Fusion Burn is a thermogenic diet supplement that is exclusively retailed in Amazon. If you are looking for a natural fat burner, then this brand might be the right one for you.
But with tons of fat burning diet pills in the market, can this product offer you something special? Does it have a powerful formula? Will it deliver results?
Read this short review and learn if Fusion Burn can truly deliver results for you.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Fusion Burn?
Fusion Burn is a product of BeLive Natural Supplements. As mentioned above, this pill is more of a fat burner and not an appetite suppressant. Here are some of its health claims:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19beed”]
- Boost energy and metabolism levels
- Burns fat fast
- Thermogenic effective weight loss
- Blocks fat formation
Fusion Burn is a popular brand in Amazon, which accumulated dozens of good reviews though we believe that most of them are fake or invented.
BeLive does have its own website but provided limited information, the same with Amazon. Good thing is that, we have its full ingredient profile.
With regards to affordability, Fusion Burn has a moderate price tag of $17.50 per bottle which is cheaper than most pills like Lean Fat Burner, FenBurn, Fizogen or Raspberry Ketone Plus.
There are also no money back guarantee offer from the website of BeLive, but Amazon does offer their own refund so it is much wiser if you go to Amazon and buy there instead.
Fusion Burn Ingredients
The proprietary blend of this diet pill amounts to 1,227.4mg per serving. It has green coffee, green tea, raspberry ketone, garcinia cambogia, caffeine and L-Theanine.
Other ingredients are rice flour, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin capsule and magnesium stearate.

How does Fusion Burn Work?
Like other fat burners such as Therm Burn, Thermo Oxy-Burn, or Thermogenix Extreme, Fusion Burn works by utilizing its powerful formula which consists of known slimming agents.
Lets analyze each ingredients and see if Fusion Burn can truly deliver results for your weight loss program.
Green Coffee Bean
Green coffee bean is a popular thermogenic agent used by most weight loss supplement for either fat burning or energy production needs.
The potent compounds in green coffee bean are caffeine and chlorogenic acid.
Chlorogenic acid works by blocking carbohydrate absorption though it is mostly regarded as a fat burner due to its similar properties with caffeine.
Raspberry Ketones
Another popular slimming agent, raspberry ketones has metabolic-enhancing properties that is though to help for weight loss.
Raspberry ketones also have some compounds that can increase the rate at which your body burns fat and helps reduce appetite by increasing your adiponectin levels.
While raspberry ketone is a promising slimming agent, Examine.com suggest that there is currently no reliable scientific evidence that proves its effectiveness.
Still, thousands of people testify that raspberry is indeed effective for weight loss.
Green Tea
Like green coffee bean, green tea is a similar slimming agent that has caffeine and antioxidants called polyphenols.
Green tea is known as a fat burner, though it is also known for its appetite reduction benefits. With antioxidants, green tea can also help strengthen your immunity against diseases.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is another widely used herb in the weight loss industry. The active compound in garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid or simply called as HCA.
HCA is known to help prevent fat storage, appetite reduction and helps improve physical performance. Drugs.com printed some evidence of the effectiveness of HCA in both exercise and weight loss in general.
Amino acid L-Theanine has a chemical structure like glutamate, another amino acid that helps transport nerve impulses to the brain.
This is highly beneficial for people with brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety and even more for people with cancer and those who are suffering from high blood pressure.
L-Theanine is not completely used as a slimming agent but since it is found in green tea, this amino acid is also being used in dietary supplements as well.
Caffeine is probably the most popular and widely used thermogenic and fat burning ingredient in the market today.
Like green tea, green coffee bean and other herbs, caffeine directly affects your central nervous system that triggers energy increase, performance improvement and metabolism boost.
So Can Fusion Burn Deliver Results?
This brand has a decent formula that can help support your overall weight loss program.
You can get significant results if you follow a sensible diet and regular exercise.
As you learned above, only caffeine, green tea and green coffee bean are notable ingredients that can truly help you lose weight.
This brand is can boost your energy from its stimulants which can also increase your metabolism.
How about Safety?
Fusion Burn is likely safe to most dieters because of its natural ingredients.
But even though this a natural diet pill, side effects are possible for Fusion Burn due to its stimulants. You must consult your doctor first before you take this brand.
According to Amazon, you can take 1 veggie capsule twice a day, do not take it before bedtime.
For best results, take 20 to 30 minutes before a meal with an 8oz glass of water or as directed by your health care professional.
Fusion Burn Review Summary
Fusion Burn is not the most ideal supplement for your weight loss program, though I believe that it can still give you some measures of weight loss due to its slimming ingredients.
Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]
- Natural formula
- Might give some measures of energy boost
- Moderately priced
- Refund fulfilled by Amazon
Where to Purchase Fusion Burn?
You can find this brand through various online supplement retail sites.
Check out one of our top rated brands here – HCG Complex.
Click the link below to learn more why this supplement is one of the bestselling diet pills in the market.
[box title=”Our Top Rated Diet Supplement” color=”#00bbff”]
HCG Complex
One of the bestselling HCG-based dietary supplement, made from essential amino acids and herb extracts. This liquid drop is proven effective and safe for any types of dieting program that will likely speed up your body’s metabolism that results to significant weight loss.
[list style=”check”]
- 100% pure natural slimming ingredients
- Elevates your energy and metabolism
- Absolutely no side effects
- Provides its own dieting plan
- Money-back guarantee
[/list] Click here to Read our Full Review