You probably heard different health benefits of goji berries especially if you are looking for solutions for your weight gain dilemmas.
First off, goji berries came from lycium barbarum and lycium chinense, a common plant from the family of boxthorn within the Solanaceae species.
Goji is also called wolfberry in some regions, but this berry is commonly found in South Eastern Europe and Asia, particularly in Tibet and China regions. Goji is used for various medicinal purposes as well as a food ingredient, supplements and many others.
Goji Berries at a Glance
Goji berries are small fruit but has the qualities of a superfruit with regards to its health benefits. It essentially contains all amino acids and has the highest protein content compared to any fruit.
Any berries are considered healthy and beneficial to health. Fruits such as acai berries, cranberries, maqui, blackberries, raspberry ketones, strawberries and many others are all health-friendly. Interestingly, goji berries is the least famous of them all but have fairly equal or more benefits to offer than its fruit relatives.=
Goji berries are often distributed in dried form and can be eaten raw or added into a food mix as a food ingredients. Goji supplements are also in the form of dried extracts and are commonly marketed as a weight loss pill.
In various laboratory tests, the antioxidant contents of goji made significant positive results with regards to the reduction of DNA damage from the invasion of free radicals. As you know, when you have damaged cells, the risks of having serious diseases such as cancers are very high and you practically age faster.
Goji berries are also linked to both physical and mental wellness, primarily bringing calmness, improving skills or athletic performance and enhances sleeping patterns and mood. However, these information needs more scientific proof to back up these claims.
Health Benefits of Goji Berries
In China, goji berries are used as an alternative medicine to help aid back problems, headache, dizziness and is said to help improve vision. Goji has tons of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C,, A, iron, iron, calcium, selenium and many others.
Goji is also packed with antioxidants that can help slow the aging process as well as a protective agent from harmful free radicals. Plus, it contains fiber that helps improve your digestive functions.
Other known benefits includes the following:
[list style=”check”]
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-bacterial
- anti-fungal
- helps improve memory and brain health
- contains essential polysaccharides and phytochemicals
Read More: Goji – WikiPedia
Issues with Goji Berries
Based on some reports, a case of an elderly woman experienced increased bleeding, an elevated INR, after drinking large quantities of goji berry tea. The investigation led to a conclusion that the tea inhibited warfarin metabolism.
Warfarin is a blood-thinning drug medication, designed specifically for diabetes and high blood pressure patients. Taking goji berry products such as tea or pills will produce an intense interaction between goji’s phytochemical compounds and the warfarin drug.
So, it is imperative to avoid too much consumption of goji berries especially if you are under medication of diabetes or hypertension. Consult your doctor to learn more about goji berry’s health issues.
Is Goji Berries for You?
Goji berries are scientifically proven healthy and nutritiously beneficial to humans. Of course, over-indulging yourself to berries have consequences. The reported issues especially with regards to warfarin, is practically an isolated case. There are no other side effects that were reported online besides from this issue.
To get all the benefits, you need to eat goji berries moderately. If you are taking medications for an existing health condition, then you have to avoid eating goji berries.
Goji Berries for Weight Loss
Goji berries are not just beneficial to health, it is also branded as a miracle fruit for weight loss. Research suggest that goji berries are twice powerful than acai with regards to fat burning and appetite suppression properties.
Aside from that, goji can boost your metabolic rate while giving you more energy. This can stimulate you more to exercise which will lead to more fat burning process.
Because of this, a lot of companies have formulated their own goji-based slimming pills.
However, there are no solid proof that goji supplements have the same potent health benefits as the actual fruit. For this, you have to choose the right brand that is trustworthy, dependable and clinically safe.
Conclusion on Health Benefits of Goji Berries
Goji Berries are now commercially available in the US and in Europe. Although there are some minor issues with this fruit, goji berry is still one of the best berry fruits that you can eat for health improvement and possibly, for weight loss.
If you are looking to try goji supplements, you have to consult your physician first before you take any supplements, teas or any goji-based products like Pure Goji, Goji Advance or Thyro T2. Follow their advise and stick with your regular weight loss program such as exercise and healthy diet.
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