Forskolin Fat Burner


Do you believe in the weight loss power of coleus forskohlii extract? If yes, then Forskolin Fat Burner might be the most ideal dietary supplement for your slimming program.

Coleus forskohlii extract has been used in various health conditions. But this plant made to the spotlight due to its alleged weight loss properties.

So is coleus forskohlii truly effective in reducing weight? Or should I ask, is Forskolin Fat Burner effective and safe for you?

Read on and find out if this dietary supplement can indeed help you lose weight.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this brand, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Forskolin Fat Burner?

Forskolin Fat Burner is a product of a US-based supplement manufacturer called BioScience Labs (which is probably a sister company of Genetic Solutions LLC.). R

ead my review of Testosterone Booster here (also from BioScience).

There are three health claims of Forskolin Fat Burner:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Effectively reduces weight
  • Enhances energy, mood and focus
  • Maximizes fat burning


Based on its claims, it seems that BioScience Labs formulated this supplement to be a “fat burner”. But can its formula truly provides fat burning benefits? Lets find out more below.

Forskolin Fat Burner Ingredients

Like other forskolin supplement brands like the X-Factor or Pure Forskolin, Forskolin Fat Burner is composed only of coleus forskohlii root extract.

Its potency is dosed at 125mg per serving. Its inactive ingredients are calcium carbonate, magnesium stearate and gelatin (capsule).

So this brand has no supporting ingredients such as caffeine, green tea or any fat burning agents like synephrine, cayenne or green coffee bean extract.

Though purely made of coleus forskohlii, Forskolin Fat Burner doesn’t have extra ingredients that are deemed harmful.

So How Can Forskolin Fat Burner Help You Lose Weight?

To answer that question, we need to learn how coleus forskohlii works and if it can truly trigger weight loss.

According to most research studies about this plant extract, coleus forkohlii is clinically proven effective for improving heart functions, as well as relieving the symptoms of asthma.

But forskohlii is much more known for its testosterone boosting and fat burning properties. This plant is even marketed as aid for erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders in men.

But what about the truth about forskohlii’s weight loss benefits? Can it really trigger weight loss?

According to a study article by, coleus forskohlii appears to be a promising slimming agent when it comes to in vivo studies.

Once such study involves overweight women and men, where both groups took two doses of 250mg, twice per day (10% forskohlii extract potency). The results showed reduced weight gain.

However, there was no significant weight loss but only a difference between the experimental (slight loss) and control group (weight gain).

There were favorable changes in BMI over a 12-week period but not as significant as most experts claims.

Another study was conducted by OnlineLibrary which offered a more positive results.

According to this study, forskolin supplementation has been proven to help increase body fat loss and free testosterone levels.

How about Safety?

Forskolin Fat Burner is likely safe for most adult dieters. Coleus forskohlii is deemed safe by most medical experts due to the fact that it is a plant extract that has been used for years in various types of traditional medicines.

Pregnant women should avoid using coleus forskohlii products as this plant extract can slow or even stop the growth of the fetus.

To ensure a safe supplementation, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Forskolin Fat Burner.


BioScience Labs recommends that you use Forskolin Fat Burner as your dietary supplement.

Take one capsule daily, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. No other instructions are published online.

Forskolin Fat Burner Review Summary

This supplement has enough forskolin dosage (which is within clinical amounts) that may help support your weight loss program.

If you are following a sensible diet and exercise, this supplement may be able to trigger significant amounts of weight loss for you.

Here are the reasons why you need Forskolin Fat Burner:

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  • Natural formula
  • May help increase fat burning and testosterone level
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Forskolin Fat Burner?

Forskolin Fat Burner can be purchased directly from its official website or via Genetic Solutions LLC site.

We suggest that you check out one of our top rated diet supplement brands here – PhenQ.

Read our review of this surprisingly powerful diet pill brand by clicking the link below.

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phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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