[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you tried Green Coffee Trio? If you are new to dieting and diet pills, then you probably haven’t tried this dietary supplement.
Green coffee is one of the most trusted slimming compound in the weight loss industry today. With tremendous support from various celebrities, green coffee skyrocketed into slimming stardom, enticing thousands of dieters to try its slimming effects.
So if you haven’t yet tried any green coffee supplements for weight loss, then Green Coffee Trio is one of the rising brands that you can try today. Read on and learn why this diet pill is one of the most lucrative and impressive formula in the weight loss industry today.
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Green Coffee Trio has reached its cycle life and its manufacturer has ceased production of this powerful product. Please consider using other slimming products on our archive that are clinically proven and safe. [/note]
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Green Coffee Trio?
Green Coffee Trio is a 100% natural dietary supplements that is made from three famous weight loss compounds – green coffee, CLA and garcinia cambogia extracts, hence the term “trio” comes from. This brand is designed and distributed by a company called DoktorBio.
This diet pill brand offers active substances from the said three slimming compounds – chlorogenic acid of green coffee, hydroxycitric acid of garcinica cambogia and CLA itself. All of these compounds help slow fat and carbohydrate absorption, prevent fat cells from enlarging, cease emotional overeating and suppress hunger.
Below are some of the claimed health benefits of Green Coffee Trio:
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- Boosts energy
- Healthier gallbladder
- Better breathing
- Less pain from arthritis
- Better insulin use
- Improved sleep
- Improves your cardiovascular system
- Enhanced sex life
- Reduced blood pressure
- Lowers cholesterol level
- Supports weight loss in key areas
All these benefits are caused by positive effects of Green Coffee Trio’s potent 3-in-one formula.
Ingredients of Green Coffee Trio
As its brand name suggest, Green Coffee Trio’s main formula is focused only to garcinia cambogia, green coffee and CLA, nothing else.
Each capsules of Green Coffee Trio contains 300 mg of green coffee bean extracts and a potent 50% hydroxycitric acid or HCA. Green Coffee Trio has no added additives, fillers, binders, artificial flavors, stimulants or any kinds of harmful chemicals.
Though ingredient profile is not completely disclosed to the public, the company behind Green Coffee Trio guarantees that this diet pill is made from quality and safe ingredients, which will not risk your health to different negative health effects.
How does Green Coffee Trio Work?
Green Coffee Trio works by utilizing its three potent ingredients. Unroasted green coffee bean has active compounds called chlorogenic acid, which believes to be the main weight loss power of green coffee bean.
Aside from chlorogenic acid, green coffee bean is also rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, amino acids, caffeine, alkaloids, lignans and it even contains fiber.
Green coffee bean alone can help you lose weight fast. But how does this “trio” works? Can these three blend work together in harmony?
The Powerful Formula of Green Coffee Trio
As mentioned earlier, there are only one reason why you can trust Green Coffee Trio and that is its three main weight loss formula. Let me discuss these agents one by one in order to give you better insights on how Green Coffee Trio truly works for your health.
Green Coffee Bean
The main source of weight loss potency of green coffee bean is its chlorogenic acid, and not its caffeine content. This amazing acid compoun derivatives with biological effects that is mostly related to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
In various studies, CGA has been shown to inhibit an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate, which is the one responsible for the formation of glucose (sugar) in the liver. This means that green coffee in simplest explanation, can help reduce your risk of diabetes.
But the real interesting fact about CGA is its anti-obesity effects. Chlorogenic acid can help slow absorption of fat from the foods you eat, while activating your fat metabolism for further weight loss. Traditional brewed coffee doesn’t have the same amounts of CGA compared to unroasted green coffee bean, which makes its CGA a more potent weight loss agent.
Other benefits of chlorogenic acid includes enhanced heart functions, improved diabetes type 2 condition and Alzheimer’s disease.
Source: Fact Sheet: Green Coffee Bean – The Dr. Oz Show
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that have traditional usage to help improve the culinary experience of a meal and is known in tradition Ayurvedic medicine. Garcinia is best known for its active compound called hydroxycitric acid or simply known as HCA.
