Fat Burn X


Fat Burn X is one of the most infamous thermogenic supplements online. At first sight, this brand seems reliable and effective due to its impressively designed website and some favorable reviews online.

But what made this brand so doubtful? Well, there are several questionable claims about this brand, including having tons of negative reviews online.

Though there are some positive reviews, these were simply outweighed by tons of negative reviews at Amazon. This means that most positive testimonials are most likely fake.

Read on and see why we don’t recommend Fat Burn X to your weight loss program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Fat Burn X, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Fat Burn X?

Fat Burn X is owned by a company with the same name and is based on San Diego, California. But the official website of this diet pill suggest that it is from a UK company called Judeck Ltd.

Well, whatever company this brand comes from, one thing is certain, Fat Burn X is designed to burn fat!

Below are the claimed health benefits of this supplement:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Rapidly burns fat
  • Helps boost metabolism and energy levels
  • Boosts power and endurance


The Amazon page is saying that Fat Burn X provides “NAD Nutrient Delivery” benefit, which I don’t really know what it stands for.

The official website of this diet pill also provides very limited information, and most of its pages are not working and are redirected to the homepage.

The pricing of Fat Burn X is a bit affordable compared to other known but expensive thermogenics such as Forskolin and Fat Burner Plus. A bottle of this supplement will cost you $27.17, and Amazon provides the guarantee (refund, etc.).

Fat Burn X Ingredients

Like most dietary supplements, Fat Burn X is packed with natural ingredients that are known to have weight loss properties.

The proprietary blend of this supplement is at 1,020mg per serving, which is composed of psyllium husks, caffeine, garcinia cambogia extract, citrus aurantium, green tea leaf, apple cider vinegar, juniper berry and grapefruit seed extract.

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin, rice flour, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

How does Fat Burn X Work?

As aforementioned above, there are limited information about this dietary supplement online. So we just have to analyze its formula and see it Fat Burn X can truly trigger weight loss.


Caffeine is one of the most popular and widely used ingredient in various health industries such as sports nutrition, weight loss, nootropics and many others.

As a stimulant, caffeine directly affects your central nervous system which helps elevates your focus, mental functions and alertness. It also helps increase your metabolism and energy levels.

Psyllium Husks

Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative, which function is to soak up water in your gut and makes your bowel movements easier. This helps promote regularity, ease constipation and improves digestive functions.

Since it absorbs water in your body, it can help trigger the feeling of fullness, which helps you to control the amount of food you eat.

According to a study, taking 5 grams of psyllium a day can help type 2 diabetic patients to control their blood sugar and overall sugar cravings.

Fat Burn X however, only provides 1,020mg per serving (whole amounts of the entire formula) which is far less than the said clinical dosage.


Garcinia Cambogia

One of the most popular fruit extract that is said to be a powerful weight loss agent. Garcinia cambogia’s potent compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is said to be the main culprit of its potent slimming effects.

HCA is believed by many as a powerful fat inhibitory agent (prevents fat storage) and an appetite suppressant.

However, several human studies suggest that there are no proven “scientific” outcomes that suggests garcinia’s weight loss efficacy.

In rat studies however, HCA has been proven to increase serotonin hormones, the one responsible for controlling appetite.


Green Tea Leaf

Green tea is another popular “fat burner” due to its flavonoirs and caffeine content.

Though there are some critics about green tea’s weight loss properties, this compound is still one of the most widely used slimming agent among dietary supplements.

And since it contains natural flavonoids (antioxidants), it means that green tea also helps strengthen your immunity against chronic diseases.

Citrus Aurantium

Citrus aurantium or better known as bitter orange, is an extract that is also considered as stimulant as it affects the nervous system.

Citrus aurantium is said to be a perfect substitute for ephedra. But lab tests shows that taking citrus aurantium alone won’t result to weight loss.

Unless, you combine caffeine, diet and regular exercise, bitter orange is still not considered to be a reliable weight loss agent.


Juniper berry, grapefruit seed and apple cider vinegar are all unproven as a weight loss agent, though most people still uses them as part of their weight loss diet.

So Can Fat Burn X Deliver Results?

Based on my research above, it is highly UNLIKELY for Fat Burn X to deliver significant weight loss for you.

First off, its proprietary dosage is not enough to compensate all clinical doses of its ingredients. Second, most ingredients in Fat Burn X are either not associated or unproven for weight loss.

Lastly, Fat Burn X does have TONS of negative reviews. Some of the most helpful testimonials include:

[quote]Don’t buy this product period. it makes me sick. Wish I could get my money back.[/quote]

[quote]If I could give this product a negative star I would. Absolute garbage. No results even with strict compliance and using the additional product of Alpha rush. These are nothing more then caffeine pills. I am health professional by trade and have an avid interest in anything that will help my patients. I try products before I will recommend them. My disappointment in this product has no end.[/quote]

[quote]I used this product for 2 months with no results at all. I did not change my diet or exercise as I wanted to test the results of this on its own merit. I think it is a waste of money…[/quote]

[quote]I tried the product for a month and a half and was not impressed at all. I saw no results and was quite disappointed. I bought the product from the company for the trial period listed on the main website for the product and had a horrible experience dealing with them. This is not a product or company you want to waste your time dealing with.[/quote]

Is it Safe?

There are several reviews that suggests both inefficacy and side effects. Some people reported that they got sick from the time they took this diet pill.

These type of reports are “common” in most dietary supplements, especially fat burners and Fat Burn X is not an exemption as it contains caffeine, a known powerful stimulant.

So Fat Burn X is definitely not a side effect-free supplement. You are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take this diet pill.


The company behind Fat Burn X recommends that you take this brand as your dietary supplement.

You should take two capsules daily in the morning. Do not exceed this recommended dosage.

No other instructions are published online.

Fat Burn X Review Summary

Fat Burn X is not the most ideal weight loss supplement for you. Its formula is highly doubtful for weight loss and it also increases your risks of side effects.

I rate this dietary supplement as “NOT RECOMMENDED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • May provide some measures of energy increase due to stimulants
  • Refund fulfilled by Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]

  • Limited information
  • Tons of negative reviews
  • Weight loss is highly unlikely
  • Side effects are reported
  • No ingredient amounts
  • Can only be purchased online
  • A bit expensive


Where to Purchase Fat Burn X?

Fat Burn X is only available at various supplement retailer online as the official website is not yet fully functional and user-friendly as of this writing.

I suggest that you look for other known weight loss supplements online that can truly help you lose weight.

To start at the right foot, you may want to check out one of our top-rated dietary supplements here – PhenQ.

Click the link below to read our review of this amazingly powerful weight loss product.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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