More and more people are getting confused with several different HGH supplements that are designed for weight loss, fitness and even for anti-aging purposes.
If you are skeptical about HGH, then it is wise to better shy away from these types of supplements (whether its pills or injections). But if you are knowledgeable about growth hormones, then you know that it also have some beneficial effects.
If you are curious about HGH, then you might want to read this short article and learn more about HGH in general.
HGH Overview
Human Growth Hormone or simply known as HGH, is a peptide hormone that is naturally produced by the pituitary gland, one of the composition of our brain. Its main function is to support growth, maintain tissues and organs throughout your life. This is the reason why this hormone is called “growth hormones” in the first place.
As a growth stimulator, cell reproduction and regeneration, HGH is an essential part of our health-preservation process to avoid fast aging and other deterioration processes. HGH is 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that is synthesized, stored and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland.
HGH also help raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and it also stimulates the production of IGF-1, another hormone that has similar molecular structure to insulin.
Once you reached middle age, your pituitary gland will reduce its growth hormone production, which will result to a variety of health degradations such as loss of muscle and bone mass. To fight this natural processes, some health conscious individuals use synthetic human growth hormone as their growth hormone-alternative remedy.
HGH as a Prescription Drug
Developed in 1985, synthetic HGH drugs are considered a very complex hormonal medicines and many research with regards to its functions are still inconclusive. While legal drugs, its efficacy and safety of HGH use has not been completely tested in a clinical trial.
Generally, synthetic growth hormone is used as a prescription drug in medicine to help treat growth disorders in children, increase vitality in older patients and mostly for adult growth hormone deficiency. In the United States for example, these types of drugs can only be purchased legally from pharmacies, with doctor’s prescription.
In children, injections are FDA approved for treating the following health conditions:
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- Turner’s syndrome
- Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Chronic kidney insufficiency
- HGH deficiency or insufficiency
- Children born small for gestational age
On the other hand, approved uses of HGH for adults include:
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- Short bowel syndrome
- HGH deficiency due to rare pituitary tumors or their treatment
- Muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS
Functions of HGH Medication
Growth hormone acts by interacting with a specific receptor on the surface of cells. Increased height during childhood is the most prominent effect of growth hormone, including synthetic drugs.
Height increase is stimulated because of at least two mechanisms – it stimulates the production of insuline-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and growth hormones directly stimulates division and multiplication of chondrocytes of cartilage.
Aside from height increase, HGH medication help promote the following health effects:
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- Increases calcium retention, while increases bone mineralization
- Promotes lipolysis (this is the reason why HGH is also used for weight loss)
- Increases muscle mass through sarcomere hypertrophy
- Increases protein synthesis
- Stimulates internal organ’s growth, including the brain
- Reduces liver uptake of glucose
- Promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver
- Contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets
- Supports a role in homeostasis
- Stimulates the immune syste
- Increases deiodination of T4 to T
HGH as Anabolic Supplements
As aforementioned above, HGH is also used for muscle growth, fat loss, performance enhancement and protein synthesis, which are all beneficial for both bodybuilders and athletes alike.
However, these types of drugs are not approved by the FDA. Any attempt to build muscle or improve athletic performance such as anabolic steroids, are automatically not recognized by the FDA as its effects are still unknown. Anti-aging HGH products are likewise not approved by the agency.
Some of the claimed anabolic effects of HGH supplementation include:
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- Lean muscle growth
- Fat loss
- Energy boost
- Increased sexual performance
- Better quality of sleep
- Metabolism increase
- Mental clarity
- Faster recuperation from workouts
Though some workout geeks have experienced great results with HGH supplementation (by the way of injections or pills), and doesn’t mean that it will work for you and it won’t trigger side effects. Some of the most infamous HGH side effects include:
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- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Numbness and tingling of the skin
- High cholesterol levels
- Swelling due to fluid in the body’s tissues – edema
- Nerve, muscle or joint pain
- May contribute to the growth of cancer tumors
- Increases your risk of diabetes and heart conditions
Side effects are not just your only worries with regards to HGH, there are also HGH counterfeit drugs in the market which can increase your risks of the aforementioned side effects when taken. So it is hard to pinpoint a particular HGH supplement whether it contains safe HGH or not. Otherwise, getting HGH from your doctor is a wiser choice but also highly unlikely if you will use it for bodybuilding.
So Do You Need HGH Supplements?
HGH is typically administered as an injection under the skin. Spray and pill supplement HGH forms claim that it also produces similar results as injected form of the drug.
However, most of these products are called growth hormone releasers, which means that it will only stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more hormone, and will not provide synthetic hormones. These products however, are more safer than injectible drugs because the formula used are mostly based on herbs and natural resources.
There are no proof that these products are effective in producing anabolic effects like what steroids offer. So before you take HGH supplements, you need to consult your doctor first before you even purchase an HGH releasing supplement.
But if you have true growth hormone deficiency, then HGH medication will be beneficial for you. Your doctor will prescribe the best HGH drug for your health condition.
HGH drugs are beneficial for those who have insufficient or deficient in growth hormone production. However, you have to think twice before using HGH supplements for bodybuilding purposes as these products are not completely proven to be effective and safe.
Though there are some positive reviews about HGH releasers, you should consider that these products have marketing experts that uplift their brands in excellent manner just to make more sales.
As a health advocate, I suggest that you talk to your doctor about your condition and see if HGH drugs can help solve your health issues. Eating a healthy diet along with regular physical exercise can help improve your health naturally. These activities will help give you a better outlook in life, physically, mentally and emotionally.
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MayoClinic – Human Growth Hormone for the images