Do you want to prolong your life expectancy by knowing the many health benefits of weight loss? Don’t worry I got you covered!
Either you are obese, overweight or underweight, all of these conditions doesn’t constitute to a healthy body. Being slim and fit is the best condition that can prevent any serious diseases and will produce longevity of life.
Wearing that skinny jeans and those sexy clothing are not meant for everyone as obesity had stricken every bit of society in the world by storm. Is this sounds like you?
If you are obese or overweight, maybe this is the right time to reduce your eating habit and get more physical exertion just to shed significant pounds and be healthy for good.
While losing weight is practically difficult especially to obese individuals who have limited mobility, it is wise to consider that being fat, will always put you into a disadvantage position. This is the reason why obese individuals are more comfortable and relax in isolation instead of being more social.
This short article will give you the many health benefits of losing weight and why you should act right now. Hopefully at the end of this article, I can motivate you to start your slimming program.
What are the Disadvantages of Being Fat?
Being fat is just usual nowadays and you can see fat people in every age group, yes even in children folks! What is more stunning is that, as time goes by, being fat is accepted in most society as being “normal”. Well, for me it isn’t normal and if you are fat, you need to find ways to lose some weight right now!
It is not that I am discriminating fat people, I am obviously not that kind of girl okay. This site is not intended to downgrade fat people but instead, I want them to be inspired with my writing and maybe I can encourage them to start a weight loss program. If you are one of those fat people, I love you but you need to start losing weight!
There are many reasons why you should lose weight immediately and these reasons are crucial and could be endless my friend. Your health should be your priority above anything else because it means your survival.
Remember that obesity or weight issues is a precursor to serious health conditions. Just to give you some glimpse of what obesity or overweight can inflict to your life, consider the following disadvantages:
Emotional Side
- Criticisms/bullying are abundant
- You easily get stressed up
- Mood swings
- Less confident / insecurities
- Inferiority complex
- Feeling of guilt when overeats
- Confusion whether to lose weight or not
- Difficulty in adapting to environmental changes
Mental Side
- Prone to depression
- Risk of an anxiety attack is higher
- Higher probability of memory loss at an early age
- Overweight individuals are much more prone to dementia
- Isolation keeps them mentally handicapped in various ways
Physical Side
- Less mobility
- Body odors
- Breathing difficulty
- Bad looking physique
- Prone to ALL diseases
- Sexually incompetent
Well, I am sure that I missed a lot of points on each of those criteria so I leave it all to you by commenting it below. So, are you in a similar situation with the aforementioned disadvantages? If so, then you need to do a lot of sacrifices just to lose weight fast.
Plus, as you can see particularly on the physical side, ignoring an unhealthy weight could lead to serious diseases, which could lead to your early demise. Got it?
Health Benefits of Weight Loss
PubMed published a detailed data of the many health advantages of weight loss. In contrast on what have stated above, weight loss can prolong your life by preventing serious diseases. If you are able to drop a significant percentage of weight loss, you can actually reverse all the aforementioned disadvantages above.
Studies shows that effective weight loss can give you the following benefits:
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- Improve survival rate from obesity-related diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases)
- Improved sleeping patterns at night
- Improved mobility
- Lower blood pressure levels
- Healthy heart
- Lower risks of diabetes, cancers and other diseases
- Instant confidence and self-esteem
Even modest weight loss is critically important to your health. To know more about modest weight loss, you may read this article from Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
How to Effectively Lose Weight?
You probably seen some claims of weight loss products that you can lose weight within just a few days. Well, these are hoax claims and you should avoid these products.
There are no such thing as “quick” weight loss, especially if you are obese or overweight. You probably seen the Biggest Loser reality show right? Have they lost weight in an instant? Definitely not!
If there are no such thing as quick weight loss, then it means that you are going to do a lot of effort to succeed. The most important method is “lifestyle” change! Yes, that is right, you need to practically change everything on your daily routine and make an overhauling procedures on how to live your life that will constitute to effective weight loss program.
To start on the right foot, consider the following simple recommendations on how you can change your life to improve your health.
Stay Away from Your Bad Vices
Vices that are generally considered as unhealthy includes too much alcohol consumption, late night habits, binge-eating habits, smoking, illegal drugs (if you wish to include this) and many others.
You need to find a way if you are totally addicted into a particular vice that is hard to avoid. Consult an expert to help you with your vice. Remember that professional help might be the last thing that you can resort to because these habits can be stopped on your own efforts.
Vices are silent killers and will make you unhealthy, overweight and immoral in the eyes of other people. Get clean inside and out and that is a crucial aspect of weight loss.
Keep Everything in Moderation
Moderation simply means controlling your habits. If you eat five times a day, then reduce it three and have healthy snacks in-between meals. With regards to everything else such as exercise and dieting, of course you need to moderate your program to avoid any health risks such as injuries or malnutrition.
Choose the Right Dieting Regimen
When we talk about weight loss, dieting probably the first thing that pops out on our mind. Maybe because dieting is forever linked to weight loss due to the terms such as detoxification, cleansing, food restrictions and everything, which all means food intake limitations.
While there are dozen of dieting programs out there such as Paleo, Lemon Detox, Cleansing Diet or Zone Diet, choosing the right one can be difficult. You will never know which diet is suitable to your body. You can’t also trust somebody’s experiences as our bodies are not equally created. Which means that a particular diet could work for you but could be in contrast with me.
So what are you best choices? What I am going to suggest you is to eat whatever you want with moderation. If you like healthy foods, then so be it, eat healthy foods. If you like bad, junk and processed foods, then eat these foods but in moderation of course.
Remember that you need all types of foods (protein, carbs, fat, fiber, etc) to keep your diet a balanced one. Our body needs energy and it simply cannot be achieved by just concentrating on one food group. It should be balanced!
Burn What You Eat!
Okay, if you can eat freely then you need to burn what you eat! This is a simple common sense and should not be debatable to you. The more calories you eat, the more you have to exert effort to burn these calories and avoid weight gain.
Double up your training, exercise, workout or any kind of terms you want to call it. Losing weight is not just about a 30 minutes workout per week. Although you consistently exercise on a weekly basis, why don’t you make it three or four times a week so you can have better weight loss results?
Remember that exercise should be consistent and when you say consistent, you need to do it in a regular or daily basis. Any physical activities such as dancing can help you lose weight such as sports or dancing. You just have to find some time and motivation to be able to succeed, and I think that health is enough motivation for you!
Read More: Can Dancing Help You Lose Weight
Take some Dependable and Trusted Supplements
You might imply that I am only after my product reviews here. Well, of course I am but it is entirely on your own full discretion. Dietary pills or supplements are indeed helpful especially if you are using the known brands, which produces good results.
The reason why weight loss pills got some major critics is because of the rampant scam diet pills that are floating online. These pills are made of sub-standard ingredients combined with false claims and perfect marketing strategies. The result? Harmful pills!
This is also the reason why my husband and I created this site in the first place – to give you the most unbiased, honest, ethical and dependable dietary pill reviews. All product reviews here are clinically proven safe and effective for any types of weight loss program.
Read More: Product Reviews Archive
Weight loss is as important as any health endeavors that you could think of. It is best to avoid gaining to much weight than losing weight! So you have to launch a massive weight loss campaign to improve your over-all health. Take my recommendations above and you will be on the right foot to wellness!
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