Instant Ketones

Fat burner and energy boosting formula.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want a diet shake that can help improve your weight loss while promoting other health benefits? If yes, then Instant Ketones is one of the most ideal products for you.

This product is marketed primarily as a fat burner and energy booster, though it can also provide other health benefits as well due to its electrolyte-enhancing properties.

As you know, there are several key slimming brands online that also promotes similar benefits such as Kegenix Prime, SIX for Men and Capsiplex Sport.

But Instant Ketones is specifically formulated using BHB, an electrolyte-enhancing agent which they claim to help promote significant weight loss.

Can this product deliver results? Read on to find out more.

What is Instant Ketones?

Instant Ketones is a product of Divine Health, the same company that gave you Fat Zyme and keto-based diet supplements.

Like Fat Zyme, Instant Ketones is based on Keto Zone weight loss program wherein your body turns sugars, carbs and fat into energy.

Here are some of its health claims:

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  • Helps boost energy levels
  • Increases your focus and mental function
  • Elevates athletic performance and metabolism
  • Promotes rapid fat burning
  • Better appetite control
  • Supports electrolyte balance


So basically, this product is a weight loss formula that uses keto zone slimming concept.

But, this product lacks fat burning or thermogenic agents that most diet pills have such as Active T5, Super Suma and Animal Cuts. Which is truly surprising considering that Instant Ketones claims to burn fat.

Instant Ketones also supports electrolyte balance due to its high beta-hydroxybutyrate levels.

This product is available in only one flavor – coconut cream flavor.

One thing that might not go well with your expectation is the price, which costs $69.99 per month. This high price tag might not sit well with dieters who have tight budget.

Plus, I can’t seem to find any traces of returns or satisfaction guarantee offer on Keto Zone’s website, which is another disadvantage.

Instant Ketones Ingredients

As mentioned above, Instant Ketones has high levels of BHB salts which is a whopping 12 grams!

This is composed of sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate and magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate.

instant ketones ingredients

How does BHB Salts Work?

BHB salts are ketone bodies, molecules that helps produce energy without glucose.

Now you ask, how does BHB salts work? Will it help you lose weight by burning fat and improving your energy levels?

Instant Ketones is entirely based on keto diet program which is used to help promote weight loss and other neurological benefits.

And experts even say, that using BHB salts do promote weight loss even if you don’t follow a ketogenic diet (Keto Zone however recommends you to do so) – Natural News Blog.

First off, BHB salts are much more ideal to physically active individuals, which is the main reason why athletes and lifters are the one who use these agents.

BHB salts, if used in the correct way, can help increase fat burning, regulates hormone levels, maintains healthy blood sugar levels and many others – Research Gate.

So what does this mean? Well, it means that BHB salts can indeed help you lose weight, but you have to be physically active to get its full weight loss potential.

instant ketones performance supplement

Is Instant Ketones Safe?

BHB salts are likely safe to most adults and are even highly beneficial for your health in many ways.

I also found no side effect reports for this brand online, which is a plus.

To ensure a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Instant Ketones.

Instant Ketones Review Summary

So this product has a hefty price that somehow lived up to its hype with a proven effective formula – BHB salts.

Of course, you can lose more weight if you take advantage of Keto Zone diet program together with Instant Ketones supplementation.

Overall, I believe that this product can support both weight loss and bodybuilding program as it helps promote fat burning and performance improvement.

Where to Purchase Instant Ketones?

Instant Ketones is only available online directly through Keto Zone’s official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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