
Gynecomastia prevention formula and slimming aid.


Is your workout causing your chest to get overly enlarged? This condition is called gynecomastia and it is prone to men who work their chest excessively in the gym. If this sounds like you, then can Gynectrol help reduce your wobbly chest?

Man boobs are caused by excess fatty tissues stored over the pectoral muscles. If you can’t get rid of these body fat (which causes your chest to look awfully disproportionate with your upper body), then you might already be suffering from gynecomastia.

Read on and learn how Gynectrol can help reverse your man boobs into something that you can be proud of.

What is Gynectrol?

Gynectrol is owned and distributed by renowned legal steroids manufacturer Crazy Bulk. This supplement is designed to counteract “man boobs” or medically known condition Gynecomastia.

Gynectrol is made from synergistic formula that targets subcutaneous tissues of the mammary glands, preventing any possibilities of developing gynecomastia.

Some if the claimed health benefits of Gynectrol include:

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  • Effectively reduces male breast size
  • Improves chest appearance
  • Helps lower overall body fat and
  • Supports intense training to prevent gynecomastia


Facts about Gynecomastia

According to MedlinePlus, gynecomastia is the growth of abnormally large breasts in males, due to the excess growth of breast tissue, not excess fat tissue. This condition is not uncommon during puberty and usually goes away over time.

This condition can affect both or just one breast and will cause uneven proportions. More athletes and bodybuilders are being affected by this condition due to the fact that they intentionally build muscles to the chest, primarily through lack of testosterone.

Yes, imbalance testosterone production can lead to gynecomastia. Plus, hormonal imbalance between testosterone and estrogen can also triggered this condition.

Natural causes of gynecomastia include aging, cancer chemotherapy, anabolic steroid use, chronic liver disease, exposure to estrogen hormone, kidney failure, marijuana use and many others.

Gynectrol is designed to counteract the estrogenic conversion and rapidly reduces the enlarged breast portion of your chest. So if you have gynecomastia, then Gynectrol might be the best aid for you.

Gynectrol Ingredients

Gynectrol is made from 100% natural ingredients and are not made from harmful chemicals or toxic steroidal drugs.

Its proprietary blend (500mg per serving) is composed of caffeine, green tea extract, guggulsterones, theobromine, sclareolides seed extract and chromium.

Its inactive ingredients include gelatin capsule and magnesium stearate.

gynectrol ingredients

How does Gynectrol Work?

To battle gynecomastia, you need to lower your body fat and put a big and continuous effort on your weight training. More intense workout means more muscles, not fat, which prevents man boobs.

Gynectrol will help speed up the reversal of your chest problem by boosting your testosterone production while limiting your estrogen hormones. Plus, Gynectrol will help elevate your endurance, energy and physical performance to help assist you on your workout endeavors.

To get a better insight on how Gynectrol works, we need to get a deeper look into its ingredients and see how it will help prevent or treat gynecomastia.


Need some energy booster? Caffeine is one of the best ingredient for your energy needs. Caffeine works directly in your central nervous system, stimulating it which helps elevate mood, focus, physical performance and of course, your energy.

Green Tea

Gynectrol contains 125mg of green tea extract per serving, enough dose to keep your body fat in check. With the help of exercise and diet, green tea will trigger thermogenic processes that incinerate your body fat fast.

Green tea is also abundant of antioxidants that will help strengthen your immune system, preventing you from developing chronic diseases such as cancers.


Guggulsterones or simply called as guggul, is from a gum resin of mukul tree, found exclusively in India. Guggul is known to help treat arthritis, lowers high cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, acne and weight loss.

Aside from its weight loss properties, Crazy Bulk included guggulsterones in Gynectrol probably due to its ability to reduce redness and swelling that occurs in the skin, particularly in acne.


Theobromine or more known as cocoa, is the plant from which chocolate is made. Theobromine is packed with potent antioxidants called flavonoids.

Early research about theobromine suggest that it can help provide some measures of weight loss, especially if you combine a sensible diet and regular exercise.

Sclareolides Seed Extract

Sclareolides might be the secret formula of Gynectrol. This plant extract (from Salvia Sclarea) is known to be an extremely powerful adenylate cyclase activator, which has similar or much more potent function than forskolin.

This means that sclareolides stimulates adenylate cyclase independently of beta-2 receptors which means that it will provide maximal effects that includes cyclic AMP increase.

When your cyclic AMP is elevated, it will increase nitrogen retention, which leads to more lean muscle mass while increasing lipolysis (fat breakdown).

Sclareolides also exhibit a vasodilatory effects, which helps regulate blood pressure, while providing antithrombotic and antidepressant effects. It also has stimulating effects on luteinizing hormone (via cyclic AMP) which results to more testosterone production, thus aiding your man boobs problems.


Lastly, Gynectrol contains chromium, an essential trace element metal that is necessary for human health. The primary function of chromium is to improve blood sugar levels that helps people with diabetes to control their sugar levels.

Chromium is also used for depression, bad cholesterol reduction and of course, weight loss. It acts as a blood sugar regulator which in turn reduces your sugar cravings. The less you crave for food, the more you lose weight.

gynectrol amateur photo

So Can Gynectrol Help Aid Gynecomastia?

Based on its formula, Gynectrol can definitely help reduce man boobs effectively without side effects.

If you are an athlete or bodybuilder and you are suffering from this condition, Gynectrol can help boost your energy and testosterone production to help counteract the increase of fat and breast tissues.

With green tea, caffeine, theobromine and guggulsterones, you are guaranteed of a fat burning formula that will help you lose fat and weight fast.

With sclareolides, you are guaranteed to increase lean muscle mass while boosting your testosterone production. Lastly, chromium will help reduce your sugar cravings for even more weight loss.

Is it Safe?

Gynectrol is made from 100% natural and clinically proven slimming extracts. So far, there are no known side effects for this brand online and most customers who purchased this brand are quite satisfied with the results.

But since it contains stimulants such as caffeine and green tea (which contains small amounts of caffeine), Gynectrol is still not a side effects-free supplement.

Some of the possible adverse health effects due to caffeine includes headache, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath and many others.

Make sure that you consult your doctor first before you use Gynectrol.

Suggested Use

Each bottle of Gynectrol contains 60 tablets that is good for 15 days. Crazy Bulk recommends that you take one tablet, three times daily with meals, even on non-workout days.

On workout days, take 30 to 45 minutes before working out. Use for at least two months for maximum results.

Do not exceed this recommended dose. Workout period is 2 months “on” and 1.5 weeks “off”. Gynectrol is not toxic to both liver and kidneys.

Gynectrol Review Summary

Gynectrol features an impressive formula that is composed of natural and clinically proven slimming agents and testosterone boosters. All of which can help aid gynecomastia.

Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:

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  • Effectively burns fat fast (has thermogenic effects)
  • Boosts your testosterone production
  • Elevates your mood, focus, energy, endurance and physical performance
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Gynectrol?

Gynectrol is neither available at any local sports supplement outlets near you, nor in any online diet pill retailers. This brand can only be purchased directly at Crazy Bulk’s official website.

To buy Gynectrol, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase Gynectrol here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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