Flex6 is a sports nutrition diet supplement designed to help improve your overall performance in the gym that will lead to less-fat and ripped physique.
So if you are working out but you can’t see any improvement on your body, then you probably need a total revamp on your overall fitness program.
Aside from pushing yourself to the limit and right lifting techniques, you most probably need a perfect supplement that can help support your fitness goals.
Read on and see if Flex6 can truly deliver good results for you.
What is Flex6?
Flex6 is a product of Immune-Tree, a supplement manufacturer based in Utah offering wide variety of health products.
Here are some of its health claims:
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- Enhances athletic performance
- Increased pump
- Speed up recovery
- Helps muscle tissue regenerate
So first off, this product is not based in chemicals or harmful steroids but is 100% natural. So you can’t expect fast and abrupt results from this product like what steroids can do.
But Flex6 is a dietary supplement which means that it is much safer and is probably equally effective as its ingredients are known to promote anabolic effects as well.
According to its website, Flex6 is formulated to be the “ultimate” supplement for bodybuilders and athletes who want fast results.
They claim that their formula is more “androgenic” than conventional steroids, and yet not banned by major sports organizations.
So like other sports nutrition supplements such as Humoloid, EvoSport or Sport Formula, Flex6 offers an effective and safe formula that will completely support your health and fitness needs.
A bottle of Flex6 costs $55.98 which is a bit expensive compared to other brands. But before you get discouraged, read on and learn if its formula is truly worth the money.
Flex6 Fitness Formula Ingredients
The key ingredients of this supplement is bovine colostrum which is dosed at 765mg per serving.
Aside from colostrum, Flex6 also has a “proprietary blend” that include creatine ethel ester, methoxyisoflavone, black pepper and diindolymethane.
Other ingredients include zinc monomethionine, zinc aspartate, magnesium asparate, vitamin B6, gelatin, water, and glycerine.
So How Can Flex6 Help Improve Your Overall Performance?
As you can see from its formula above, can these ingredients truly help deliver results? Can it help improve your performance in the gym and help increase your lean muscle mass?
To answer that question, we need to see if its key ingredients are truly effective as anabolic agents.
Bovine Colostrum
Colostrum is a milky fluid from the breasts of humans, cows and other mammals. This substance is so beneficial as it has high concentrations of antibodies that can fight viruses and bacteria.
Primarily used as anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent for intestinal diseases and can also help boost immune system, colostrum is also widely known for its ability to improve exercise performance.
Athletes and dieters use colostrum to help burn excess fat, build lean muscle, increase stamina and vitality, and elevate exercise performance.
NCBI suggests that colostrum effectively increases plasma IGF-1, intramuscular buffering capacity and lean body mass.
Creatine Ethel Ester
This compound is naturally found in the body, mostly in muscles to help them work properly by supplying energy.
Experts agree that there is some science supporting the use of creatine in improving athletic performance, muscle strength and maintenance and many others – WebMD.
Today, creatine is used for brain disorders, congestive heart failure, pulmonary diseases, muscle cramps, inflammatory diseases and even as an anti-aging agent.
According to Immune-Tree, this agent is a natural anabolic providing steroid-like effects without side effects.
It basically help transport nutrients to your worked lean muscles, which leads to improved endurance and strength. It also help enhance nitrogen retention.
According to UOFMHelath.org, methoxyisoflavone does provide these benefits but based on preliminary animal research. More research on humans must be taken to further prove its effects.
According to Examine.com, diindolymethane is a molecule that has two indole groups attached to a methane group. It is found in broccoli and is the main reason for its anti-cancer properties.
Aside from its antioxidant effects, DIM is also known to help prevent fat gain. So if you want to cut or maintain a body to fat ratio, this agent can definitely help.
Black Pepper
Lastly, Flex6 has black pepper on its arsenal and is one of the most widely used herbal agent in both weight loss and sports nutrition products.
Like colostrum, black pepper helps fight germs, bacteria and viruses that can affect your system. It helps fight stomach upset, nerve pain, malaria, and even fight life threatening cancers.
So Can Flex6 Deliver Results?
Based on our research above, this product is likely to deliver fast and effective results for you.
Like other brands such as Axis-HT, Tea Rex and Muscle Advance Creatine, Flex6 has a potent dose of its formula, thus increasing its potency for quick and noticeable effects.
Is Flex6 Safe?
We never found a single side effect report for this brand online. This is because of its natural ingredients.
To make sure that you’ll get safe supplementation, you may consult your doctor first before you take this brand.
According to its website, you can take 3 capsules, twice per day.
For athletes and lifters (advanced use), double the said instructions right before and after your workout.
Flex6 Review Summary
This supplement will never let you down on your fitness program needs. Its natural ingredients won’t trigger nasty side effects and will support any physical activities you are on.
Plus, Flex6 also promote other health benefits that you will definitely love such as its antiviral, anti-bacterial, antioxidants and anti-aging benefits.
Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:
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- 100% natural formula
- Promotes performance enhancing effects
- Supports muscle increase and stamina improvement
- Can help you lose weight
- Provides other health benefits
- No known side effects
- 30-day return policy
Where to Purchase Flex6?
This brand is unlikely retailed on your favorite local health supplement stores. But you can buy one directly from its official website.
To purchase Flex6, please click the link below.
Purchase Flex6 Here
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