CrazyBulk Bulking Stack

Optimum bulking stack for your bodybuilding needs.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is just one of thousands of supplement stacks or bundles online, that promises to help increase your overall muscular physique.

In basketball, many people wants to be like Mike. In bodybuilding, most lifters want to look like either Dwayne Johnson or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is this sounds like you?

Okay, whatever your motivation maybe, you are probably hunting the Internet for the best possible supplements that can support your overall fitness program.

But if you want to gain serious strength and muscle mass, then CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is one of the best options that you have right now!

What is CrazyBulk Bulking Stack?

This bodybuilding supplement stack is from a UK-based company called CrazyBulk. This stack is composed of 4 bestselling CrazyBulk brands that promotes mega muscle gains – Testo-Max, D-Bal, Decaduro and Trenorol.

These supplements are formulated to help increase your muscle mass, strength and are focused on getting you that bodybuilder look. So if you want to get huge and ripped, this stack is for you.

That is the reason why these supplements are called bulking stack.

Unlike cutting stack that is focused on getting your body shredded and lean out. CrazyBulk’s cutting stack pills include Clenbuterol, Anvarol, Winsol and NO2 Max.

These brand names do look and sounds real steroids such as dianabol or deca durabolin. But these supplements are 100% natural and safe. They are intended to promote similar anabolic effects of steroids without risking your health to side effects.

There are other brands in the market that promote similar formulas and  are even called “steroid alternatives”. Brands such as Stack Labs,, or Crazy Mass, all appears to offer great supplements but CrazyBulk is actually the most legit.

First off, here are the benefits of choosing CrazyBulk Bulking Stack for your fitness needs:

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  • Safe and legal steroid alternatives
  • No needles or prescriptions
  • Rapid results within 30 days
  • Free delivery worldwide
  • Money back guarantee
  • Workout freebies and support


So you might ask, what makes this stack so effective and popular among lifters and athletes?

Read on and I’ll give you detailed review of this bulking stack so that you can have a better idea if these are the right supplements for you.


d-bolD-Bal is CrazyBulk’s own dianabol (methandrostenolone) steroid alternative supplement. It is designed to give you fast muscle gains, improved strength and can be used for bridging between cycles to help maintain muscle gains.

Methandrostenolone has been used by seasoned lifters, athletes and even celebrities, to help give them massive and bigger physique in a very short period of time.

However, methandrostenolone has been banned in most countries especially in the US and the UK due to its harmful health effects.

D-Bal is formulated to mimic the effects of this steroid but is unlikely to trigger any unwanted side effects due to its all natural formula. So just to be clear, D-Bal is not a steroid.

The ingredients are whey protein concentrate, branched chain amino acids (isoleucine, leucine and valine), and tribulus terrestris.

Read our review of D-Bal here to learn more.


Testo-MaxAs its name suggest, Testo-Mas is CrazyBulk’s testosterone-boosting formula which features 225mg per serving of tribulus terrestris, a herb proven to increase testosterone production in the body.

This product is formulated to help improve your muscle strength while preventing body fat storage.

Since Testo-Max can boost your testosterone levels, it is guaranteed to help trigger positive health effects for you such as muscle gains, libido boost, increased nitrogen retention, strength and stamina improvement, and improved blood flow.

Testo-Max can also help prevent gyncomastia, a disorder commonly affecting male lifters where their chest becomes swollen (called man boobs).

Aside from its key agent tribulus terrestris, other ingredients of this product include d-aspartic acid, fenugreek, ginseng extract, B vitamins, zinc gluconate and selenium.

Learn more about Test-Max here.

crazybulk bulking stacks testimonials


decaduroThis supplement is an alternative formula to the more popular steroid called deca durabolin. Like dianabol, deca durabolin is equally potent on its anabolic effects but is highly infamous for its side effects. Plus, this steroid has been shown to suppress your testosterone levels.

So, deca durabolin is also not the most ideal substance to take when you intend to bulk up and get bigger physique.

Decaduro is designed to increase your lean muscle mass, shed body fat, boosts nitrogen retention, resists water retention, strength increase and promotes quick recovery.

Ingredients of product include wild yam root, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, Korean ginseng, DHEA and magnesium stearate.

Read more about Decaduro here.


trenorolHave you guessed which steroid this product is based from? If you are thinking about Trenbolone, then you are correct!

Trenbolone is a steroidal drug known for its powerful muscle growth effects. It is known to limit water retention and can truly harden you muscles during and after workouts.

Most bodybuilders use Trenbolone due to its ability to increase IGF-1, an anabolic hormone found in your muscle tissue.

While this steroid is highly potent and effective in boosting your gains, it is also infamous for side effects.

This include minor to major issues such as elevated body temperature, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, dark colored urine, night sweats, breathlessness, high blood pressure, low sex drive, increased heart rate and many others.

So to avoid these side effects, you need to take alternative supplements that offer similar benefits but absolutely zero side effects. CrazyBulk’s answer to that is Trenorol!

Trenorol won’t give you any adverse effects but only the results that you want. It is designed to increase your muscle gains, workout performance and can even promote fat burning!

Ingredients include beta sitosterol, samento inner bark, nettle leaf extract and pepsin.

Read our review of Trenorol here to learn more.

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Try CrazyBulk Bulking Stack Now


crazybulk bulking stack supplements

Are these Supplements Safe?

As aforementioned above, all the supplements in CrazyBulk Bulking Stack are 100% natural and safe. They are not steroids and are unlikely to trigger any unwanted side effects.

If you want to make sure that you’ll get safe supplementation, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take any products in CrazyBulk Bulking Stack.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack Review Summary

With all bulking stacks that I reviewed so far, CrazyBulk Bulking Stack has the most reliable formula that can truly support your bulking program.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack has a good reputation in the bodybuilding community as I found no complaints about these brands online. Plus, it offers a very reasonable price compared to other supplement combos – $179.99 only.

And CrazyBulk is kind enough to give you refunds on all unopened bottles in case you change your mind or these brands didn’t meet your needs. So that is a very lucrative and enticing offers for you.

But wait there’s more!

Aside from refunds, free shipping worldwide and a reasonable price, each purchase of CrazyBulk Bulking Stack gives you a free Bulking Guide.

This how-to-guide will show you how to successfully gain massive muscle mass from your workout program.

crazybulk bulking stack with freebies

Where to Buy CrazyBulk Bulking Stack?

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is available online through its official website only. Click the link below to buy your bottle now!

Purchase CrazyBulk Bulking Stack here

Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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CrazyBulk Bulking Stack
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