Kou Tea vs Tava Tea – Comparison Review


Are you looking for teas that could help you lose weight fast? Don’t look further as this post will give you a detailed comparison review of two of the most popular and trusted tea brands in the market today – Kou Tea and Tava Tea.

Drinking tea has dozens of health benefits that offers vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients and antioxidants. It can shield your health from harmful chronic diseases that includes cancers and cardiovascular problems.

With most teas packed with antioxidants, your immune system can be improved and your blood cholesterol levels can be reduced significantly. But the best health benefits of most commercial teas today are its weight loss properties.

This is the reason why hundreds to thousands of teas are formulated each year just to get their own share in the weight loss market. Most teas are marketed as fat burner, appetite suppressant, detox agent, energy booster, immune and metabolism enhancer and many others.

The only question is, which tea is the best out there? To answer that question, I chose two of the best and popular slimming teas in the market – Tava Tea and Kou Tea.

Read my comparison review below to learn more how these two works for your weight loss program.

Tava Tea Overview

tava tea weight loss teaTava Tea is exclusively being manufactured and distributed by Slimming LTD., a known pharmaceutical company that parades top-notch weight loss products.

Like any other teas, Tava Tea is composed of only the best and purest herbs that are all known weight loss agents. These ingredients are well-blended to produce good weight loss results, as well as for overall health improvement.

Tava Tea contains three organic herbs – sencha, oolong and pu-erh extracts, all of which are used as a herbal medicine by the Chinese people for hundreds of years.

According to some clinical studies, oolong extracts can help improve your body’s fat metabolism processes, which can help reduce your body fat naturally. Aside from that, oolong extracts are also known for its blood cholesterol and blood pressure lowering properties.

Pu-erh on the other hand, can help assist your body from fat digestion from your daily meals. Your fats are blocked from being absorbed by your body which leads to better health and weight.

Sencha extracts is a known antioxidant that can help protect your body from harmful free radicals. These free radicals can damage your body cells that leads to chronic diseases.

Some of the known benefits of Tava Tea are as follows:

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  • Suppresses your appetite
  • Can help block carbohydrates
  • Helps burn more fats
  • Potent antioxidant properties
  • Reduces your risks of infections
  • Prevents harmful diseases
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Helps improve your skin
  • Good for the heart
  • Can calm your mood through its amino acid content
  • Less bloating


Read More: Tava Tea Review

Tava Tea Health Issues

Just like any other health teas in the market today, Tava Tea is not all good. Most teas are designed to keep your weight in a manageable level, but Tava Tea can go beyond your expectations and could cause you to lose more weight. If used wrongfully, this risk is possible.

Tava Tea is also not ideal for people who are undergoing medications. Several drugs are not advisable to be associated with various types of teas, including Tava Tea. If you are acidic, then you have to avoid Tava Tea.

Since Tava Tea contains caffeine, possible interaction side effects includes diarrhea, nausea, constipation, severe appetite loss, heart palpitations and headache.

Tava Tea Review

Tava Tea is not that risky as most teas often have caffeine, which is just usual. You can avoid the aforementioned side effects if you moderate your consumption of Tava Tea and follow the suggested proper usage.

So far, there are no serious complaints that were associated with Tava Tea and various independent reviews sites shows that most dieters have positive experiences using this slimming brand.

Kou Tea Overview

Kou TeaKou Tea is manufactured and distributed by RDK Global, one of the most trusted name in the weight loss industry and the maker of the best-selling diet pill Phen375.

Other brands marketed by this company includes Adiphene, Optimus Green Coffee, Tea Tone Plus and many others.

These ingredients are not just designed for weight loss, it will also help improve your overall health including its touted digestive system benefits.

Just like any other tea, Kou Tea is made of of common herbs that most weight loss pills have and it is also packed with potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can help your body to fight free radicals.

Below are the claimed benefits of drinking Kou Tea:

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  • Burns fat and calories
  • Boosts energy and your metabolic rate
  • Helps curb your appetite
  • Anti-stress properties
  • Good for the heart
  • Contains vitamins and minerals essential to health
  • Powerful antioxidant contents


To learn more how this tea works, below are its ingredients.

Green Tea Extracts

One of the most popular entity in most weight loss products, green tea extracts is known for its fat burning properties as well for its potent antioxidant contents. Green tea fights off free radicals and is touted as an anti-obesity leaves.

Oolong Extracts

Yes, Kou Tea does have oolong extracts just like Tava Tea. Oolong is known for its anti-stress properties but its other properties includes metabolism and energy booster and it helps increase your lipolysis process which helps removes fat.

Pu-erh Tea Extracts

Pu-erh is known to benefit your digestive system especially your spleen and stomach. In China, it is used to reverse the effects of excessive alcohol abuse. With regards to weight loss, pu-erh extracts can trigger your body’s thermogenesis process.

White Tea Extracts

White tea is also known for its health benefits and its antioxidant properties. It contains essential polyphenols which are known to help reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent hypertension, stroke and heart diseases. With regards to weight loss, white tea is known for its appetite suppression features.

Health Issues of Kou Tea

Most herbal teas such as Pure Health Slimming Tea, GudTea or Zest Tea, if used excessively may trigger undesirable side effects.

Below are some of the known health risks of drinking too much teas.

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  • Osteofluorosis
  • Aluminum poisoning
  • Oxalates over-dosage
  • Caffeine side effects
  • Prostate cancer


Since Kou Tea is a product that is mostly derived from camellia sinensis, then these health risks are quite possible.

However, this issues were completely addressed by RDK Global’s scientists. To learn more how Kou Tea was designed to give you a 100% side effects-free tea, read my Kou Tea full review through the link below.

Read More: Kou Tea Review

Kou Tea Review

Kou Tea is probably one of the best formulated slimming tea in the market today. It contains four key weight loss ingredients that will not just help you lose weight, but will also improve your overall health.

To purchase Kou Tea, visit its official site below.

Purchase Kou Tea here

Tava Tea vs Kou Tea Comparison Review Summary

Both Tava Tea and Kou Tea are known brands when it comes to slimming teas and both are clinically proven safe and effective. You can try any slimming teas that you may stumble online, but you won’t get similar health benefits that these two can offer.

I can recommend either of these two tea brands. However, I will cast my vote for Kou Tea due to the following reasons:

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  • Much more impressive ingredients
  • No known side effects
  • Produced by RDK Global (one of the leading diet pill makers)
  • Money-back guarantee


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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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