Instant Knockout was supposed to be used by athletes and pro boxers as claimed by its manufacturer. But it is now available for you.
The question is, how strong can is its formula? Can it truly help you lose weight?
From my initial research, this brand may have the right blend to trigger significant weight loss and help prevent weight gain.
This brand is quite popular in the industry with tons of positive reviews online. Read on and learn how this product works for weight loss.
What is Instant Knockout?
Instant Knockout is a product of Roar Ambition Ltd which is most likely a property of Stacked Brands, a company that produces sports nutrition supplements.
As mentioned above, this product is basically designed for athletes and pro boxers, hence the name “knockout” came from.
Below are some of its claimed health benefits:
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- Boosts your body’ natural metabolic rate
- Reduces hunger cravings
- Fuels energy levels
- Enhances mental functions
- Elevates physical performance
So Instant Knockout is basically a thermogenic/fat burning supplement. But it also promotes other key areas of weight loss – energy boost and hunger craving reduction.
This product may very well favor people who are physically active such as sports athletes, bodybuilders and exercise junkies.
But if you are a dieter that don’t exercise much, then this product can help motivate you to exercise more as it is packed with stimulating agents that can help boost your physical performance.
As you know, dieting alone is not enough to help you lose weight. You need to double up your workout efforts to succeed and I believe that Instant Knockout can help you with that.
Instant Knockout is not as affordable as other fat burners – $59 for a month supply. But you are getting much more with this diet pill compared to other cheap brands.
Roar Ambition also accept returns just in case you want to get refund for those unused bottles.
They only offer money-back guarantee if you purchase their 3-month supply (more on that later). So purchasing other lower packages are not guaranteed.
So can this supplement truly knock your fat out? Read on.
Instant Knockout Ingredients

As I mentioned above, Instant Knockout has a plausible formula because of its powerful dosage – 2,825mg per serving (4 capsules).
Its three key ingredients are cayenne, green tea and glucomannan, all of which are proven weight loss herbs.
It is also packed with known slimming agents such as green coffee bean, caffeine, black pepper, chromium, zinc and vitamin B6 and B12.
Other ingredients include gelatin, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate
So How does Instant Knockout Work?
According to its website, Instant Knockout works by using its ingredients that are known to help boost your metabolism.
They have this idealogy: Faster Metabolism = Less Fat Storage.
Based on the ingredients above, there is no doubt that Instant Knockout can truly boost your metabolism and help burn those excessive body fat.
Plus, the makers of this diet pill included other ingredients that are known to help suppress your appetite and increase your energy levels.
Roar Ambition also claim that it can inhibit the activation of a “receptor” that stores body fat. It is called Alpha-2 receptor, and it is the culprit why you have fat on your hips, abs, stomach and butt.
So can Instant Knockout truly deliver these effects? Read on and learn if its formula can truly help you lose weight.
Glucomannan is probably the primary ingredient of this diet pill besides green tea and cayenne. You get 1,800mg of this herb per serving, which is quite potent.
This herb is actually a sugar from the root of the konjac plant. It is currently available as powder, capsules and tablets as medicinal product.
Glucomannan works inside your stomach and intestines by absorbing water to form a bulky fiber. This help treats constipation, slows down sugar absorption and cholesterol from the gut and helps regulate your sugar levels.
For weight loss, glucomannan works as a fat binder, where fat from your meals bind with it preventing absorption. It can also help reduce sugar cravings, which is one of the reasons for weight gain.
According to, glucomannan’s weight reduction capabilities have been evaluated in both adults and children, where results have shown to be positive.
An 8-week study consisting of adult volunteers were given 1.5grams of glucomannan. Among treated patients decreased their weight by 1.5 kilogram at the end of 4 weeks and 2.2kg at the end of 8 weeks.
Combined with exercise, the patients received fat mass reduction – 63% in men and 50% in women, as well waist circumference. Cholesterol parameters are also improved.
Instant Knockout provides 1.8 grams of glucomannan per day, which is within this clinical dosage.
Green Tea
Green tea is also one of the active key ingredient of Instant Knockout with 500mg per serving.
This tea is made from camellia sinensis plant. It is used for a variety of health conditions such mental disorders, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, cancer, fatigue, kidney stones and many others.
Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants known as catechins. This antioxidant can help shield you from disease-causing free radicals such as cancer and heart diseases.
This tea also contains small amount of caffeine, making it a moderate stimulant for your energy boosting needs.
