Keto SuperFuel

KetoAF exogenous ketones superfuel

Want to increase your blood ketones levels for better physique? If yes, then Keto SuperFuel might be the perfect supplement for you.

Unlike other ketone-based products online such as Instant Ketones, eVitamins 7-Keto and Keto Thermogenic Fat Burner, Keto SuperFuel combined beta-hydroxybutyrate and medium chain triglycerides to deliver effective results.

The question is, will this formula deliver results? Read on and learn why we believe that this brand can truly help improve your fitness program.

What is Keto SuperFuel?

Keto SuperFuel is a product of KetoAF, a Colorado-based supplement company. As mentioned above, this product combines the power of BHB and MCT to deliver superfuel energy boost.

Here are the claimed benefits:

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  • Carb-free fuel energy for muscle and brain
  • Sustained energy fuel for exercise
  • Reduced hunger
  • Muscle preservation
  • Improved cognitiion
  • Stimulates metabolic shift away from glucose dependence
  • Supports a healthy gut biome


This product uses exogenous ketones to promote physical enhancing benefits. Through the years, ketones have been in the key spotlight of various clinical studies for its potential as human performance-enhancing agent.

Like other ketone brands, Keto SuperFuel depends on its goBHB formula. goBHB is a patented ketone body commonly called beta-hydroxybutyrate, basically an energy booster.

Aside from BHB, this brand offers medium chain triglycerides, which are good fats and not harmful to the body. These fats are believed to be converted into ketone bodies, promoting sudden boosts of energy, focus and performance.

So combining both agents gives you a powerful bodybuilding supplement.

But with an impressive formula also comes with a hefty price tag – $49.99 per tab. Though a bit pricey, there are other sports supplements that are way more expensive such as Whey Protein 80, ISO100 Hydrolyzed, Workout Accelerator and BeachBody Energize.

Keto SuperFuel Ingredients

According to its label, this product offers high amounts of goBHB and MCT agents – 13.5grams per serving.

Ingredients include medium chain triglycerides (MCT), calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate (goBHB), magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate (goBHB), and sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate (goBHB).

Keto SuperFuel also has magnesium, sugars, calcium and sodium. Inactive agents include natural flavor, cinnamon ground, stevia and gum acacia.

keto superfuel ingredients

How does Keto SuperFuel Work?

Keto SuperFuel work by utilizing its two main agents – goBHB and MCT. Now these exogenous ketones won’t directly burn body fat or induce weight loss, but it can help support your overall fitness program and is less oxidate source of energy than carbs.

What does this mean?

This means that exogenous ketones can trigger energy increase, performance improvement, hunger reduction, improve cognition and muscle growth boost.

Experts from agrees that BHB does not stimulate the body’s liberation and burning of stored body fat.

But, they concluded that BHB can indeed help reduce hunger and support cognitive energy during periods of caloric restriction.

According to WikiPedia, beta-hydroxybutyrate has been found beneficial in the treatment of anxiety, depression and cognitive impairment.

They also concluded that BHB levels in the brain, liver, heart, muscles and other tissues are increased with exercise, calorie restriction, fasting and ketogenic diet.

So if you are under a exercise and a diet plan, Keto SuperFuel can truly support your fitness program.

keto superfuel reviews

Keto SuperFuel also has mediun chain triglycerides, which are healthy fats that converts into ketone bodies.

Athletes and dieters use MCT to help increase their levels of energy, focus and performance.

According to WebMD, MCT is a fat source for patients who cannot tolerate other types of fats. MCT is designed to help fight Alzheimer’s disease and may promote weight loss.

MCT is used for preventing muscle breakdown, exercise performance, high levels of fat in the blood, decreasing body fat and increasing lean muscle. It is also best used for athletic training supplement support.

Lastly, Keto SuperFuel use cinnamon, which helps inhibit enzymes that block insulin receptors, which regulates blood sugar levels and promotes burning of fat.

Plus, cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that prevents inflammatory diseases that damages cell membranes and insulin receptors.

keto superfuel workout supplement

Is Keto SuperFuel Safe?

Keto SuperFuel is likely safe due to its almost natural formula (MCTs are man-made fats). Plus, I never found any side effect reports for this product online.

Even though safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Keto SuperFuel.


According to its website, dissolve one scoop in 8 ounces of water, coffee, almond milk, or coconut milk. Consume 15 to 30 minutes prior to exercise, between meals on an empty stomach, or whenever increased physical and mental performance are desired.

Once tolerance has been assessed and you are looking for an additional boost, you can take one additional serving (1 scoop) before training. A double dose has been shown in clinical studies to raise ketones up to 2 mmol according to KetoAF.

Keto SuperFuel Review Summary

This workout supplement is natural and offers high amounts of MCTs and BHB, both of which are proven to support both your diet and exercise program.

Aside from its physical performance benefits, Keto SuperFuel also promotes other health benefits such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as cognitive enhancements and healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Keto SuperFuel is not cheap but it is not totally expensive either. Plus, KetoAF does offer money back guarantee, which is a great offer to online shoppers like you.

Where to Buy Keto SuperFuel?

To purchase Keto SuperFuel, please visit its official sales page by clicking the link below.

Purchase Keto SuperFuel here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Keto SuperFuel
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