What HCA does is to prevent your body from forming fat tissues or scientifically called as lipogenesis. In reverse, HCA triggers fat and carbohydrate metabolism, decreases cholesterol levels while effectively suppressing hunger.
Garcinia works by preventing stress, depression and anxiety, which all triggers overeating. HCA helps increase your serotonin levels, a hormone that is responsible for regulating your mood. This means that having low levels of serotonin makes you prone to depression or anxiousness that will drive you into emotional food addiction. Increasing your serotonin helps stop your drive to stressful food munching.
However, not clinical studies have shown positive results towards weight loss for garcinia cambogia. To synthesis the fatty acids, HCA must inhibit an enzyme called citric acid lyase, which is successful in rat testing. The results in human tests varies, though there are reports of subjective appetite decrease.
Garcinia is already considered the people’s choice when it comes to dietary supplements. In fact, garcinia is the leading weight loss fruit that is being used by most dietary pill makers, which is a testament to its strong demand. If there is a strong demand, rest assured that garcinia is a potent weight loss agent.
Source: Garcinia Cambogia – Examine.com
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Conjugated linoleic acid or simply known as CLA, is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is truly essential in all diets. CLA was first discovered as an anticancer compound, which triggers a massive research about this acid.
What most researchers found out is its obesity aiding properties. There are some evidence that CLA can help reduce body fat levels but in non-significant manner. However, though it can slightly aid in weight loss, there are significant changes in total body composition (ratio of muscle to fat), which makes CLA a very interesting compound to study.
In the weight loss industry, from being a supporting ingredient to one of the premier formula in most weight loss products, CLA has become an instant celebrity among dietary supplement manufacturers, making this acid a primary weight loss agent in selected dietary pills such as Green Coffee Trio.
Source: Conjugated Linoleic Acid – NYU Langone Medical Center
Is Green Coffee Trio Safe?
Green Coffee Trio is generally safe for most adult dieters. This diet pill brand only contains pure and safe extracts with no additives, stimulants, artificial flavors or harmful chemicals.
Green coffee bean, garcinia cambogia and CLA have all been proven safe by several studies and independent clinical researches, which makes Green Coffee Trio one of the safest diet pills in the market today. Plus, there are neither known side effects, nor any reported complaints filed against this dietary supplement.
Though perfectly safe, it is still recommended that you seek your doctor’s approval first before you take Green Coffee Trio for your weight loss program.
Directions of Use
Each bottle of Green Coffee Trio contains 90 capsules, which is enough for a one month supply. You should take three capsules daily. Avoid exceeding this recommended daily serving unless approved by your physician or healthcare provider.
Green Coffee Trio Review Summary
Green Coffee Trio is quite an impressive dietary supplement as it offers three powerful weight loss compounds in one great product. Combining green coffee bean, garcinia cambogia and conjugated linoleic acid are certainly a potent formula for effectively potent but safe weight loss.
This brand is practically a new diet pill in the market, so it is quite reasonable that it has less customer reviews. If you have already tried this diet pill and found it effective for your weight loss program, I encourage you to share your experience with us by using our comment section below.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
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- Supports weight loss in key areas
- Provides additional health benefits
- No known side effects
- Return policy is offered
Where to Buy Green Coffee Trio?
Green Coffee Trio is neither available at any local weight loss store outlets near you, nor in any online health retailers. You can only purchase this diet pill directly through its official website.
To purchase Green Coffee Trio, please visit its official sales page below.
Purchase Green Coffee Trio here
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Green Coffee Trio has reached its cycle life and its manufacturer has ceased production of this powerful product. Please consider using other slimming products on our archive that are clinically proven and safe. [/note]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – Garcinia Ultra Pure” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]
Garcinia Ultra Pure is one of the bestselling herbal slimming supplement in the market for years. Known for its fat blocking and burning properties, this supplement can truly support key areas of your weight loss program.
With garcinia as one of the most widely used agent in the industry, this brand garnered thousands of success stories online, trusted by both athletes and dieters, and has been around in the market for years.
Click here to learn more in our review.