As you know, drinking green tea is not as potent as taking green tea extract for weight loss. Instant Knockout provides real green tea extract to kick start your body’s metabolic rate.
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea can boost your metabolism and help burn fat.
They also claim that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in people who are considered overweight.
Cayenne is the third active ingredient in Instant Knockout. As you know, cayenne pepper is deemed as a thermogenic agent in the weight loss industry due to its spicy flavor.
But can it truly boost your metabolism and help burn fat?
Purdue University’s Richard Mattes, a professor of foods and nutrition reveals that cayenne pepper stimulates the trigeminal nerve, one of the main nerves in the head and neck.
So how does trigeminal nerve stimulation trigger weight loss? He added that people have different reactions when taking red pepper, especially those who are familiar with it and those who did not.
He suggests that when the stimulus is unfamiliar it has a significant effect in energy expenditure, appetite and overall food intake.
The study involved 25 men and women from college campus with an average age of 23 and an average BMI of 22. Thirteen of the participants ate regular spicy food before the study while the rest didn’t.
On average, those who were new to eating spicy foods ate about 66 fewer calories on the days they ate red pepper compared to the days they didn’t.
The result may require additional studies but the effect is subtle but the point is that, your metabolism can increase with cayenne consumption.
Based on these facts, the three active ingredients of Instant Knockout can truly trigger significant weight loss for you.
Plus, it can also reduce your cravings, boost your metabolism and energy levels and improve your overall health.
But what about the remaining ingredients?
What about other Ingredients in Instant Knockout?
All other ingredients in Instant Knockout are all known slimming agents.
For example, chromium is known to help reduce sugar cravings as it can help lower blood sugar levels and also promotes other health benefits.
Green coffee bean is packed with caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Like green tea, green coffee bean is a fat burner and thermogenic agent.
B vitamins are also known as weight loss vitamins as it helps convert the food you eat into fuel.
Lastly, Instant Knockout is packed with 300mg of caffeine anhydrous per serving. Caffeine is a stimulant that works directly in your central nervous system. It primarily boosts both your mental and physical performance.
It is quite proven that a combination of green tea, green coffee bean, chromium and caffeine results to weight loss and is important for weight loss maintenance.
So Can Instant Knockout Help You Lose Weight?
There is no doubt that this diet pill is indeed a powerful formula that can trigger significant effects on your weight loss.
It is packed with known slimming agents and stimulants that can help increase your metabolism and energy levels, reduce your cravings and boost your overall physical performance.
The efficacy of Instant Knockout is also revealed by hundreds or maybe even thousands of customer testimonials found online.
How about Safety?
There is no perfect supplement in the market and Instant Knockout is not an exception.
This diet pill has high quantities of stimulants that won’t jive well to people who are highly allergic to caffeine.
Stimulants such as caffeine are beneficial to your health especially with regards to boosting energy and both mental and physical attributes.
However, it can also trigger adverse health effects. So if you don’t know your tolerance, it is important that you consult your doctor first before you take Instant Knockout.
This is the reason why this brand is ideal for people who are physically active. Otherwise, you are required to combine regular exercise along with Instant Knockout supplementation.
According to the official website, you can get the full benefit of this diet pill by taking one capsule, four times a day.
You can take the first serving in the morning, second serving before lunchtime, third serving in the afternoon, and the last serving on your evening meal.
Always swallow with water. You are also prohibited to take products that contain caffeine or other stimulants such as sodas, teas, energy drinks and many others.
Money Back Guarantee
As mentioned above, Roar Ambition doesn’t offer money back guarantee on one and two-month supply purchases.
But they do offer it if you try it for 90-days or more. This is their way to prove to you that Instant Knockout does work especially if taken in long-term.
You will also get the following bonuses if you purchase their 3-month supply:
Instant Knockout Review Summary
This diet pill will give you higher probability of weight loss than most dietary supplements in the market today.
It is packed with ingredients that are quite effective in triggering different key areas of weight loss – fat burning, energy and metabolism boost, hunger reduction and performance increase.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19abed”]
- Natural and powerful slimming formula
- The official website provided a lot of information about the product
- Can trigger significant weight loss
- Tons of positive reviews online
- One of the most popular fat burners in the market
- Return policy / Money back guarantee on 3-month supply purchase only
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- Side effects are possible due to stimulants
- Can only be purchased online
- Pricey – $59 one month supply
Where to Purchase Instant Knockout?
As mentioned above, Instant Knockout can only be purchased directly on its official website. Click the link below to purchase this diet pill right now!
Click Here to Purchase Instant Knockout
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