Understanding your over-all body chemistry is one crucial aspect in maintaining a healthy and fit body. The truth is, we are fully aware if there is something wrong with our health through various symptoms that we encounter. Does this sounds like you?
Being fat is of course not healthy and it is one of the most obvious sign of health abuse. Having a big belly for example, leads to various health conditions according to some experts. This is actually not surprising at all as we seldom see people over 70 years old having those big bulges.
Yes, belly fat is like a time bomb, a precursor to many diseases. This post will discuss how belly fat can accurately lead to cardiovascular disease. Want to learn more? Read on!
The Belly Fat and Heart Disease Connection
Belly fat or medically known as visceral fat, is an accumulation of stored or excess fats along the stomach line, thus creating an “apple-shape” figure. These fats, if ignored are tucked deep within the waistline and surrounds the organs that leads to disruption of their usual functions. When this occurs, fat will be more difficult to burn or remove thus resulting in a serious health condition.
Health experts all agree that over accumulation of fats along the waistline increases the risks of stroke, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems. According to Harvard Medical School, belly fats are metabolically active. When you say metabolically active, your body is prone to system malfunctions, inflammation, increased cholesterol levels and so on and so forth.
These fats will then interfere with your blood vessels that will soon hurt the way your heart works. The most common cause would be atheclerosis, an artery hardening condition that leads to heart attack or stroke. Belly fat also slows down your body’s ability to process sugar, making you more resistant to insulin.
Having a normal body mass index is not really an assurance that you are healthy but instead, you also have to analyze on how your belly looks like. To better understand if you are at risk of heart problems, consider the following factors:
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- Waist measurement of 35 inches for women and 40 inches in men
- 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher triglyceride level
- HDL or good cholesterol level of less than 50 mg/dL in women and 40 mg/dL in men
- Blood pressure reading of 130/85 mm Hg or higher
- Blood sugar level of 100 mg/dL or higher
How to Get Rid of those Belly Fat?
Men has the reputation of being more prone of having too much belly fat but women are not too far behind of course. Some causes includes too much fat consumption, unhealthy eating habit, lack of exercise, over alcohol consumption, pregnancy in women and many others.
With that in mind, you can easily determine how you can reverse your physique back into your fit and sexy years. Follow these tips:
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- Consult your doctor for health check
- Quit undesirable vices (smoking, too much alcohol drinking)
- Avoid junk and processed foods
- Eat foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, amino acids, antioxidants and essential nutrients that the body needs
- Apply a consistent and regular exercise program
If you can follow these simple tips, you can return back time and get those fats away from your belly for good. Staying on this course can also help maintain a healthy and fit body.
You can also try some pills that targets the belly specifically such as Ab Cuts, Major Curves, or Miracle Burn.
Summary on Belly Fat and Cardiovascular Disease
If you are satisfied of being such an apple-shaped figure individual, then don’t bother applying the tips you just read here because it is not for you. But if you love your body and you are completely concern about the consequences of being fat such as cardiovascular diseases, then I urge you to plan your fitness endeavors right now or as early as possible.
Remember that being fat isn’t beauty but it is an epidemic. Your dilemma starts with your belly so make sure that you stop the spread of obesity from the get go. Workout hard and have a little motivation from anything that can inspire you to lose weight. Remember that motivation is the key for continued efforts to weight loss success.
Cardiovascular diseases can be acquired from various ways but being unhealthy and fat increases your risk. We suggest that you take some of the best fat burners in the market such as PhentaSlim, Ultra Slim, or Hiprolean.