By now, you are probably aware that green tea is one of the most common herb that are linked to various weight loss products. How does green tea burn fat and how can it help improve your health?
If you are looking for herbs that can help you to overcome your weight loss plateau, then don’t look anywhere else, it might be just around the corner or within your neighbor’s backyard. Yes, green tea is the world’s most popular weight loss herb. So how does green tea work on the body? Lets find out.
How does Green Tea Burn Fat?
PubMed published a clinical abstract about how green tea extract help in weight loss. It works primarily from its main ingredient – catechins. Catechins are antioxidant compounds that are responsible for various health benefits such as inflammation reduction and lowering of cholesterol levels.
Foods that we eat are usually stored as fat, it doesn’t eliminates by itself. However, green tea’s catechins is a whole-new different compound. It can actually stimulate your metabolic rate to help increase your body’s ability to burn fat. Catechins can also trigger your body’s natural thermogenesis, a process by which the body burns fat even while it is at rest. So taking green tea or some pure green tea products can give you tons of fat burning benefits.
Green Tea’s catechins also help inhibits catechol-O-methyltransferase, an enzyme that has primary function of breaking down norepinpehrine. When you take in more catechins, it helps improve your body’s fat loss through the release of fatty acids from fat cells and into the bloodstream where it will be converted into fuel.
This neither mean that you will automatically lose weight if you drink green tea in a regular basis nor you wouldn’t have to workout. Of course, you still have to exercise and apply a healthy and balanced diet together with your green tea.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea has various health benefits and the most common is weight loss. Aside from that, you are probably not aware that green tea can actually your perfect health drink. Why? Below are some of its known health benefits:
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- Good antioxidant source
- Prevents high blood pressure
- Fights against food poisoning
- Prevents tooth decay and bad breath
- Fights against infections
- Lowers your cholesterol levels
- Prevent the development of certain cancers
- Improves skin
- Relieves headaches
- Prevents stroke
- Contains fiber for good digestion
Aside from catechins, green tea also has vitamin E, which is another antioxidant compound. So if you want to strengthen your immune system against free radicals, then drinking green tea can help.
Some of the slimming tea brands that are based on this herb include Triple Leaf, Craving Crush, and Pu-Erh Tea.
Burn more Fat with Green Tea and Exercise
Green tea’ catechin content is really a gift from nature. If your weight loss program includes consistent regular exercise and green tea, you will have higher probability of success. Catechins improves your body’s ability to burn fat during your exercise. This is the reason why most obese and overweight individuals drink green tea during their workout sessions. It is believed that they are required to drink at least 625mg of catechins.
How does green tea burn fat after your workout? Catechins trigger your thermogenic ability where your body will continuously burn fat even while you are at sleep.
Thermogenesis is one of the most underrated human processes that are just being given noticed just recently by weight loss experts. Pills such as Oxy5001, Thermolyze, or Thermo Oxy-Burn all claims that they can trigger thermogenesis.
Green Tea’s Drawbacks
As green tea can give you benefits, it can also give you some bad effects. Teas are not for everyone especially those who are allergic to caffeine because green tea contains caffeine. Too much consumption of green tea can lead to caffeine overdose which can lead to serious conditions such as anxiety attacks.
If you are under medications such as antibiotics, hypertension maintenance and many others, you have to consult your physician first before you drink green tea as a weight loss support.
Green tea can also cause gastrointestinal problems for those who are not accustomed to tea taste. This includes constipation, stomach ache, heart burn and many others.
Green Tea Supplements
Green tea is a commercial product these days. You can practically see dozens of products that are made out of green tea in the market. And if you are looking for ways to lose weight, green tea products are all over the place!
Speaking of weight loss products, green tea-based pills are also available for you, especially if you are not keen on making your own green tea or if you don’t have green tea leaves.
Tea Tone Plus, Pure Tea, Buddha Herbs, and Clean Cut are some dietary supplements that I recently reviewed in this site and I want you to take a look at these brands and see if one of these pills fit your needs.
Conclusion on Green Tea
Green tea is not a substitute for your weight loss plan. It can only support you on your weight loss endeavors and you still need to exert more effort on workouts and healthy diet to burn those excess fats. Nevertheless, if you are eager to have supplements, then green tea is one ideal and natural compound that you can use.
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