Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax


Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax is a dietary supplement that is touted to be a very powerful slimming formula based on Amazon customer reviews.

However, can its formula truly deliver results? I have big doubts about the overall efficacy of this brand as its formula is entirely dependent on Super Citrimax. Plus, there are a lot of safety concerns regarding side effects.

Read on and learn why I believe that this brand is not the most suitable diet pill for your weight loss program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax?

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax is owned by a company called GAIA Sciences LLC, and is retailed on various third party online supplement stores such as Amazon. The company has no official website as of this writing.

Some of the claimed health benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Effectively increases your metabolic levels
  • Helps suppress appetite
  • Helps maintain a healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Enhances your energy levels and fat burning potential


So this supplement is basically a fat burner and appetite suppressant. Just like other diet pills that contains citrimax, Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax features a very potent hydroxycitric amount.

With patented Super Citrimax® formula (garcinia cambogia with 60% HCA), this brand is believed to help prevent fat metabolism while promoting lipid metabolism.

GAIA Sciences also claim that the ingredients on each capsule of Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax bounds effectively to calcium and potassium for improved solubility and absorption.

While this brand may entice you to believe that it is weight loss effective, think again, this brand offers very limited information to support its claims.

Yes, I found no official website for GAIA Sciences, nor its diet pill Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax. This means that you will never know how this brand truly work for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax may also provide no refund benefits, except of course if you purchase from Amazon (which supported refund for this product). Another turn off is the price tag which is currently at $27.01 a bottle.

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax Ingredients

This supplement is packed with all-natural ingredients and feature a whopping 1,630mg per serving dosage.

It contains calcium, chromium polynicotinate, potassium and gymnema sylvestre extract. While its proprietary formula is Super Citrimax (60% HCA).

Its inactive ingredients are rice bran extract, water and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose.

garcinia cambogia super citrimax ingredients

So How does Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax Work?

The primary ingredient of Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax is Super Citrimax, which is a patented form of (-)hydroxycitric acid (HCA). We will concentrate this review on this active ingredient and also to its blood sugar lowering compound called chromium.

Super Citrimax offers an extensive experimental studies in both humans and mice, showing the effectiveness of HCA to inhibit fat synthesis and food intake reduction (take note that super citrimax is different from conventional garcinia cambogia extract that you commonly see on other dietary supplements).

The primary mechanism of action of HCA is its ability to inhibit ATP-citrate lyase enzyme. HCA increases glycogen levels which sends signals to your brain that you are still full.

According to NCBI, Super Citrimax is proven effective in reducing body weight at a dose of 2,500mg per kg, per day. The study also suggest a more powerful dose of 2,800mg per kg, per day, is completely safe for human consumption.

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax uses chromium to help improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is good to note that chromium is clinically proven to reduce blood sugar levels.

Chromium is not only used for sugar-lowering purposes, but it is also believed to have weight loss properties, helps build muscles, reduce sugar cravings, heart health and many others.

When it comes to strength training and weight loss benefits, chromium appears to have mixed results. This means that you can’t completely depend on chromium with regards to weight loss.

A research article suggest that a minimum dose of 200 to 1,000mcg per day are needed to achieve desirable sugar-lowering benefits. .

Can Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax Deliver Results?

Though Super Citrimax is clinically proven to provide weight loss, it is still DOUBTFUL for Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax to trigger any significant slimming effects.

Why? Because Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax only offers 1,500mg per serving of Super Citrimax. The research study that I quote above requires at least 2,500mg per serving of Super Citrimax in order to provide some measures of weight loss.

On the other hand, Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax offers 133mcg per serving of chromium, which is way shorter than the average dosage used in various chromium weight loss studies (at least 200mcg per kg, per day).

There are also some inefficacy complaints about this brand in Amazon. Some of the most helpful reviews are:

[quote]Was so excited to rec’d this product, I tried it , it does not control appitite and it does not make me feel full, I did it exactly like bottle said, It made me eat more if anything. I weight 155lbs and Im not a big eater, but this stuff made me want to eat. no good. Also I got headaches from it.[/quote]

[quote]This product doesn’t work. Waste of money. I’m going back to the other brand which is much better. These 5 star comments is what got me but yeah those people got the product for free to leave 5 stars. I was fooled but hey lessons learned. I’m never going to buy Gaia Sciences product again.[/quote]

[quote]Didn’t work at all instead of getting less hungry I got more and I didn’t lose not even a pound in 3 weeks straight of taking this product, and that is because I exercise every day[/quote]

How about Safety?

Though Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax is completely all-natural, you can find tons of side effect reports for this brand online.

Some of the most help reviews regarding side effects include:

[quote]I only took this for 2 days because it upset my stomach so badly. I threw the rest in the trash. I received this product free in exchange for my honest opinion.[/quote]

[quote]Gave me a wicked headache, hurt my stomach and way to many pills are supposed to be taken each day[/quote]

[quote]Unfortunately this product caused me to have horrible headaches. Tried it for two weeks in hopes the headaches would subside, but no luck.[/quote]

[quote]I could not use this for more than two days – even when limiting use before two meals instead of three. I experienced so much pressure behind my eyes, they turned bloodshot. My vision blurred slightly and I had a headache until the pressure subsided. I also experienced some of the digestive issues noted by other users and they lasted for at least 24 hours after discontinuing use.[/quote]

Also, GAIA Sciences claim that their formula has no caffeine, but it is quite ironic that this brand triggers stimulant-based side effects. Weird right?

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax is LIKELY UNSAFE for you!

You have to consult your doctor first before you take Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax.


GAIA Sciences suggest that you take 3 capsules, three times a day, 30 to 60 minutes prior to meals, or as directed by your qualified healthcare provider.

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax Review Summary

This dietary supplement is not ideal for your weight loss program. The company give false weight loss claims and the pills are unsafe due to possible side effects.

Here are the highlights of this review:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • Contains super citrimax
  • May help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Refund via Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]

  • Limited information
  • Side effects have been reported
  • Inefficacy reports


Where to Purchase Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax?

Garcinia Cambogia Super CitriMax can only be purchased online, directly from its official sales page or other supplement retailers.

Since I don’t recommend this brand for you, I suggest that you try other reputable and proven effective and safe diet pill.

You may want to take a closer look at one of our top-rated weight loss supplements here – Phen Caps.

Click the link below to read our review of this amazing weight loss supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top choice supplement – Phen Caps” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phen caps red capsulesOne of the most reliable, safe and bestselling Phentermine-alternative diet supplement in the market today.

Phen Caps is packed with known slimming ingredients that can truly help reduce cravings and hunger, while elevating both your energy and metabolic levels.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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