can compete with other brands.

But with regards to safety, I believe Laxosterone is a safe brand though you still have to confirm from Smart Nutrition if their Laxosterone formula has no hidden substances such as PEDs.

Aside from Laxosterone, please check out one of our top-rated brands here – Complex Diet Drops.

Click the link below this post to learn more about this supplement.

Where to Buy Laxosterone?

Laxosterone is only available online directly from their official website. Click the link below to buy yours now.

Click HERE to Purchase Laxosterone

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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