If you are an athlete or a fitness buff, you probably heard an extract called Deer Antler Velvet that is believed capable of providing dozens of anabolic effects.
Well, this extract has been in the mainstream media due to its supposedly powerful health properties. But above all, deer antler has been the subject of debate whether it can truly improve your overall workout program or not.
Read on and learn if Deer Antler Velvet can indeed be useful on your bodybuilding regimen, or is just a pure hype.
What is Deer Antler Velvet?
Deer Antler Velvet is a term used to describe the antler velvet harvested from the antlers of deer, moose and elk. The antlers are crushed and compounds are extracted from the animal before it becomes solid bone. This means that no animal is harmed during antler velvet’s extraction.
The compound is composed of minerals, nutrients, prostaglandins and essential amino acid complex. Such minerals include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus and sodium.
Deer Antler Velvet also contains various bioactive peptides, polysaccharides (carbohydrates), fatty acids (oleic, vaccenic and palmitic acids), glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin sulfate), collagen and hyaluronic acid.
This extract is also packed with hormones such as androstenedione, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, progesterone and estradiol. With such hormone content, Deer Antler Velvet provides dozens of benefits that aids a lot of conditions such as growth, inflammation, muscle activity, blood pressure and many others.
Deer Antler Velvet is sold as a dietary supplement that comes either from China, Korea or Australia.
Deer Antler Velvet as Growth Hormone
Experts describe deer antler as an essential growth hormone called “insulin-like growth factor 1”, or simply known in the bodybuilding community as IGF-1.
There are a lot of growth factor supplements in the market today, and Deer Antler Velvet is one of the most popular and bestselling extract when it comes to this issue.
As an IGF-1 compound, it helps stimulate growth hormone production for maximum lean muscle mass increase and other anabolic benefits. This means that antler velvet is also used to address growth hormone deficiency. Too much growth hormones however, may also lead to side effects.
How does Deer Antler Velvet Work?
Deer Antler Velvet works in various ways to help improve your overall health. It has been used for thousands of years in China as a medicinal aid for numerous health conditions.
However, the efficacy of the deer antler velvet on your health will depend on the animal from which it was taken, including the animal’s dieting regimen, according to most experts.
In Chinese traditional medicine, Deer Antler Velvet is used a a medicinal treatment mainly for infertility, joint inflammation and hypertension. But since technology has evolved, we have more ways to uncover the properties of certain compounds and experts discovered that Deer Antler Velvet can provide far more benefits.
For example, Deer Antler Velvet prostaglandins which are known to help control blood pressure, inflammation, glandular secretion, calcium movement, hormone regulation and cell growth control.
Prostaglandins are also involved in the processes of nerve impulses, plays a good role in the body’s defenses against infection, and stimulates the rate of your metabolism.
In today’s fitness world. Deer Antler Velvet is used to help enhance mental function, immune system, recovery, strengthens joints, increases strength, stamina and lean muscle mass.
This compound also helps improve libido of both men and women, which is the reason why you also see antler velvet extract on various sexual enhancing supplements. Some reports say that this extract can also help speed up wound healing, slows down aging and balances iron levels.
Can Deer Antler Velvet Stimulate your HGH Levels?
As aforementioned above, Deer Antler Velvet can help increase your body’s natural growth hormone production. When you say growth hormone, it is implied as human growth hormone or HGH in simple term.
Also known as Somatotropin, an amino acid that is produced in the pituitary gland of the brain, growth hormones actually have important functions in human development because it mainly affect skeletal growth.
HGH levels starts to decline after puberty and when you hit the age of 60, your HGH drops to a whopping 20%. This affects your sex life, growth, muscle to fat ratio, mental capacity and many others.
So increasing your growth hormones can definitely reverse or halt such health declines. This can be done by taking dietary supplements that promotes growth hormone production stimulation.
Plus, increasing your HGH also helps increase your natural free testosterone levels. This will help bring back your lost sex drive and will help elevate your energy and physical performance.
Who Can Use Deer Antler Velvet?
According to some research about this extract, both healthy and unhealthy adults (those who have low levels of growth hormones) can benefit from Deer Antler Velvet.
Though antler velvet is used for various health purposes, this extract is now widely used as natural alternative anabolic supplement to help stimulate insulin, protein synthesis and muscle growth.
You can take Deer Antler Velvet supplements to get favorable results. But as mentioned above, not all deer antler velvet extract are created equal as efficient ones can only come from healthy animals.
So you have to be picky when choosing a growth hormone supplement to ensure that you will get results. One that I highly recommend is BioAntler.
Is Deer Antler Velvet Safe and How Much Dose Should be Taken?
Deer Antler Velvet is not yet completely studied and there are no daily requirement dosage exist so far.
Most experts however, are considering this extract as SAFE for both bodybuilding and other health purposes.
There are no symptoms of deficiency exist so far, and there are no official complaints of side effects published online. There are no information whether Deer Antler Velvet can interact with other drugs, and you might get some measures of allergies when taking this supplement.
According to WebMD, it is safe to take Deer Antler Velvet up to 12 weeks.
Deer Antler Velvet is one of today’s bestselling IGF-1 supplement due to the aforementioned facts above. Still, there are people who suggests that this extract is not effective at all and is unproven.
If you are planning to take Deer Antler Velvet for fitness and muscle building, you are encouraged to incorporate a regular and intense workout program to get your desired results.
You also have to ensure that you have your doctor’s approval before you use any Deer Antler Velvet supplements that are retailed in the market.
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Image Credit: National Geographic
References: Examine.com | WebMD