Forskolin Extract

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Forskolin Extract is a product from an independent “family” owned company called Impulse Body Labs. It is marketed as an appetite suppressant and metabolism booster.

This brand is exclusively retailed online via Amazon and features an impressive customer ratings. Though this brand has its own flaws and critics, it is important that you are informed about this brand’s true weight loss capacities.

Read on and learn if Forskolin Extract can truly help you lose weight, or is it just another scam diet pill lurking online.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Forskolin Extract?

As aforementioned above, Forskolin Extract is an appetite suppressing slimming supplement that is also marketed as a metabolism booster. Produced and distributed by Impulse Body Labs, this diet pill offers enticing health claims that I think have no supporting clinical studies.

Why? Because there are limited information to be found for this brand online. Impulse Body Labs’ official website also offers no supporting details on how Forskolin Extract really works for weight loss.

Below are some of Forskolin Extract’s health claims online:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19aaed”]

  • Natural and organic herbal weight loss appetite blocker
  • Ignites your body’s metabolism for rapid burning of fat
  • Helps block fat and increases your energy levels


Impulse Body Labs features several herbal supplements on its resume that are all being sold at Amazon.

Forskolin Extract Ingredients

forskolin extract ingredientsForskolin Extract is a natural, herb-based diet pill that features only one primary ingredient – coleus forskohlii extract.

Its forskolin content is dosed at 250mg per serving (1 veggie capsule). Its inactive ingredients include vegetable cellulose and rice flour.

Forskolin Extract has no preservatives, artificial ingredients, egg shellfish, peanuts, wheat soy, milk, salt, sugar, gluten, high fructose corn syrup or wheat. This diet pill is also stimulant-free.

So Can Forskolin Extract Deliver Results?

Forskolin Extract MIGHT give some measures of weight loss, but it won’t give you any significant or long-term effect.

Coleus forskohlii extract has promising results from various research studies about its health effects. However, this compound is much more effective in boosting testosterone levels in men, fighting against asthma and promotes good cardiovascular health.

With weight loss, there are favorable results from different resources online. I found out that the most effective dose for coleus forskohlii extract for weight loss is 500mg per day.

Forskolin Extract only offers 250mg per day, which is way short of the recommended dosage. You can double your intake to meet this requirement as what Impulse Body Labs stated from its instructions on how to take this diet pill.

So this is the reason why I think that Forskolin Extract might give you some slimming effects, but not to the point that you will lose significant weight.

One interesting statement made by Impulse Body Labs is that, it encourages you to follow a regular exercise and a sensible dieting regimen. If you can do these tasks, you can definitely see results but it will not be from taking Forskolin Extract.

Reviews from Amazon also seems to favor my analysis. Looking at its 1-star rating, most customers had dissatisfying experiences with Forskolin Extract. More of these testimonials suggests Forskolin Extract’s weight loss ineffectiveness.

So Forskolin Extract may give some slight effects, but don’t expect that you will lose more body fat and have your appetite reduced by taking this brand alone. Impulse Body Labs should have added some more supporting ingredients to make this diet pill more effective such as caffeine or green tea.

Is Forskolin Extract Safe?

Forskolin Extract is LIKELY safe for most adult dieters. I found no side effect reports for this brand online.

Though safe, you are not encouraged to take Forskolin Extract if you are taking medications for high blood pressure or other cardiovascular medicines. Pregnant women are also not encouraged to take this diet pill.

If you take 2 capsules of Forskolin Extract, you are taking too much dose of forskohlii because this brand already provides 20% forskolin extract per capsule.

The average standardized forskolin dose is at 10% only, so you are consuming more forskolin if you take 2 capsules or more. This may trigger adverse health effects, though there are no reported incidents so far online.

To ensure your safety, talk to your doctor first before you take Forskolin Extract.


Take one capsule per day with an 8oz glass of water, 30 minutes before a meal and preferably 30 minutes before exercise.

You can take 2 capsules per day for maximum results. Do not exceed more than 2 capsules per day. Results are approximately achieved within 90 days according to Impulse Body Labs.

Forskolin Extract Review Summary

There is a good chance that Forskolin Extract can provide some slimming effects for you. However, I really feel that this diet pill is not the best weight loss supplement for you based on what I have mentioned above.

So, I am rating this diet pill as “NOT RECOMMENDED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19afed”]

  • Claims to have natural formula
  • Might help trigger slight weight loss
  • No known side effects so far
  • Refund – fulfilled by Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed191d”]

  • Limited information
  • Favorable reviews are most likely fake
  • Not from a reputable company
  • No supporting ingredients
  • Unlikely to provide significant weight loss
  • Reports of ineffectiveness
  • You are encouraged to diet and exercise


Where to Purchase Forskolin Extract?

Since the official website of Impulse Body Labs has no checkout page, you can only purchase this brand directly from its official sales page.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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