Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg

Energy and metabolic boosting supplement.


Love green tea? If you love drinking tea for weight loss, then you have to try Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg by Evolution Slimming. It is one of the most powerful weight loss formula in the market that is derived from green tea extracts.

Losing weight is a difficult task, which is the reason why people are taking their own doses of appetite suppressants, fat burners, metabolic chargers, thermogenic boosters and many others, just to support their fitness program. Is this sounds like you?

If you are looking for safe, effective and non-prescription weight loss pill, then this product review is for you. Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is 100% natural and pure green tea. Read on and learn how this diet pill works.

What is Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg?

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is produced and distributed by Evolution Slimming, one of the world’s known weight loss product manufacturer and number one in the UK. This product contain 500mg of 20:1 extract providing 10,000mg in each capsule, which is one of the best in the green tea-based market.

The extract is also standardized for bioflavonoid-like antioxidants known as polyphenols, with (-) Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). This polyphenol has been proven to be a very potent antioxidant, which can help improve your health in various ways.

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is formulated to boost the natural weight loss properties of green tea in a diet pill form, so you can achieve its effects easily and live healthier. With antioxidants at the helm, you are ensured that you will slow aging, avoid diseases and many other health benefits.

Its core ingredient only includes camellia sinensis extracts (20:1) green tea ratio. So powerful, it acquires the name “Green Tea” on its brand which means prestige for a weight loss product. Other inactive ingredients includes a bulking agent (microcrystalline cellulose), capsule shell (HPMC) and anticaking agent (magnesium stearate).

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg Claimed Benefits

The main health benefit claims of Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg includes the following:

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  • Boost your metabolic rate
  • Burns fat
  • Antioxidant support and other nutrients


Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mgWith your metabolic level increased, you are guaranteed that you can burn more fat than your body usually does. This is possible through the activation of your body’s natural thermogenic process. Thermogenesis is a process of increasing your body’s temperature, thereby helping you to lose more weight by burning more fat.

With antioxidants, your body is protected against disease-causing free radicals that invades the body. Free radicals can cause great havoc to your body system and is one cause of cancer development and premature aging. So if you want to improve your health and have beautiful and young looking skin, then Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is the best dietary pill for you.

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg Recommendations and Directions of Use

Like any other green tea slimming products and diet pills, Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is not for nursing mothers and pregnant women. If you want to lose weight after your pregnancy, consult your physician first before taking this diet pill.

Children below 18 years are also not advisable to take Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg, as well as those individuals who have eating disorders and suffering from an existing conditions.

If you have no issues with the aforementioned precautions, then you can follow the following dosing instructions.

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  • Take one capsule with meal but not more than three times a day
  • Don’t take a dose after 3pm as it may alter your sleeping patterns at night
  • Drink plenty of water after each dose (prevents dehydration)


Following this direction will boost your chances of successful weight loss with Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg. Do not overdose yourself with diet pills as it can increase your risks of various side effects.

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg Health Issues

As you known, green tea naturally has caffeine but in minimal amounts only compared to coffee. This is the reason why it is best to drink green tea than coffee because it offers less caffeine and at the same time, giving you more health benefits.

However, some green tea-based diet pills do have stimulant side effects due to green tea’s caffeine content. But Evolution Slimming is pretty confident in their product claiming that it won’t produce any adverse side effects to its users because of its natural content.

While looking for answers whether there are possible risks associated with Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg or not, I found no complaints for this product online. Why? Because this dietary product is new and there are limited users who have tried this pill.

There are some third party review sites that offers information about this brand, just like this one. But unfortunately, there are no reviews to be found online. One thing is certain, Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg is being marketed by one of the world’s largest weight loss pill maker – Evolution Slimming, and I personally believe that its name is already a guarantee for you that it is safe and effective product.

Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg Review Summary

Since green tea is a proven product for weight loss and health improvement and with Evolution Slimming backing it up, you have to consider that this brand is one that you can really depend on. However, you still have to follow a healthy diet and a regular exercise program in order to lose significant weight.

My rating for this slimming product is “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:

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  • Helps burn fat, increasing metabolism and activates thermogenesis
  • Offers potent antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
  • Produced and marketed by Evolution Slimming
  • Money-back guarantee


Where to Buy Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg?

You won’t find Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg on high streets or any local pharmacy store near you. It can only be purchased online through the official website of Evolution Slimming.

To purchase your Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg, visit its official page through the link below.

Purchase Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg
Green Tea Extra Strength 10,000mg
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