Forged Burner

Fat burner, energy and metabolism boosting diet pill.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Forged Burner claims to be a powerful thermogenic fat burning pill due to its stimulating formula.

Stimulants are often used to help make supplements more potent when it comes to energy and metabolism increase due to its ability to affect central nervous system.

Such popular pills that is based in stimulants include WedSlim, Altovis, Anadrox and Fat Burn Extreme.

So how does Forged Burner compare with these brands and how potent is this brand really? Read on and learn if this product can truly help you lose weight.

What is Forged Burner?

Forged Burner is a product of Transform Supplements, a company that offers different kinds of sports nutrition products.

Here are the health claims for this brand:

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  • Effectively burns fat
  • Increases metabolism and energy levels
  • Helps regulate appetite
  • Enhances mood and focus
  • Provides antioxidants and endocrine regulators


This product has its own official site though they don’t sell directly from their website, but through third party supplement retailers such as i-Supplements, Amazon and many others.

According to their official site, Forged Burner is designed to attack body fat from every angle which triggers powerful thermogenic effects.

This will help elevate your metabolism, energy, performance, mood and even help spike your body’s antioxidants. This product works as a stand alone supplement, meaning that you don’t need to use additional pills (stack) just to help you lose weight.

But the website offers limited information and even forgot to publish its supplement facts. But not to worry, other third party supplement shops do provide the ingredients for you.

Another downside is the limited reviews. Yes, this brand is not new but it is still not that popular in the dieting community.

But unlike other brands that are super expensive such as Pavaxin, Trenoven, Slimming Oolong Capsules or Ab Igniter Black, Forged Burner only costs $29.99 per bottle.

Transform Supplements does not support returns or money back guarantee as their website published limited information. But some third party retailers such as i-Supplements do offer returns.

Forged Burner Ingredients

The proprietary blend of this product is dosed at 1,185mg per serving, which is truly powerful as claimed by Transform Supplements.

Ingredients include caffeine, calcium, cocoa seed, lotus seed, hordenine, cinnamon bark, dendrobium nobile stem, caffeine citrate, evodiamine, and yohimbine.

forged burner ingredients

So Can Forged Burner Help You Lose Weight?

As you can see from its formula, this product has the right ingredients to help shed some of your hard to lose body fat. And yes, it is packed with herbs that are known to promote weight loss, not to mention caffeine which is a stimulant.

So, can Forged Burner help you lose weight? To answer that, we need to analyze its key ingredients and see if this diet pill can help you lose weight.


You probably noticed that caffeine is a common agent in most fat burners in the market. Why? Because it is believed to have fat burning, energy boosting and appetite regulating properties.

Caffeine primarily affects your central nervous system, which regulates and improve your overall cognitive function including your physical performance.

So in theory, caffeine is a thermogenic agent that burns fat, elevate energy and metabolism, and enhances your mental focus and mood.

And since this is a stimulant, some people can get negative effects when taking caffeine. Such effects include nausea, short breathing, headache and many others. But in general, caffeine is quite safe for most dieters.

Read our article here and learn if stimulants can be a bad ingredient for you.

Cocoa Seed Extract

Yes, a chocolate agent is one of the key ingredient of Forged Burner and there’s a big reason for it!

Weight loss buzz about cocoa seed extract isn’t new and most people very well knows how this chocolate agent promote weight loss.

First, cocoa seed is high in fiber which helps your overall health especially weight loss and your digestive health. Fiber helps regulate your bowel movement which promotes healthy weight and of course, good for your heart.

Second, cocoa seed is low in sugar which makes it an ideal snack choice when you are looking for a sweet but healthy food.

And lastly, cocoa seed extract has antioxidants called polyphenols, which has been found to help treat obesity – LiveStrong.

Lotus Seed

Nobody can question the nutritional value of lotus seeds. It offers protein, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Significantly low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol, a perfect ingredient for your slimming program.

Lotus seed has been used as an anti-aging agent due to its L-Isoaspartyl and methyltransferase enzymes, acts as an astringent that helps improve kidneys, and even promotes better sexual health.

Cinnamon Bark

Another common ingredient in most fat burning pills, cinnamon has been touted as a potent metabolism booster as it has been proven to positively affect metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a disease that characterized by having excess abdominal fat, high cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon can help reduce blood sugar levels which helps prevent diabetes development.


This chemical is found in barley, which offers a similar structure to stimulants found in bitter orange (synephrine). Hordenine is widely used as a fat burner and energy booster, and some athletes promote it as a powerful performance enhancer.

Like caffeine above, hordenine can stimulate your central nervous system which triggers heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate increase.

Even though there are several health sites that disagrees for its weight loss claims, hordenine is still one of the most widely used thermogenic agents in the market today – WebMD.

Dendrobium Nobile Stem

This type of orchid plant is native to China, Taiwan, India, Vietnam, Thailand and other tropical Asian countries. It is widely used as a herbal agent in various traditional medicines, specifically to help boost physical and athletic performance.

Dendrobium has strong chemicals that can affect your body positively. Some experts say that its stimulants are much stronger than dimethylamylamine (DMAA), a potent stimulant agent.

These chemicals help lower blood pressure and reduce pain. Since it is a stimulant, you might already know that this agent can help you lose weight.

However, this plant has one big disadvantage – it could potentially increase your chances of seizure though there isn’t enough information about this online.

So to be in the safe side, you would want to consult your doctor first before you take this herb or any supplements that contain this ingredient –

forged burner diet supplement

Is Forged Burner Safe?

Forged Burner is likely safe to most dieters as I found zero reports of side effects online. As I mentioned above, this product has limited reviews as of this writing, so it would be unfair for this brand if I tag it as unsafe.

Plus, this product offers 100% natural formula and has no known harmful ingredients.

But since this product is packed with stimulants (not to mention dendrobium), side effects are truly possible.

So, it is wise on your end if you consult your doctor first before you take this product or any other supplements that has stimulants.

Forged Burner Review Summary

So this product truly has a powerful formula that can truly trigger significant weight loss for you. This is because of its proven thermogenic agents on its formula.

Plus, Forged Burner is much more affordable compared to other popular brands online that offers ridiculously expensive price tags.

But as I have said above, this product has its own downside such as possible side effects, no returns or money back guarantee and limited information from its official website.

Overall, Forged Burner can truly help you lose weight and might be the answer to your weight loss plateau. Though you still have to consider its cons just to be in the safe side.

Where to Buy Forged Burner?

Forged Burner is available online through third party online supplement retailers. Click the link below right now to purchase.

Purchase Forged Burner here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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